Ah I wrote this post in December 30th, 2015 and I chanced upon it recently. I love it enough to share again now. Will add my updated thoughts in bracket… Enjoy spending time with God yawl. He is like so FREAKIN’ good!!! What I find the most interesting about this post is the JOY I wrote it with. I mean there was NO CoachE’Squad and everything yet my joy was FULL!!! I was even broke A LOT then but my identity was secure in my relationship to and with Christ. Kai!!! Oya enjoy the post. Kisses!!!

Guys, I am just in love with God. I mean, I am just plain obsessed with God!!!

Groupie. Freak. Stalker. Lover. Everything!!!

The NUMBER one resolution I have this new year is to spend more QUALITY time with God!!!

I seriously shortchange myself EVERY SINGLE DAY I don’t spend quality time with Him. When I just sit before the Lord, it is a download session, it is incredible.

God is like the most EXCITING phenomenon in the entire world and beyond.

2016 will be a most amazing year (Well 2019 haha). I know!!! Soooo many things will happen. I will close my eyes and JUMP. My life will change, in astonishing ways. Oh I am excited bundles. (If only I knew how much more radiant the coming years would be. It is amazing how we outgrow our previous ‘big deals’ but God is SO FAITHFUL)

It was Tuesday night that after I finally put KingDaveed to sleep, I just went into my prayer room as I had not prayed all day (yeah it was one of those CRAZY days haha). It was about 11pm but I certainly didn’t want the day to go by just like that.

I had a lot on my mind I needed to make sense of and it was like God had just pulled a seat and was waiting for me in my prayer room because no sooner had I sat that He just started downloading. I mean, it was CRAZY!!! I had to come back the next noon just to re-read all I had written and realised God alone inspired me.

I frankly do not remember how I found myself on Heather’s YouTube page that same night but I know God orchestrated it. I saw a video on How to spend time with God so I downloaded it and got to watching.

As I watched, I just smiled. I could have done that video myself.

Everything she said resonated!!! Goodness!!!

Guys, this new year, you MUST spend QUALITY TIME WITH GOD.

Leave that STUPID excuse of ‘I am busy’ in 2015, ehn madam/oga (Well I hope WE HAVE ALL LEFT IT)

Resolve that this is not the year for ONLY interrupted time with God e.g. on my way to work, in the shower, stuck in traffic, etc.

Of course those sessions with God are good and should be encouraged but you should have that QUIET TIME where you go someplace, shut the door (real or imaginary) and shut out the world and just FELLOWSHIP with God.

God has a LOT to say to you. He created you. He KNOWS what path you ought to take in life but if you are not spending enough time with Him, how will you recognise His voice or even hear Him.

These three women- Priscilla Shirer, Joyce Meyer and Heather Lindsey- have spoken a lot about just spending time with God.

To get to know someone, what do you do? You spend more and more time with them. One of my besties Eniola, I know her soooo well. I spend a lot of time talking on the phone with her and chatting with her on BBM. (Well, whatsapp threw BBM out the market lol)
You cannot pretend to be Eniola to me. I would know. The Bible says that the devil disguises as the angel of light but if we have spent enough time with God, we would easily discern between the voice of God and the devil’s.

God wants to really lead us. Infact sometimes I think He DESPERATELY wants to lead us. He is just there thinking ‘Oh if only Eziaha would spend more and more time with me, this would not even be an issue in her life’

He wants to lead us in every detail of our lives, leaving nothing out.

I recall as I just spent time with Him that night, I walked round my prayer room and just talked. And then I was just telling Him how I wanted to cordone a part off to use as a library and all and then God says No, call it a VISION ROOM not a Library and no don’t separate it. I knew in my spirit that the name could have only come from God. So I have a Prayer room and a Vision room in one space.

Guys!!! (Well now I have a prayer space AND a work space in one. That former room is now my kids’ room. Amazing)

Seriously, God became my personal interior decorator and He downloaded exactly how that space should be designed. I mean it was a full blown out discourse. If you heard me that midnight, you would have thought I was going crazy.

(Well I planned to do that in this current work space that I have BUT it is a part of my living room and it is not that big enough to be cordoning a space off biko)

And then there were certain projects I felt in my spirit He was kinda leading me to but I didn’t quite see the full picture. That night, He downloaded details to me. I know I am smart ooo but NO WAY I coulda thunk up that stuff.

It was beautiful!!!

So listening to Heather and she was talking about how she spends time with God and how He speaks to her, I could relate.


And then God told me to go and put this down in a post instead of the THANK YOU post I was doing to wrap up the year on my blog. And He also told me to do the VISION BOARD ONLINE PARTY post too.

I just know that these two would bless more people way more than that THANK YOU post would. Moreover, it is sooooo important to LIVE LED!!!


