**Guest blogger alert**
Chijioke JMAD here…
It’s amazing how our lives turn out, when we choose to be thankful even for seemingly small, insignificant things, but come to think of it there’s really no small thanksgiving. Let’s say I stand up in church to thank God for the ability to use the toilet (yea I can see you raise your eyebrow, like seriously, did she just say that). A lady testified that she was able to release gas after her surgery, because it became a prayer point after her surgery. Now you see… So here’s my attempt at thanking God.
- I’m grateful for His love and His patience with me. Often times I forget how far He has brought me and start worrying, I love to have everything figured out; but God has been breaking me and teaching me how to take a step at a time.
- I’m thankful for the ability to go on leave, yep 15 whole working days, Mehn!!! I sure needed the rest, plan on sleeping (although I can’t sleep past 7 a.m *smh), putting on some extra kilo, spend quality time with family and friends.

- I thank God for the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Had a short meeting with a friend who just finished serving and is at that phase we all passed through. You know when you’re job-hunting and all. Anyway at the end gave him some money only for him to tell me on Sunday that he had no money on him that day. I didn’t give him millions, it was just a very small token but it spoke volumes to him. We shouldn’t wait to have our names enlisted in Forbes’s before we help. Once you have that nudge on the inside please respond, you just never know who’s at the end of the cliff.
- I’m thankful to see the wonderful ladies my sisters have grown into. There were times when they will struggle for who was blossom or buttercup in the Powerpuff Girls  Animation *smh. Looking at them now and the decisions they make, leaves a wide grin on my face.
- I’m thankful for a sound mind and the ability to make sense to people when I speak to them. Who am I really? I don’t have everything all together, in fact I get confused sometimes but God still uses me as a channel to reach out to people.
- I’m thankful for the gift of writing. When I finally decided to start a blog, I never imagined things would have turned out this way. There have been testimonies, fund-raising, recommendations etc. To be honest it was supposed to be a way to let out my inner voice but it has turned out to be a tool for SocialGood. I have met amazing people through blogging and all I can say is thank You Lord because it’s really about Him.
- I want to thank God for second, third and millionth chances from God and I just experienced a third chance by one of His daughters.
- I want to thank God for strength. Kai!!! You’ve no idea, sometimes I wonder if it’s really me but I’ve come to realise God’s interested in everything even to tiny details. Imagine God taking note of when a strand of hair falls from my head.
That’s all for now, remember I said this is an attempt, I have a book I call “My Book of Chronicles” started it early this year; I write down all the good things that happen to me, down the road when I’m gone someone can pick it up and be inspired, knowing there’s nothing new under the sun, if God saw me through then, He’ll definitely come through for you too. I blog at www.jmadreflects.wordpress.com . Remember to Live to Leave A Legacy.
I’m the first to comment !yay!!!maybe I shld chronicles too o!I tried once in sch,but stopd along the way!kai!automatic resumption!tnks fab E
Thanks to the amazing jmad
Oh yea, nice to hear you’re considering going back to your Chronicles, meanwhile for been the first to comment, I’ve got an e-Shawarma for you on my blog. Hope you enjoy it…. lol
E-sharwama ko
Valerie that thing no be sharwama oooo. Fake one
Lovely one JMAD! It was worth d WAIT!!! Kaiiiiii. U r lucky ds post makes senseoooo. If nt…anyway na Lady E for don hear am. Cool stuff dt struck home, u wrote. Impressive. So, u r writing 3 Chronicles abi? D one for Bible never do una? Lemme go nd check out ur blog sef. Make sure its as good as wt u just blogged on Fab…or else, I wil suspect u hired a ghost writer :d hugs nd kisses, JMAD. Thanks Lady E, for lettin JMAD enlighten d brethren today :d
Cj will come and respond to you abeg
Your wahala pass me
Yup jmad is cj too
Thank God she met up
hahahaha. Nooooo can’t write the 3rd Chronicles, this is my own personal love letter with God. Hope you get to enjoy the blog when you visit.
Lol…Booski sha…easy on Jmad.you go fear ghost writer na.
@Jmad-Good to finally read you….bookmarked your blog add since..Haven’t gotten to it though…God bless you dear…Here’s me being #Grateful I can relate to your reasons for #Thanksgiving..especially the part about sound mind&ability to make sense to people.Boy!am I amazed?,the part about God breaking me and teaching me to trust even when I don’t have it all figured out and the part about………..
Oya run to her blog
Thanks dear…. yea we get to pass through that phase a lot. God does take special interest in His children, hence the continuous breaking to reveal the Masterpiece.
Nyc post sis,dats hw u travelled widout me nawa oooooo. Msweeeee ndi bloggers
Make that without telling US
We are jointly beefing her
Don’t worry, she will come and respond to your comments when she gets off instagram for a minute… the chic is just spamming us there with vaycay pictures
Somsom nwanne m. We still have our plans nah. I went to survey the environment first on your behalf. I care so much *wink wink*. Eziaha biko don’t even start ohhhh. Nke ghi di different .
Taa gbafuo
Having all the fun without us
hahahah…. nne you’ve Bonny Islands to visit naa