Hey yawl
Week 2 and we going strong still.
I’m typing this on the treadmill to pass time and even though I really reeeeeallly wanna gist you about my help that threatened to beat me but for my ‘condition’ , then ‘harm’ me in threat texts after she left, would rather type that from a laptop.
For today, let’s keep it short and simple.
The next 10days right up to next weekend hold some excitement for me so I’m believing this baby stays in till at least then. Let me share
First tomorrow, going to do some domestic and baby shopping with my help so my assistant is going to help mind my son as going with him to the market will be too stressful and I need to show her around the market. Need her to learn as i stock up my home.
Then this Thursday, I’m handling an insta-live for a friend on THE PURPOSEFUL WIFE and i look forward to sharing some young wife wisdom.
Friday, I’m rehearsing with a new fitness team for a Company’s aerobics training I have. I obviously can’t handle it but I need to be sure they handle it right.
Saturday I have my quarterly meeting with my Ladder holders, aka my team. Sooo looking forward to it. I am sooooooooo thankful for them and especially how much they are growing. I think i stretch them but for some reason, they still consider service a privilege. God truly sends helpers.
*side note : I just looked up to see some guy doing some intense Crunches and all I can think of is PAIN lol. But i know it awaits me after I don born if I will get toned abs again. Kai*
Ok same Saturday, a friend is having a planned C-Section and is coming into Lag for it. She’s having a girl and I am SOOOO EXCITED. Should see her Sunday as she won’t stay long post surgery.
Same saturday I have an interview on City fm in ikeja. Cos show time z 6.30pm, i have to go with my help and son. She is just about a month old so I can’t leave both alone that late.
The next week has more chill till Wednesday when I shoot my last prenatal video. This one will be 16mins i think.
Thursday and Friday are the days I have my trainings with the company.
That week, I’m also expecting my certification from the American Fitness Professionals association as a Prenatal and Postnatal fitness specialist. Yay!!!
Can’t wait. I feel like yawl need to call me Doctor E’ after i get that cos Course was so technical ugh!!!
So after all that whirlwind, I’m probably not getting out of bed Saturday which would be 39weeks. Sunday or Monday I will braid my hair and finally kick back as i await my baby. I believe God will keep this baby in till then.
Even then, my awaiting is no idle one. I still have my day job as CoachE’ so the beat goes on.
So why am i sharing?
Cos I’ve become wiser. With baby 1, I had to stop work on time and the last 2months were CRAZY. Was idle so anxiety and tension. Baby now decided to be 2weeks late. Was soooooo bored. And you know what happens with idleness. Plus i was just eating and sleeping not knowing baby was getting bigger and bigger.
This time though, I will stay fruitful till baby comes and right afterwards too. This baby in the womb has been such a blessing and helped me stay fruitful and I know once out, the blessings and fruitfulness will increase.
I am taking a personal / group daily coaching break (thats on whatsapp) all through September so my last class ends with August. But SavedFit&Pregnant will stay running and that’s cos i wanna share my life with them as it happens. Not stressful at all.
So all I’m doing is selling meal plans for my various programs only in September.
Of course my social media will still run as we are planning in advance to ensure no lull.
Online coaching begins again October.
I’m so thankful for first my team (Bimz, Teni, Derin and my latest Ewa who has been a dream) who really help me and then for my Pastor M and DDK whose counsel, mentoring and practical everyday life I have some privilege of leaning into. These two women especially taught me the importance of team building and having structures that work and are sustainable. Don’t have it all together yet but I have certainly come a long way from the clueless chick last October.
I hope this inspires you to get your life together in schedules and structures that work. 1hour later on this treadmill and over 500 calories down, I’m good to gooooooo.

I see yawls questions and suggestions on what to blog about and I’ll definitely get to those.