I sat in January listening to Pastor Dele talk about the end times, both Rapture, the Great Tribulation and the Second coming of Christ. It was NOT His original message, just a spontaneous yet almost 40min teaching at one of PDDK’s event. I was confused. What did he mean? Was Jesus coming twice? It peaked my interest in the Book of Revelations and I am so glad I went THERE. Fam, Jesus is coming AGAIN and eternity in heaven with Jesus or damning hell with satan is REAL. We must NEVER forget it!!!

Hey Fam,

Last week was an interesting one for me. Personally, I have been STUDYING, like taking a real deep dive into the Revelation of Jesus Christ to John, aka the Book of Revelations. When we were younger, this book elicited fear in us, what with all the gory details about fights and demons and evil and satan. Now that I am older, and I invest in a systematic study of the Bible (Check out how I study the Bible here), of course I knew one day I would get to Revelations and so here am I.

Is it a scary book? Yes, at some point it does get scary, but frankly, I have not been scared for myself cos I am 100% sure where I am going. I am just scared for anyone I know missing the Rapture, which is different and will happen first, before the Second coming, which will happen after the WORST 7years on earth for those left behind.

Fam, for REAL, one day which NOBODY knows, the skies will open, and JESUS will appear, and we who have believed on Him name for REAL will be caught up in the skies with him

For the Lord himself will appear with the declaration of victory, the shout of an archangel, and the trumpet blast of God. He will descend from the heavenly realm and command those who are dead in Christ to rise first. Then we who are alive will join them, transported together in clouds to have an encounter with the Lord in the air, and we will be forever joined with the Lord. So encourage one another with these truths.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 TPT

16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the believers who have died[a] will rise from their graves. 17 Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever. 18 So encourage each other with these words.

I Thessalonian 4:16-18

I find it interesting that Paul ends that thought by saying we should encourage one another with these words. Cos honestly, knowing that all the drama in the world will one day be left behind, and then we will be raptured is GOOD NEWS indeed.

Revelations really is God’s letter to us to do this life on earth well. It is our reminder that life doesn’t end with this phase. Right after the Rapture of the Church as it is called, which is what will happen first, and what we should ALL aim for, then there will be these 7 years of DOOM on earth for those remaining as that would be the rule of satan. If we think life is tough now, imagine just how bad it will get then, before the Second coming of Christ to now take over what was originally His. Those 7 years will be HARDER to stay faithful. Most people will fall away and find it easier to follow his rule.

After that, Jesus will come and finally its eternity with him or with the devil

I like the way this quote says it

“The first time [Christ] came to slay sin in men. The second time He will come to slay men in sin.” A.W Pink

Now we are in the middle of both comings, and we all NOW have the opportunity to LIVE for Jesus.

Like for real!!!

I am committed to keep on playing my part to keep all of us aware and living for Him, while making sure I stay on the straight and narrow because I will be raptured with the Church. And just as I kept thinking of my studies this week, especially from Revelations 6 to 8, my heart was both stirred and broken. Then I chanced on the message AJS preached last week on the Church and he started by reminding us that Christ is coming back fir His Bride and His Bride MUST be prepared for Him. He is coming for a perfect Bride. AJS then went ahead to teach us practically sins to watch out for in the Church, aka in your life.

You can watch the message here 7 deadly sins that must be purged from the Church

Then as if that was not enough, I was visiting with my parents this weekend and I decided to go on Daystar, only to see a whole documentary on the Rapture and the Second coming of Christ.


I was blown away. I am sure my Father was wondering why I was watching with such rapt attention that nobody could change it.

It was like God sounding an alarm for me to share too. I had a whole ‘noda content planned for the week, but really, this is the word for NOW!!!

The documentary talked about Bible Prophecies about the end time and how the Church is no longer focused on that BECAUSE it is not a popular message; current members don’t wanna hear it, and new members will already feel judged and stuff, but this thing is REAL!!!

And we must preach it even more.

We need to first live like Jesus Christ Followers, aware that the Rapture of the Church, the Second Coming of Christ, and the 7 years of Great tribulation on earth are real, and that everything we do on earth is USELESS if we miss heaven.

Now this is not a call to be so heavenly conscious that we become earthly useless, but this is the time to stay faithful, impact lives for good, while keeping our eyes and focus away from this world and to eternity

Questions you must ask yourself are

Where will I be spending eternity?
When the Trumpet sounds, will I be a part of those raptured with the Church?
All the pleasures of this world which I allow distract me, will it be worth it in the end?

And so on!!!

I submit that we should ALL read and study Revelations. It really shows us the mercy of God, AND the joy of being with Him for ever. And of course, the punishment when we refuse His love and mercy, but I am sure you wanna be in the former, not the latter.

Like AJS said in that message, we cannot say that we don’t have access to the Word and solid teaching. Nah. Not in this age. We cannot claim ignorance at all.

All we now need to do it steward out lives in such a way that we make enough time to hear the truth on a regular and receive the Grace He offers to do!!! satan uses everything and one of his major tools of trade now is TECHNOLOGY and DISTRACTIONS!!! Which is why I believe God has been leading me to lead this JOYFUL rebellion against overwhelm , cos that is what happens when you allow distractions take over your life!!! You are so overwhelmed that stewarding a God-life is what keeps being compromised. Like you are literally SO BUSY progressing to hell fire!!!

Kick overwhelm Buh-bye

Kick Overwhelm Buh-bye (PT 2)

Wake up, Fam!!!

Fam, Rapture is real. Jesus is coming again. And honestly, the years of the Great Tribulation is what you should NEVER be a part of!!!

As for me, I am committed to keep on living for Him, raising my kids for Him too, and preaching His gospel via my content everywhere.

I hope you too are!!!

God bless you

Your Sister in Christ

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