Hello FAB’erssssss…

Good day today??? Even if you had a blue day, E’ to da rescue…



20130802_192034[1] (The spot I put this together.. I feel like I look… )

Lemme tell you the Best PART of this #AttitudeO’Gratitude tho

Not everyday counts as a day in which you wanna be grateful. Like today. But because of the commitment I have to this, I literally am going through each hour and minute with an AttitudeO’Gratitude. It is like something within me dares to gripe and complain

Like one of my Gratitude Bloggers said yesterday on her Day One Post, you move from ThanksGIVING to ThaksLIVING. Cool
   That is why I encourage you to join in already. Get your journal and get to THANKING


Let’s roll..

1. My first visitor today almost ruined it. Ms. Flo. If you know me, you know I am not her biggest fan,


but of course, I am so grateful she came. I know some people pray she visits ‘em. She visits me easily and her visits are like a Swiss clock
 Regular and on time. (More gist on me and Ms Flo https://eziaha.com/2013/06/11/www-issueofblood-com/ ) She came a day late this time tho’ but tz aii. I still feel pain when she comes and of course I keep confessing that by His stripes I am healed. I am particularly grateful that my colleague who I run a shift with already told me yesterday that I didn’t have to come today. So that was just my Sugar daddy making sure that I was home and comfy when Ms Flo visited. Talk about going ahead of E’
  So technically Wednesday was my last day at work for a while just like I confessed earlier.

IMG_20130731_120946 (fellow Corper colleague and I that wednesday)

Let the summer holiday begin jor

2. I am so grateful for music.


Music kept me company all day. I was too weak to pray, no thanks to Ms Flo so I just spent time worshipping. I started with Minister Ken’s Arugbo Ojo which I know has the inherent power to kick my spirit man into gear 5. It did. I had a real amazing time dancing and worshipping (wincing occasionally) with Ron Kenoly, Don Moen, Sinach, TY Bello, Mary Mary, Martha Munizzi
 Oh my
 Music is LIFE yo!!! Not just any kind of rubbish music ooo. That is why I am abs looking forward to MK’s SOUND OF HEAVEN concert 25;08;2013.


Heaven will truly kiss the earth that day. Mark your calendars people and plan to attend. Details here https://eziaha.com/fab-upcoming-events/

Download Link for Arugbo ojo


Video of Arugbo ojo

Before you download, you can start thanking me…


MK was on DSTV today publicizing SOUND OF HEAVEN. You can’t miss this one ooo


3. Of course I am so and always grateful for all my sweeter-than-sugar friends. Today especially, I am grateful for Eniola who I have long re-christened Sapphire cos she is abs special to me.


That girl is my LOVUR mehn. I would have married her if it was God-legit. The twin sister I don’t have. Had been a while we spoke (actually 5days) and I needed to check with her. Usually when we talk, the first caller’s credit runs out and then the other person calls back. It is always the case with this lover of mine. No exception today. I absolutely love that girl and she loves me too. Actually, she has a HUGE crush on me ( My Blog, My Story)


The friendship we share is what most people crave lol. We discussed upcoming issues, made future plans together, yabbed each other, and threw in a few harmless gossip.  Was also happy she asked me a favor that I could easily afford and I loved hearing her scream ‘Yayyyyy’ in my ears. She loved on me, I loved on her, and the best part of it all, we are seeing tomorrow. Whoop

enny screen

and YES we are SHOPPINGGGG!!!

I last saw her at NYSC camp when she came visiting. The gift of friendship and friends God has blessed me with I can never be grateful enough. Enny Sugar, I know I say it often but I can’t say it enough, I LOFF YOU 


4. I am sooooo grateful for His Voice which I hear. Life is so much easier when God lets you in on stuff that would happen in the near future so when it happens, you are not caught unawares. Lemme explain, Tannie and I had cinema plans today and I reeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaally did wanna go. Was looking forward to it as another friend was joining us. Then this morning God told me we wouldn’t at the same time Tani pinged and said she had just pinged our ‘driver’ in prep. Well, I just felt if it doesn’t fly, fine. By the time Tani told me at 2pm that stuff came up and we couldn’t go again, I was not disappointed. My Daddy had already told me. If I didn’t know, I would have been so disappointed coupled with the blues I already felt from my period. It had been a while I hit the cinema. Tannie though, next strike and you are OUT. I will personally feed you to your lions

Lagos-20130623-00662 lions NOT dogs… See the black one na.. chai…

I took a walk later sha as suggested by Tannie and got myself some fruits. That was all I could take today.


20130802_174526 (Before the walk… and Yes I was in pain… But the pain can’t stop the posing yo!!!)

