Hello people… So here is my surprise surprise…

My grand final on this #AttitudeO’Gratitude challenge…

And I did a double video

Actually triple video…


Disclaimer: I am way prettier than this. I am NOT as fair as this I INISIST… And I speak way better than this too. Looool… I was in a hurry. And I didn’t touch up my makeup since morning (Time was about 15mins to 5)

This is my ‘behind the scenes’/ pre-real shots whatever…


Yes I laugh and gesticulate a whole lot when I talk… I shot this outside church just before our Love Dating and Marriage seminar… I am sure you can hear sounds from church


Please don’t ask me why you have to almost break your neck… I don’t know how to rotate. And frankly, i am just grateful this pulled through because walahi, it was work ooo.Subsequent V-Logs will be better, amen…

Oh there is a part 2… And this one is in the right position… 🙂


Please take my appeal very seriously. Don’t stop living with an AttitudeO’Gratitude…
Phew… After one whole month, I resume work tomorrow.

(I typed this on Sunday evening so I resumed work today and I already blogged about it here )

As much as I am grateful to have a FAB job as a Corper and all, I am soooooo lazy that I have to actually be somewhere NOT my room/bed/house by 7am. Ugh… I have gotten used to sleeping in ooo… But seriously tho, I am happy to start a new session with my students. I smell IMPACT… Impacting my work world for my Sugar daddy Whoop!!! I still have a post on SEX and my STUDENTS on this talk on the birds and the bees… Eye-opening. Ok lemme share my sunday look… Those glasses were the gift from my Booski’s mom which I blogged about here

Dumebi almost fainted from jealousy when she saw the pictures… These glasses are just FABULOUS… Understated, unmissable and FAB…


The glasses just made me look like the FAB Sup’E’Star that I am… And I posted it to my E’staRgram

Yup, feel free to follow E’ on E’staRgram

Eziaha Ajaero is the Instagram name.

Had to rock the Oleku look for our Anniversary service which was super amazing btw….

PhotoGrid_1378042702234 (Some hips bodies  know how to rock Oleku). Love the earrings too… An Old fave of mine…

DCC @ 17… VICTORY all the way

LDM was also amazing. PK preached like a house on fire. WHY MARRY? You should get the CD if you can. And I loved the Q n A session. It is always such an exciting session. And yes, I was the DeeJay for the night.


In DCC, those who work in the projector unit (media) are called DJs… I projected the scriptures and highlights of the message.
Alright… This week, I have the last wedding I’ll be attending for a while (except mine of course).


My Soul Sister Ayomikun and her BD Imoh… One of my Bestos… All the way in Abeokuta… Hitting the road again soon!!! Whoop… My very best marital blessings my darling sister… Love you very much and that much you know…


I can’t begin to explain how much I will miss you. Too painful for words…


She is relocating from Nigeria *tears of blood*

Imoh NOT FAIR ooo…

*more tears*

How many friends do I have that they will be relocating biko nu… Gosh?!!!

Ok FAB’ers…

Before I use my own to spoil your own… Cheers to a very fabulous month ahead… Kisses…


10 Responses

  1. Hehehehehhe *tongue out* Safe trip Ayo :d …hehehehehehe. Pls Ezi, mop d tears of blood when u finish…hehehehehhehe. Its a good thing u put a disclaimer…u almost look like a sufferin village version of Tonto Dikeh in d first video 🙂 Those glasses…I reserve my comment

  2. Would you like to add some chicken to the beef you already have…?
    But seriously booski I look bleached ooo.
    Jeeez And I have used adiagbon for like ever.
    Still watched the videos now and I’m like what???!!! Btw tonto is a fine girl. Whether village or town.
    Lemme not say your own here… But I will just say no one should spend a full minute watching “Dumebi the dirty girl” Cha-ching!!!! Tongue out E’

    1. #dang# Sweety, all d guests on ur high table are goin to hv a copy of dt movie as souvenirs. Dnt cast d movie yetooooo. Cos I’m gonna shock u…hehehehehe

      1. Why do you think I’m budgeting big for security? The Nigerian navy. I hear they are the meanest…
        No one misbehaving will be exempt. Especially not my maid of honor.
        Whoever she is, she better be warned.

  3. Yaaaay!!!
    Finally your first V-log on your blog!
    *dancing for you*

    Ehen, shey u know u’re gon be doing a post on ‘Why Marry?’ Preferably a looong v-log! 😀
    #Thanks in Advance 😀

    And prepare ‘my room’ oh…
    GiantSparkle’s coming a-visiting 😛

    1. Alarmmmm!!!!! Biko, Giantsparkle, from where naaaaa? Which room? Visit who? Ahhhahhhnnnn. Is it bcos of u I am being threatened wit ‘Naval officers’ abi na Boko-haram? Nawaoooooo.

    2. Hahaha
      Even if you people kidnap me
      I’m not doing a post on that….
      I’ll just have it on my phone, laptop, and I’ll be nice enough to even give some people cds.
      These days i think I’ll water it down.
      It was a 5000star message.
      Yes room.
      Room dey jare.
      Feel very free anytime.
      Thanks on the vlog hailing. ..
      Feel free to start yours too

  4. Eziahakaego!!! Wow. Am thankful that I know u cos u’ve inspired me so much from spiritual matters to my dreads *winks* . Am so proud of u for finding ways to get better everyday from conquering ur blog challenge (geez! U actually blogged everyday *whew*) to posting ur v-log. So so proud!
    And thank you again for ur comment on ghostreaders. I feel really guilty but hey. I conquered my laziness *big grin* have a wonderful september darling

    1. Now I’m blushing
      Thanks sweetie.
      You will still pay homage for the dreads oooo.
      I see your dp has been changing more frequently.
      And thanks for commenting.
      Oh yes my dear, I even don’t believe we pulled this off.
      God sha…
      Muah darling

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