LET Him interrupt your life and plans. Because honey, you NEVER know what is on the other side of your obedience.

I would advise that you find time to watch this Heather’s video.

But let me share some of the practical steps she shared in the video as to how she spends her Quiet time.

Find a suitable location where you would be uninterrupted. Matt 6;6 says when you pray, go into your MOST PRIVATE ROOM, and CLOSING THE DOOR, pray to Your Father who is in secret.

NO I can’t stop talking about WAR ROOM!!! (Till today I cannot stop. It CHANGED MY LIFE)

It is important that we find that special place where we clear out our desk and meet with God. She started from using her bathroom where she would spread a blanket on the floor and fellowship because she had a roomie so the room was out of it. Then she moved to a corner, then a window side etc till now she has a dedicated prayer room

Get a HARDCOPY Study Bible in a version that you can flow with. Thankfully, we have a TON of versions these days. Not everytime Bible-on-your-phone. I recommend the Joyce Meyer Everyday life Bible which I blogged about here.

Get JOURNALS. Heather loves pretty journals and so do I. Write out scriptures LONG HAND. You can also do scripture cards that you can take along with you everywhere you go. Write down what He says to you. Write Him love letters. You don’t have to be perfect. Just be yourself
Get music. I always have music playing in my Quiet time. I believe that music sets the tone especially if you are listening to real worshippers
Vent if you have to. Raw. Uncut. Tell God EXACTLY how you feel and then ask him to help you out. Don’t be coding for God. She said that at the beginning she didn’t really know how to pray so all she would do is just VENT haha. Honey, whatever works for you.
Be creative and spirit led. Somedays God would have you just dance. Other days, He can have you flat on your face in worship. Some days you just speak in tongues. Whatever. Just make it an exciting date time with God.
Read your Bible of course. If there is an area you are struggling with in life, you can go to the back of your study people and look up scriptures that address that and pray using those scriptures. See why you need a STUDY BIBLE???
She said a lot more so go watch the video.

Not everytime download new song or workout videos. Sometimes download THE WORD!!!

Something Joyce Meyer says is that sometimes we are all like ‘Oh I dunno what to do in my Quiet time’ and stuff like that. But really, just go, take a seat and sit before the LORD uninterrupted. God will meet you at that level where you at. So long as you find that time for Him.

And yes you can have this one by PRISCILLA SHIRER too

I am so thankful for my Prayer room and my Vision room. It is still NEW and empty and I look forward to decorating it like God instructed. But when I go in there to pray, the first thing I feel is PEACE!!! I just KNOW that God is ready for me.

(Well I love my current WAR/WORK SPACE)

I am pretty creative and unconventional about how I pray. But on a side of my wall, I have stick-on notes containing prayer points and scriptures for every area of my life. My husband, My son, My friends, intercession, My family and in-laws, My Rehoboth (my home)Myself, etc. so I keep adding to the list or striking out. On another side, I have my testimonies. Eeek, I love going to that corner because it amps my faith volts mehn!!! It just shows that God is REEEAAALLLLYYYY working.

(Right now everything is in my journals which I talked about HERE)

I also have my Bibles, my Vision journal and my Prayer/Study journal. Then my diary and laptop. My pens, papers, masking tape, ruler and highlighters. And of course, good ol’ water haha. I am thinking of buying Dates and leaving them there. So my ‘Dates’ with God is the only time I get to eat Dates. How cool is that? (Hahaha I don’t do dates in my prayer time sha)

It is my space so whatever works for me mehn!!! Of course I have my Confession too.

I actually pray as the Spirit leads even though I have a prayer timetable. Oh and if there is any book I am reading at the mo’, I have it there.

Of course, I will share more pictures as it takes shape. And more tips as the Spirit leads.

I really really pray that yawl make time for God this new year, there is so much about your life and future He wants to share with you . life is TOO BIG and confusing I don’t wanna waste time making mistakes. But if your life is too cluttered, with Him getting only the drive time on the way to work, honey there are some things you just would never know. It is like my relationship with my husband. There are some things he would never say when we have those casual random talks. But when we have a proper clear-out-your-schedule time, then there are deeper things we would get to say to each other. Ditto with friends. Ditto with God.


So in Heather’s voice Some of yawl need to QUIT that job or that lil boyfriend/girlfriend and go SIT BEFORE THE LORD and hear from Him…’

I love yawl. God is crazy about you.

Cheers to a new year of being FIERCELY INTENTIONAL about sitting at His feet and getting directions for your life…

Happy New year guys and see yawl soon


One Response

  1. I literally had this post open in my laptop about two days ago. Grateful for the insights you share with regards to our walk with God. Thank you 😘

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