My AMERICANAH story… Part 1

I was very excited to start reading the copy of Americanah that my friend Tani had brought over to my place. Done and dusted, I had to share my own AMERICANAH story. Americanah is a very political opinionated book which the author Chimamanda Adichie tries to downplay with too much romance and talk about natural […]

100 Truths…

Holla Blog Fam… I should find us a name ooo. Just like LIBers, Beliebers, and stuff. I sure will. Ok I ran into this during one of my blo rounds. Don’t recall the blog sef. Just did copy and paste and edited where needed. I filled this Friday evening and Saturday evening too. That’s July […]

Church girls and boys

Disclaimer(lol) This article was written on Thursday Feb 28.But i did not publish till today.  This disclaimer should explain a lot. Pele. Now I am in orientation camp having the time of my life *straight face* Ok, enjoy… Sorry I’ve been MIA I’ve been having so much fun junketing the w̶o̶r̶l̶d̶ Nation… :p Anyways lemme […]