Fasting 101. Put some POWER to your ABSTINENCE.

Hey Fam, Gosh, God is so amazing!!!And so merciful. INSERT REAL TEARSLolI had a whole moment of conviction over the weekend on fasting. You see, the WILD WOMEN concluded our 21 day fast on Saturday with the fasts, both corporate and personal. I have learned a few things about fasting that the Lord would have […]

Fasting Can Make You Add Weight, Here’s How

NB: This post was originally authored by me and published on the theladiesroom.ng, an online blogging site. With fasting, you are skipping meals (albeit now for spiritual reasons). Sadly, your flesh doesn’t recognise that and would assume you are hoarding food from it, especially if you are fasting for prolonged periods Fasting can make you […]


For some reason, my mood suddenly nose dived by Saturday evening. First it was my strength that had been declining and then my mood, and finally my spirit. Aaarrrggggh. Anybody ever been there? Now make no mistakes, I have done very well relating with most people all through this period ooo. You really would not […]