#AttitudeO’Gratitude… Day PAY.IT.FORWARD

Yay!!! So today I am paying it forward… I’ll be thanking Him in advance because my testimonies are sure… Sharing this publicly would also make me accountable to my faith… I must stay in faith till I get my victory and by december 31, I would be right back to testify in appreciation… Deal? Lezzdodis… […]
#AttitudeO'Gratitude… Day 7

Oh… What a glorious day… On a scale of 1 to 10, today gets a 50!!! What an absolutely FAB day!!! By 12noon, I had enough testimonies and stuff to be grateful for… But I had to chill till now… Bad idea… Cos I’m drop dead tired right now but the show must go on… […]
#AttitudeO'Gratitude… Day 6

Yipee Day 6… It gets better everyday jare. I must confess. \ This series makes all the sense ooo. You really should do this if you are a Blogger. It has good effects on you and then on your blog. #Twoforthepriceofone Hehehehe Before I begin, lemme shalla to all my partners-in-gratitude… The offline ones. Daily […]