Note Before : I changed the email from cos I’m not getting emails there so well so pls if you sent to that email, resend to
Gosh, I am so excited about this post because ONCE AGAIN, I am mentoring YOUNG LADIES not just stay at home moms.
Last year, I took a break and focused more on GDQs, that is God’s Domestic Queens but this year, God made it clear that MENTORING is big on His heart so I better align.
Who born me to do otherwise.
I was just like YAAAAS Sir.
Plus, truth is, I set out to mentoring young ladies some almost 8 years ago off my blog, and today, I am flat out AMAZED at the growth in their lives, and some of them have turned out to be MAJOR blessings to me personally.
For instance, my Admin Angel at CoachE’Squad, Ewa, was one of those from way back. I wouldn’t be able to be half as effective without her.
MY Assistant Toolz is another mentee of mine, and incidentally connected to me in 2018 from her cousin who was a part of the very first ladies I mentored.
It is like putting seed in the ground, and looking away, but the harvest doesn’t miss you.
So thankful.
The biggest testimony however is the changed lives of these ones. I am ONE PROUD mentor.
Last weekend, I and a few ladies spent time with my mentor DDK and as she prayed over me, one of the prophetic words she released was how GOD had increased my capacity to mentor and the mentoring grace to CARRY MORE has been released over me.
That was strange because I hadn’t even shared with her what God had told me.
Which is why I am FLIPPIN’ excited to open up THE FAB SISTERSHIP mentoring academy again to 12 young ladies.
Yaaaaay. Who is NOT excited?
Don’t just apply yet though.
Terms and Conditions apply, and if you don’t stick to them, you won’t even pass the screening stage. We have completely upgraded the structure so anybody into comedy can’t even make it. I am going ALL OUT for this one so you gotta be READY for your own UPGRADE and bring your A-Game.
Please read what follows carefully, then take your time to pray and ask God if this is for you, before applying.
I too have been praying and I believe that a ready student and teacher colliding will make DESTINY happen.
Ok, so here we go;
1. You have to be resident in Lagos. You will know why when I share what this entails.
You gotta be single, and between the ages of 18 and 25.
If you qualify, then send an email (after reading this email to the end and prayerfully considering it) telling me about yourself, an honest assessment of where you are in life NOW, why you are joining, what your desires are by the end of the program, who your mentors or role models are, how long you have been reading the blog, and then one blog post that has resonated with you the most and WHY. If you are a new blog reader, do let me know any other blog or online personality you like and follow and review any content from them that made an impact on you.
All of these should fill a 1 page, single space, font size 10, Times new roman font, word document. Please send your application as a short mail and the word attachment. It can be more than 1 page but no more than 2 pages.
2. Please make it as rich, authentic and engaging as possible.
I also want to know your career or educational status (where you school or work plus level and course if a student), your age and your location in Lagos.
So the very first mentoring for the year will be for 5weeks, running from Sun, February 9 to Sunday March 8, 2020.
Our mentoring days would be Mondays and Wednesdays.
Sunday, February 16 and March 8, we will have LIVE meetings, with March being a party!!! Yay.
So in those five weeks, we will cover 4 topics:
Week 1: Productivity, Time management and investment. Here we will cover planning your day, Daily musts, Navigating sleep and wake times, reading books, managing social media, building your priority list (the senior brother of to-do list), managing your time and chats viz a viz 2D conversations and more. It will be a whole master class on productivity.
Week 2: Spirituality. Here we will cover the basics of prayer, having a prayer schedule, building your confession, using technology to aid your spirituality, Fasting, devotionals, reading the bible, laziness in spiritual disciplines, Church and fellowship, teachers and how to choose the ones for your season, hearing from God, and more. This one is going to be FIRE!!!
Week 3: Friendship. My fave. We would be defining the kind of friend you are, intentionality in friendship, the ABC of making friends, ending friendships, seasonal friendships, toxic friends, covenant friendships, growing with friends friendship and accountability, and more. Babes, you will be an all-round better friend and attract the right kind of friends after this.
Week 4: Mentoring and Slip streaming
This one is going to be MEGA because MENTORS maker a whole difference. They certainly have in my life. So we will talk choosing your mentor, seasonal mentors, No-No’s in mentoring, mentor cycles and seasons, Distant mentors, mentors and accessibility, leveraging technology in mentoring relationships, honor and more.
Week 5: Questions and Answers
This would be for Q&A for topics and teachings I didn’t cover.
So at the end of week 5, we would do our big party and I will host you all to a lunch or dinner.
AND we MAY have a live all night too in these 5 weeks.
We would fast and pray together every Wednesday over zoom too.
In the past, we would have accountability partners consisting two ladies, but this time, we would have ACCOUNTABILTY TEAMS of three ladies each. I will share why in the group when we start.
At the end of the program, you would then be handed over to one of my correct mentees to further mentor for another 4 weeks where she guides you as you QUICKLY put into practice all you learned.
If you do well with that, then we will add you to the FAB MENTEE SQUAD which all who pass through the academy going forward will be a part of so we can stay in touch.
By God’s grace, we would have three more sessions this year, one per quarter.
Also note that you would be reviewing your experience on the blog, complete with pictures and details so if you are internet shy, don’t apply please.
So baby girl, if you are interested, send a mail with all listed above and a picture of you to (I changed this from cos I’m not getting emails there so well so pls if you sent to that email, resend to )
Deadline for application is Fri, Jan 31 at midnight WAT and we kick off Sunday, Feb 9.
If you are shortlisted, you will get an email latest Thursday February 5, and then we can go from there.
Please note that you really have to bring your A-GAME. You see all the work that I am going to put into this. I won’t take slacking or excuses. I am not shy about taking people out, so if you slack, I will take you out.
You will have weekly assignments and all, so be sure you are ready for this.
Also, the LIVE meeting is compulsory.
I think that is all.
Shout out to Toolz and Chy-extra who came over to help me build this curriculum. Incidentally, two of them are alumni of TFS and now are part of the FAB mentors too at the academy.
I love you and I cannot wait to mentor you and be a part of your EPIC year, God helping us all.
And if you are a stay home mom, watch out for the parallel GDQ mentoring on so you don’t miss the deadline.
Love and Light
I’m about to cry right now. So, my vibe to the next level must do with “Living in Lagos” (which I hate BTW, Lol) and also being a 25 year old. Omo, I don’t old sha but I still need mentorship and all the listed criteria are exactly what God is working on with me in this season. I’m glad you’re a great influence but I hope you can have online mentorship for those of us that can’t change location or are older.
Thank you so much for all God is using You to do.
This is really great!!
I’m looking forward to something for the wifeys and also aren’t in Lagos!
The TFS Academy really helped me in 2017. I remember filling my schedule with movies and you literally screamed in the mail you replied 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Now my days are so full, I think of the simpler days and I’m in awe.
Thank you for the foundation you laid mama!!
It’s one of the pillars on which I stand today!!