Don’t make these Journaling mistakes… (I’ve been so guilty)

If you follow this blog and my YT channel especially recently, you would notice that I have been creating some buzz around Journaling. It really is a super power for me and it continues to both make me effective with my tasks, and extremely joyful at soul deep levels. However, I have made some Journaling […]
Journaling: From regular to next level strategic

Hey Faithfam I pray we are all kicking butt; from devil to demons to challenges to excuses and all. I pray we are all WINNING!!! So like you probably know, I am a huge journaller. Like my mentor PDDK once told me, there are THREE things those who want to be champions are doing daily […]
Meet my Treasures… and why we need to UPGRADE

So I did this amazing post on ‘Meet my journals’ and today I wanna kinda build on that as I welcome you into my Bible world, and also tell us why we all need to quickly upgrade a couple things in your walk with Jesus!!! First, phew how has life been? Girl, it has been […]

Ah I wrote this post in December 30th, 2015 and I chanced upon it recently. I love it enough to share again now. Will add my updated thoughts in bracket… Enjoy spending time with God yawl. He is like so FREAKIN’ good!!! What I find the most interesting about this post is the JOY I […]
Too much sleep: Flesh or Demonic?

Hey Blog fam, I hope everyone is keeping well. I have had the most intense couple of days all round: Physically, emotionally, spiritually and more. Finally kicked off something I had been looking forward to, but which seemed so far-fetched at the time: A personal retreat. I last went on one in my uni days, and I mean for […]
Meet my journals, all 15+ of them…

Lol, so I did this post on my IG @coachesquad on all my many teas. and I decided this week on the Monday blog to also do a detailed post on all my journals and how I rock them. One time, I went to visit my mentor DDK at home and she said something I […]