My January Reading List.

Hey yawl… Ok so as I read today, I felt the HOLY spirit ask me to monthly share my reading list with yawl… I’ve received a ton of feedback from people who say how i have inspired them to read more. That’s WILD. I love that i can help you do that cos really, reading […]
When its OK to drop it.

Heyyyy Fam Oh gosh, I love today’s post so let’s do it. Came to me while listening to this amazing message by Apostle Joshua Selman sent to me by my squaddie turned friend Morenike, which incidentally I THINK was the last service for the year at Koinonia, his fellowship. Please find it on YouTube. Either […]
#LeadershipSeries: On keeping my distraction levels LOW!!!

First, I must apologize for my inconsistency here and especially with the leadership series. 2020 should be better!!! Ok I intend to keep this SHORT because what typically stops me from writing is when I think of all the many things I wanna cram into one blog post (#FirstClassEfikoProbs) No kidding but just below this […]
#LeadWithE’ : My really poor hiring decisions.

Yaaaaay. Say hello to #LeadWithE’ series Super excited that I get to finally launch this here on the blog. So every other Friday, if not sooner, I would share on leadership. By virtue of the amazing church I attend, Daystar, I had been learning so much on leadership and then earlier this year, I got […]