
Yeah yeah, I know the post is coming in late but better late than never, abi? I had a really great Christmas holiday. And cos I am really really nice, I would wanna make you guys who didn’t have as much fun feel bad share it with y’all

Christmas day service also doubled at carol service and it was just wow… The dance drama which told the story of Mary and Joseph. Really really amazing. And hilarious. But touching.


‘Mary’ did a fine job bringing her character to live. Choir was on point. Their dress first of all was heavenly, oh my!!! It gave me ideas for my bridal train. They really looked DIVINE.


And of course they sang really really well. The best song for me had to be OH HOLY NIGHT!!! The guy that sang it totally did a COMPLETE JOB… I couldn’t have asked for more. He did well. I can’t recall the non-Christmas song they sang but it was really a perfect rendition. Christmas/Carol service set the tone for the rest of the day.

Then my Nnukwu mmanwu sister showed for Christmas. Twas fun having her around. I mean ‘Big Masquerade’ that you see once in a red moon. Then off I went for cool FM praise jam. Was there last year with a few of my friends.

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And the next day we rocked the cinemas… Really fun Christmas with em girls…


This year I went alone.

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I really did not feel up to hosting anyone this Christmas cos they would have to sleep over as the show was bound to end really late and i live really close to Eko hotel so… Then I met three amazing sisters. Super pretty girls. I love me some spiritual  girls night out stuff jare…

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We had a lot of fun mehn. We really flowed. They are really pleasant girls and one of them I am getting to know and love even more. I recall when they called Buchi and one guy who was CLEARLY NOT BUCHI came up. *please insert BIGGEST SURPRISED FACE here. Nay perplexed and mesmerized* I mean Buchi is stocky na… this one was slim and tall but had the buchi hat which we, the girls and I, agreed was put on him to deceive us that he was now Buchi. It wasn’t funny ooo. And dude was jumping up and down, raggae style, like Buchi. Infact we agreed that even Sammie Okposo would be repped by someone who would be dressed in the Niger Delta attire complete with the ‘mkpara’ (walking stick) and SHAZAM he becomes Sammie. Btw might I just add that Buchi sent dude ahead of him, and stayed as backup till he came up later and performed great. Panam percy paul was also on point and it was good to hear all his oldies and newbies. I had fun. But Tim Godfrey stole the day for me. That guy took us from worship to praise to scatter praise. New respect for that bro mehn… Tim was the man of the night. The jokes too were fun, especially when AY came up, though he came up at the tail end. I missed this funny dude ooo. Can’t recall his name again. He was around last year and i could NOT stop laughing. Ehen BOVI… That dude is hilarious. He should totally come every year jor.  The raffle draw was a fun time too. Really fun with the girls especially as we kept praying that they would call our ticket numbers. Various prizes from ACs to flat screens, DVDs and stuff. The star prize was a CAR… Imagine when they called the winning ticket, omo na so one bloke jump out ooo come claim say e get ticket. It was a FAKE imagine. He just got some paper and put the winning number on it. Is that not criminal????? Nigerians!!!! Thankfully Freeze and co were sharp enough to see that the ticket had no stamp on it. Finally one lucky sweetheart won it. And after that while the whole place was emptying, they called Sammie okposo to perform. Please it was past 10 already. Who does that? Why did it take so long for them to intro him? Anyways you never know, but I didn’t even wait for him and neither did my new friends. We all disappeared jare. Meanwhile golden penny sponsored the evnt and they gave out a lot of freebies to EVERYONE. There must have been about 5000 people that night at Eko hotel. Really cool show. Thumbs up mehn…

Next day, I went for Inspiration family praise jam… FAMILY… I mean they did a really really fine job. I was so impressed. So many games for kids and stuff to buy. And the games were not really expensive to play. My nieces and nephew had a LOT of fun. Meanwhile somewhere else on the same grounds, for the adults, a concert was going on. Well first I took them for ice cream at ice cream factory



(I love coldstone but I had this ice cream recently from Coldstone creamery and I didn’t really dig it so I went back to my old dependable Ice cream factory). I also did same last year for them… Trust me, those girls adore me hehehe and I love em…

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Got cake and ice cream for them before we went to Kings college for the FAMILY praise jam. My nieces are just amazing. All through they kept mimicking Dan Foster… ‘You guys that didn’t make the praise jam, you guys missed… ‘ Lols. Wish I recorded it. Especially the first girl. She can mimick anyone. I mean ANYONE… Well they had fun with the many rides and the good thing is money was hardly the problem so they got to go on almost all the rides they wanted to go on. My nephew tho didn’t find the ball pit funny.


He so cried especially as the lady slid him in… BIG MISTAKE. I tried to out him back different times but dude no gree ooo.


Tried other games too but he was mostly indifferent to them.


He even slept off on the train ride after almost crying again.


Finally we found something he loved, the crawling house on the carpet grass.

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He had a ball. He was even a role model for some babies who were to scared to crawl thru.


He would  crawl and their parents would tell their babies to follow suit… Whoop!!!

My 13 year old teenager of course was HARD TO PLEASE…


she just didn’t like the games as she said they were so babyish and kept on begging me to take her to her friends house instead and come pick here when we are good to go home. Imagine, anyways i just gave her some money and told her to do whatever she wanted without my supervision… Finally though, she enjoyed some games.


But the middle two had the most fun. They played it all… and played it well.

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The concert for adults was really nice but trying to control 4 kids didn’t let me fully enjoy it. Plus my high school friend Ginika was supposed to meet me up there but we missed each other cos I had to leave after hours and hours of fun. Sorry love, anyi g’ahu ozo…

I recommend this Inspiration family concert so please plan to take your kids and others there next year and thank me later… Great concept from the big dog… Meanwhile see these my nieces ooo. It was on our drive back home that they told me that they saw Dan Foster and they didn’t tell me. I would have taken a picture jare and had them mimic Dan’s voice to him hehehe… It was so funny how well they mimicked him…

On Saturday, pastor M invited me for a worship concert with Nathaniel bassey… AT Oriental hotel terrace in lekki. That concert opened my eyes to the fact that I  needed to spend MORE time worshiping walai. It was also nice hearing Gabriel Eziashi LIVE… the guy that sang ‘wetin I go give to you? My praaaaaaaaaaise’

Christmas was MERRY indeed… I hope yours was too…

And most importantly, I hope you are keeping the new year resolutions I helped you make and also that you made for your self. Sensible ones ooo.

Have a happy new year indeed… And that is a prayer, so let me hear you say a LOUD AMEN…

I will TESTIFY… You will too

Stay winning…

Plenty LOVES,



Just in case you are wondering, YES i added a lot of weight during the holidays. I am so angry with myself… Now to the part of losing it… phew…

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