5. Err, I am super grateful for the many doors God is opening for me through my blogs, both this and the one biased to the NYSC ( www.iseegreenng.wordpress.com ). Recently, I got nominated as one of the Bloggers for the Federal Ministry of Youth, Abuja and today I was called again to work out some ‘cool’ modalities.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I am truly blessed, lie no good
 I will give you guys more gist later

This about wraps up DAY TWO

I should also mention that I am grateful for two friends who shared good news with me today… One of Pregnancy and One for divine direction to make the right choice on something and the attendant peace and joy she felt… Great stuff.. Both got my singing voice louder by a notch…

My Post tomorrow (not the gratitude one) is a DEAR DIARY one
 I dunno if I am looking forward to it. But you should. This would be E’ like you have never seen her. August 3 is and will remain a VERY special day in my life… I would be giving you a sneak peek into my diary ***covering my eyes***

I absolutely enjoyed reading Lizzie’s post yesterday http://elisabethezekiel.blogspot.com/2013/08/gratitude-journal-entriesday-1_1.html especially the part where she thanked God for NEPA and restoring power to her hostel. I stayed in that same hostel as a student and trust me NEPA was a prayer point. Ego’s post too http://giantsparkle.wordpress.com/2013/08/01/day-1-gratefulmuch/ and her giving thanks for her work environment and the chilling AC units lol. I am cold-intolerant but I can layer up if I can’t regulate the ACs but to work in the sun??? Nah baby, I will pass. Watch out for their DAY TWO GRATITUDE POSTS today
 Check it out anytime from 10pm… Lizzie http://elisabethezekiel.blogspot.com/ and GiantSparkle http://giantsparkle.wordpress.com/ Show some Love in the comments too. Good going ladies
 Thanksgiving is our dialect and we are just speaking it

Feel free to share what you are thankful for in the comments section and please fill your journal too ok

Plenty LOVE and have a F.A.B weekend. That is Favored And Blessed




I know I have said it once and again but please subscribe to this blog.. especially my female readers ooo

Home girl shares some deep truths… Love her latest post especially on CHEATING…

She is anonymous kai and she is the one anon blogger that has made me wish I too could drift in and out of anonymity too. Ok rush to www.inthemidstofher.com

Yes she and I have lost the free thingy and are proper landlords on the interner… #dotcomTinz hehehe


I do NOT for the life of me understand blogger. So if you are an intending Blogger, jejely use WordPress ooo. BlogSpot/Blogger na long tin… Ha ahn, life is not hard na… abegggiiii

17 Responses

  1. Gosh.. I am starting to think you have more love for my dogs than you have for me chai, not one day goes by without U talking about them.
    Today what am I thankful for? e plenty o… Most importantly direction;cos if we had made that trip today hen I wouldn’t be enjoying my wi-fi as I am now *tongue out* and for electricity and alternative power supplies.

    p.s EZIAHA try and love on me more than u do on my dogs

    1. U r high…
      U are high on wifi…
      Y r u thankful for wifi internet n electricity? Are u now doing yahoo yahoo???
      I don’t love ur lions pls

  2. hahahahahahah E’ darling I am only practising all the yahoo yahoo skills you taught me, my dogs send their love

    1. Looool
      Second person in an hour
      Since the Virgin Mary incident aint about to have an encore, I guess ms flo wl keep coming for a while 😉

  3. Lol..Hate not on blogger E’….Its fab!…lol
    Yes o!we are thankful pipu….
    I can so relate @ Ms.Flo….
    Thankful for your day…
    We gonna Keep speaking this awesome dialect of ours…
    It rocks!!!

  4. Ndo on Miss flow. I envy the way you speak of it so freely. I didn’t when I was single and try not to as a married woman. I just tell hubster
” Shop is closed, see you in 5 days”

    Sis, the way you shout me out on this your blog enh
 people might think I paid you. Well since I can’t and won’t( cuz I know you won’t take a dime) I leave it to OUR Suga daddy to repay you in ways that will blow those glasses of your face (Wait, was that too violent? Let me rephrase
rewind…) blow your mind! God bless you tenfold. Amen!

    1. Looooooool
      Try paying me first ehn
      Just try
      Na you suppose dey talk freely sef seeing that you’re anon…
      All girls flow… all guys know
      No biggie
      Amen to the second prayer
      I love my frames. Let’s not blow it yet. Tz barely a month
      Inthe… your blog is a ministry
      I feel like a member
      Full time member.
      It has so blessed me
      And anything that blesses me I freely celebrate.
      So darling I celebrate you and I love you and your blog/ministry
      I won’t stop

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