Ok so I have just returned from an Antenatal class where the Consultant, after reading my notes, said, and I quote…
‘I told you I would induce you at 38weeks right…?’
To which I am like EXCUSE YOU SIR, WHAT ARE YOU SMOKIN’ haha
Ok I didn’t really say that but I am sure I thought that. I am 37weeks on Saturday and so it means this guy wasn’t to bring out my baby in UNDER TWO WEEKS????
So a back story would be good at this point.
Tuesday last week, my son sat on my tummy forcefully. My world stopped for some seconds. It was at night, and this baby is most active at night (Night prayer warrior loading) and that night, I felt almost NO movements. Huh!!! All through the next day, very reduced movements. The next night, same thing so the next morning, I woke up (if I even slept at all), I didn’t work out, eat, bath or brush my teeth, Eziaha was right at the hospital. There was no thought that didn’t fly through my head that day. The Doctor I saw now said oh at 36weeks, you should be seeing the Consultant, so she referred me to him. I got in, told him the story and he said that he doesn’t like to hear REDUCED ANYTHING not when someone has come so far. So he sha did all the checks, which came out fine thank God, and referred me for a scan to be totally sure. Oh did I state that this baby started dancing non-stop all the while I was in the hospital waiting to go in? Ok so scan done and results were perfect, plus heart beat. He then gives me a fetal kick chart and told me to monitor the kicks and record in a particular format, for the next 7days when he will see me again. But hey, if I had any complaint before then, I was to fly back to the hospital.
I thanked him and carried my self home, RELIEVED!!!
I monitored like a religion daily and things were actually back to normal. Strong regular kicks and everything.
Fast forward to a week later, we meet again. Btw did I mention that I absolutely LOVE this Consultant? Anyways, he reads my chart and says the patterns are perfect, does the xxfundal height check (sorry dunno the name and don’t care to Google) and says I am measuring right for dates (infact in one week, my measurement went up by a week too), thankfully doesn’t refer me for a scan, and then explains why he wrote that 38weeks induction in my notes. He was just being overly cautious and if there was a whiff of a problem at this appointment, I would have been having this baby next week. Thankfully, he said he would keep moving the dates and if I hit 40weeks and no labour sign, then induction the next week. I hit 42weeks with my first baby and he was big so this dude is not ready for that again.
Biko I told him to change what he wrote in my notes just incase he is not around next week, and someone decides to carry out his instructions. Lol. Me I will just run away. Hospital bag sef I never pack, and then I ordered literally EVERYTHING from the US and by shipping dates, it is to come in end of August. I just pray it comes in middle instead, but to be on the safe side, I bought more stuff here in Naija which are already in my kaya, But by my next appointment, my bags would be packed, and dropped off at the hospital as they let us do that, so when you see any signs of labour, you can just come as you are to the hospital and they locate your bag.
This is getting all so exciting and real. In about a month, I’m gonna be a MOM OF TWO!!!
See you guys tomorrow by God’s grace…

5 Responses

  1. Congrats again dear! You make motherhood and pregnancy sound sooo easy!
    It’s ‘symphysio-fundal’ height! So you can remember….:D

  2. Congrats again dear! You make motherhood and pregnancy look so easy.
    It’s symphysio-fundal height….just to remind you 😀

    1. Nothing easy here baby.
      Nothing easy here.
      You see why I never knew the name lol
      Tz hard
      But now i know yay
      I feel like a Doc already.
      Thanks boo

    1. Lol
      I am getting REAAAALY excited toooo
      The closer it gets, the realer it feels then the more excited i become

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