I am hoping you didn’t miss the posts in this series E’ in th’ mix.

Simply, I am sharing lyrics to songs that have blessed me. And also links when i can. But otherwise, google is your FREE friend still ๐Ÿ™‚

In case you missed it, here are links to the two I have done on Show Jesus by Jamie Grace and If we are the body by the Casting crowns.

A dear friend said the song SHOW JESUS reminds her of me. I love that song.

Today I wanna share a song that remind me of ME… The song is just ME

I was riding back from church two sundays ago or so with a chic who did the ‘Oh you are THE Eziaha, i read your blog’ looool. That just makes me laugh as to how popular I am getting. And of course thank GOD. So the song just started playing on the radio. The chic said it was an old song but I had never heard it prior to then.


The GOD in me by Mary Mary.ย please enjoy and download here


I just wanna tell the truth man [4x]

[Verse 1:]
You’re so fly your so high
Everybody around you trying to figure out why
Your so cool you win all the time
Everywhere you go man you get a lot of shine

Boy like a magnet better yet I have it
Everything you wear people say they got have it
From the sweat suit to the white tee to the gucci

You can probably say people wanna get like me

But what they don’t know is when you go home
and get behind closed doors man you hit the floor
and what they can’t see is your on your knees
So the next time you get it just tell em


It’s the God in me [5x]
you think I’m so fresh you think I’m so clean
You think I’m so sweet It’s the God in me

What is it, you think you see?
It’s the God in Me

[Verse 2:]
You see her style you think she nice
you look at her whip you say the whip tight

You look at her crib you thinkin she paid
you look at her life you think she’s got it made

but everything she got the girl’s been given
She calls it a blessing but you call it living
When it comes to money she can be a hero
She writes them checks with a whole lot of zeros
But what you don’t know is when she get home
and get behind closed doors man she hit the floor
and what you can’t see is she on her knees
And if you ask her she’ll tell ya

It’s the God in me [5x]
you think I’m so fresh you think I’m so clean
You think I’m so sweet It’s the God in me
What is it, you think you see?
It’s the God in Me

What is it you think you see
when you see me, you see me
You don’t know how much I pray

don’t know how much I gave
don’t know how much I changed
I’m just tryna explain

It’s the God in me [5x]
you think I’m so fresh you think I’m so clean
You think I’m so sweet It’s the God in me
What is it you think you see? Its The God in Me

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah Its the God in Me Yeeah.


To add anymore would be to take away from this.

I feel I wrote the lyrics or they wrote it for me…


FABtastic. 5 stars baby. CLASSIC

Have a GOD-FULL to bursting week ahead,




I know I spoke about some posts I would be putting on. Yes, they are all in the works and would go up this week, all other things being equal ok. So stop crying ๐Ÿ™‚


My FAB n’ CASH segment is still running. The first on was about the ST COLORS salesย here and I am happy to say that a lot of you took it seriously and ordered yours. Yhe FAB neckpiece I have on in some of the pictures was from that sales. Tho I didnt return with it after the birthday i anchored. Someone took it, but I was happy to give it out tho… Sow actually. #GIVINGisBLESSING

So if you have a business that you would like to announce right here on my blog for FREE, holler at me. i have three pending already and I would run it as soon as possible. My blog is getting really popular ooo. Don’t test the GOD in me mehn… Do this while it is still free, tomorrow cometh when… (fill in the blanks) ๐Ÿ™‚


Comments are very welcome ooo. Please feel free to drop comments here. Don’t just read and run off. drop a line, share what you have read and enjoyed. i really wanna hear from you. It can also be done anonymously. Don’t forget to stop by too at my NYSC blog where I am making sure serving Corps members do not waste this one year by sharing inspiring stories and stuff that can be done this one year and create impact. The address is www.iseegreenng.wordpress.com I am working on a series on ‘HOW NYSC can land you your DREAM JOB.’ย  I cant wait to have it running. Amazing very practical stuff. So please read and spread word to all the Corpers you know and of course comment too. While the blog is biased to Corpers, everyone too can learn a thing or two, You never know when and where you would need it. remember, a wise man stores up knowledge…



9 Responses

  1. Fresh.

    I’m the first to comment. Yayyy!

    That’s my song. It’s the God in me. I actually organized a dance for it. lol.

    I’ll play it again.

    Good one, E!

    Go General!

  2. I listened 2ur testimony @DCC on sunday, u sound beta dan u write, I hope ure gettin married in DCC o, wld luv 2attend.lol

    1. That’s it… I’m recording my voice. I need to hear it.
      thanks dear
      And as for dCc, hmmm let’s wait and see…
      Thanks cathy for dropping by

    2. That’s it… I’m recording my voice. I need to hear it.
      thanks dear
      That’s a sweet compliment cos I know I write great ๐Ÿ™‚
      And as for dCc, hmmm let’s wait and see…
      Thanks cathy for dropping by

  3. Yeah…in all things…D God in us is ALWAYS working and showing himself strong. Never heard d song but d lyrics make sense.Sometimes one cnt just believe how Great God is. I go to bed most nights nd I’m like ‘Dear God, I was awesome today, can I b awesome again tomoro?’ Nd yeahhhhhh…it happens…again and again. Nd when I experience difficulties, iv come to realise he just wants to make me strong and then the solution becomes simple…and I know He is working…AS USUAL. THE GOD IN ME. He manages my affairs just fine…no need to worry.

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