Hallo my Darlings,
Ok so does anyone feel like a VERY FULL SPIRIT? Like this year is just doing me gish gish, that is a mixture of excitement, plus surprise, plus fire, plus discipline, plus seriousness, plus FOR REAL? Plus it all… It just looks like I year I wanna GUMBODY TO MY JESUS and not look to the left or the right… No time for yamayama…
Ok so I’m super excited about this particular POWWOW for Stay at Home moms.
My heart is so full… and super expectant. Btw, how amazing that this is my FIFTH Powwow with E’.
We started December 2016 and we are on our fifth. Awesome stuff.
Anyways I typed this mail to DDK sometime this past week and as I thought of what I wanted to share on my blog about this meeting, the Holy Spirit told me to share from the mail I sent to DDK.
It truly captures my heart as I plan to host this
This is INBOX stuff but I am opening up to you guys. Please feel free to share with Stay At Home Moms you know. Just 15 chicks though and you gotta register so hurry. And yes, BABIES ARE ALLOWED. We love babies at POWWOW with E’
Ok here we go…
As a background…
So I used to work with the UNITED NATIONS in Abuja and then had to quit my career, which really was ALL I dreamed about in school, and relocate first to Bonny and then Lagos after I had my first son. It hurt. I was DEPRESSED and so darn jealous of everyone else in a career. I compared my life as it was and what it could have been to others. IT WAS A CRAZY SEASON. I was a super frustrated wife and a joyless mom. I did the craziest things, including locking hubby out and throwing things around the house. My Bible and Prayers were moved to the background as I spent time on gossip blogs, social media, TV and eating. That was how I added so much weight.
Thankfully, before things went out of control, the movie WAR ROOM launched and as I read reviews and saw clips, my healing started. I shut down EVERYTHING and opened my Bible and Journal. My relationship with God started to thrive again, and then somehow, I started to take my weight loss journey up and seriously. Then the transformation started to occur and become very visible and today has just BLOWN me away.
Yes, there is CoachE’Squad Ltd and all, but really the real RADICAL TRANSFORMATION happened when I started to renew my mind with the Word of God. Then started to REALLY LEAN INTO solid teachings from various men and chicks of God AND APPLY THEM.
Oh my life changed and it was BEYOND WEIGHT LOSS.
JOY filled my life and HOPE was restored LONG BEFORE I became CoachE’.
I KNOW what it means to be a frustrated, depressed stay at home mom who feels like she is stuck in a joyless, thankless, hopeless and frustrating season. I KNOW what it means to be broke and disgusted. I know the angst of being what i thought was just a STAY AT HOME MOM, changing diapers and pumping milk, while the world moved on, without noticing you…
BUT GOD HELPED ME and it is my privilege to be used by Him to help other moms as I share my story and journey.
I believe God led me to you because my first encounter with your teachings set a lot of things right as I built on the foundation that had been laid by my other Teachers both distant and close. It would be my highest privilege to host you and have you minister to women in the same season…
The WORD the Lord gave me for it is
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
GOD IS SO AMAZING. I literally lived through this verse and I still am. I KNOW I am going to be SO BLESSED by that teaching.
The meeting will be an intimate one, with JUST 15 women and will hold on Thursday January 18, 2018 at XXXX, Lekki Phase 1. It will start at 10am and most likely round up at 2/3, before workers have to leave the island and traffic starts.
Aside from sharing my story, and showing a video which God asked me to, then the floor is all yours and the Holy Spirit’s. The Word, impartation and prayers especially. And as He leads. Oh PRAYERS!!! Phew!!!
The video btw is a PROPEL WOMEN video on THE MYTH OF HAVING IT ALL and that was one resource that crazy reset my life, especially per social media comparison and all. It features Christine Caine, Lisa Harper, and more…
It is a 30min video.
I am SO THANKFUL to have you on board especially as I know you lead a full productive life. I do not take it for granted at all. AT ALL.

Phew… This was long, but I needed to share my heart and the vision behind this.
If there are any more questions, I would be happy to respond.
That’s all darlings. I am SO EXCITED at the RADICAL TRANSFORMATION that is about to hit you as a stay at home mom. I recall the night God moved me to get up and pray for this meeting and what He showed me…
It was like a vicious pull out from darkness to light. That is what he is set to do with us all…
You will find JOY, PURPOSE and STRENGTH in your season as you fully immerse in it. Let God transform you, and show you what HIS ULTIMATE will for His life too…

Email is powwow@eziaha.com
Countdown is REAL and there are TWO BEAUTIFUL SURPRISES already from the meeting. I can LITERALLY NOT WAIT!!! Obviously I had to XXX it out from the mail… Hehe
So much love guys,