Ok yawl, I have EPIC news that is making me all GIDDY and excited cos it is one that will kick devil’s butt real hard while pumping us with LIFE, STRENGTH, JOY and MORE!!!
Come on and bless HIS name.
Ok so in about SIX weeks, Tuesday March 26 precisely, 300 (or more) Domestic Queens will come together to WARSHIP and WORSHIP.

Meaning we will SHUT DOWN hell and bring heaven to earth in our homes, our lives and those of our husbands and kids
You see, since I started connecting more with stay at home moms, I have HEARD enough. Gosh I HATE satan like I don’t know what.
He has tried to steal, kill and destroy, but guess who is done giving him real estate in her life?
You and Me.
Which is why we are coming together to WORSHIP God in songs and then do warfare in our war-ship as we pray!!!
We will be breaking strongholds, setting captives free, restoring joy, destroying the spirit of suicide and depression, and generally becoming more and more the WARRIOR MOM and WIFE God has called us to be even as Stay at home moms.
Gone are the days of sitting down and crying while comparing your life to others.
Girl, just STOP THAT RUBBISH in JESUS name, AMEN!!!
Do YOU know how much POWER you carry?
How much damage you can do to satan when you start to appropriate that power?
Abeg my sister, leave satan, let’s do EPIC together right from our homes
I am reminded of the Prophet Nathan and what he said to Bathsheba about her son when Adonijah set himself up as King…
1 Kings 1 v 11ff
So, Nathan spoke to Bathsheba the mother of Solomon, saying, “Have you not heard that Adonijah the son of Haggith has become king, and David our lord does not know it? 12 Come, please, let me now give you advice, that you may save your own life and the life of your son Solomon. 13 Go immediately to King David and say to him, ‘Did you not, my lord, O king, swear to your maidservant, saying…
He told her POINT BLANK, if you do nothing, your son’s life is at stake. GO IMMEDIATELY and SAY TO THE KING…
Some of this laziness, over sleeping, jealousy, comparison, gossip, non-chalance and all you are playing with, it is YOUR LIFE and your CHILDREN’S life at stake here!!!
We say NO MORE.
We arise and do what Bathsheba did
So, what did she do?
She went to the presence of her husband the King…
She first of all WORSHIPPED…
Then she presented her request to him, which really is what PRAYERS ARE…
Taking what God has said back to HIM!!!
Then guess what? She got her request
My sister, that is what WORSHIP & WAR-SHIP is about…
Worshipping our King and taking our request, all based off the promises in His Word BACK TO HIM!!!
And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the 2 women the Lord has graciously allowed to steward us through those 3hours
My very own mama, Pastor Mildred Kingsley-Okonkwo

If I start talk about my mama, una go taya haha. She’s truly a mother, a PROPHETIC WARRIOR MOM!!!
Then blesSING, the same worship Minister who set our last program ablaze in December. I cannot WAIT to be LAID OUT!!!

Best part is that Blessing is mama’s spiritual daughter so we will be having generational blessings in that room…
Ok so I am super excited as you can probably tell and I cannot wait
It will hold somewhere in Ikeja, Lagos and it is WORTH IT your travelling down to attend if it is at all possible.

And guess what? There will be NO CHAIRS and tables. We did fancy at our last event, now it is time to WAR and we need you to have enough space to express yourself. If you need to sit, then sit on the floor

Also, you can bring your kids. Infact I think part of the melody of warfare we will be raising to God is the cry and sound from our kids so please bring those babies.
Ok so here is the registration link : bit.ly/Powwowqueens and only those registered will get more info and a few surprises up our sleeves
You can always contact us via detail in flier too
I love you mama and I cannot wait to see you THRIVE, be FRUITFUL. POWERFUL and EPIC even as a Stay at home mom
Please help us spread word, darling. I am banking on you. Just use the link of this blog and the flier on your social media platforms and WhatsApp statuses too.
Then even though I have a core planning team, I would like to open THREE volunteer slots up to anyone who is led to. This really will be about you learning and drawing grace as you serve, so especially if you feel God calling you to plan Christian events and all and you would like to see what the Behind the scenes looks like, then apply.
Send an email to powwowqueens@gmail.com with the subject POWWOW VOLUNTEER
Remember you have to also be available on that day which is a Tuesday. The rest of the volunteering is done online, including daily prayers too until that day.
Ok so Moms, don’t forget to register here bit.ly/Powwowqueens and I cannot wait to see and HUG yawl…
Prayers and Love,
Your Domestic Queen-in-Love
pls the registration link isn’t working
Bit.ly/Powwowqueens (the P is capital boo)