Do you KNOW the difference between your JOURNAL, GODLY FRIENDSHIPS and YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA? My personal story!!!
Do you know the difference between your journal,friendships and social media or is social media wrongly taking the place of the others? This post was first published in February 2018. Let’s take a read. Hey yawl Been a bit of a minute here and I am actually working on MY LIFE, so that I can […]
Dear (Nigerian)Believers, STOP IT!!!
I think the comedy of Nigerians is of a special brand I think the comedy of Nigerian Christians is of a SPECIAL special brand. Nigerians IN NIGERIA are celebrating HALLOWEEN??? Even Believers ooo!!! Oooooh!!! * in my igbotic accent* Ike gwuru… What is Halloween please? Ok this is actually funny and because the next thing […]
Marriage, through the eyes of a young Christian man, @walejana
When Eziaha spoke to me and told me so many nice things about myself, I was blushing! *Hold that thought* So what exactly did I tell Wale that got him blushing? A lil history first. I have never met Wale physically nor his beautiful wife Toyin but they are my BBM buds. I frankly don’t […]
Celebrity, NOT Role Model.
CELEBRITY: A famous person. A Star. A Superstar. A MegaSuperStar. A Popular person. ROLE MODEL: A person whose behaviour, example or success is and can be emulated by others, especially younger people (Source Wiki) An individual who is looked up to and revered by someone else. I LOVE Social Media- Twitter, Facebook and especially Instagram. […]