There is so much joy in my heart as I write this that I am almost forgetting my simple manners.

Hey yawl. Kisses all ‘round. I pray we are all amazing, or at least having a good attitude to less than amazing situations because ALL THINGS work together for our good.


So just wanted to swing in and share a couple of good stuff that will be dropping from www.eziaha.com from NEXT WEEK

1.My Book Reader App is FINALLY READY and will be open to everyone from Monday the 15th. I will do a blog on that day with details and link and err’thang. The Reader is called the FAB E’Reader and is available ONLY on Google Play Store (still hidden until Monday), and that means only Android users can access it. Sometime in the future, we will do ios and Windows but I doubt anytime soon.

2. Of course you can guess… One of my Devotionals, The 30-31-30 for FAB SWORDED CHICKS, one of it is dropping too by May 29.

From the same Monday 15, you can download the FIRST TEN DAYS for free, on the App. Pre-orders starts Monday the 22nd. More details will follow on next week too

3. If you are an Author and would love to publish your books, whether free or premium, you can start to holler at us. The rider for the App says it all

The FAB E’Reader

A Faith Hub for all Reads Christian, from Eziaha&Friends.

So we would have all kinds of CHRISTIAN Reads, from fiction, to Devotionals to Bible Studies to Books, Magazines, etc. So shoot us a mail and let us talk business. fabreader@eziaha.com

Already talking to TWO Chicks and more are in the works.

Ok more info on Monday too.

4. My two previous Books will also be available AGAIN this time, only on the App. I had to stop sharing both as I wanted availability on only my App. So yay, The 31Day Devotional for the FAB Warrior Moms and My FAB Transformation Story will also be (re)launching next week.

More info to follow too.

Just bursting with all that good news on my inside that I had to let it out.

Ok I am studying for an exam on Friday, the first of 4, and it is tasking my brains like a PhD lol. I literally wake at 1am every night to start my day – Pray, Study, Work and all. I thought and even took pride in being an amazing manager of my time, but these days, it is another level. It amazes me how fast I drop stuff that should be dropped, even more unemotionally now. I have this quote from my Pastor M on the wall just above my work space… IT DOESN’T GET EASIER BUT YOU GET MORE GRACED, and that is soooo true. I was telling my friends yesterday that I need therapy lol. I just need to get away for some days and be by myself, but no dice to that happening anytime soon, so next week, my friends and I are going to the cinema yay!!!

Oh and a quick ad, I have a friend who wants to sell off some gym equipment. They are NOT new, but have practically not been used since purchase, so if you know anyone looking to buy, holler at me. You get a good deal because Dollar has risen since then and you don’t have to go through the stress of importing anymore.

Wish I had more pictures but these are some pictures of the gym… (and the one above)

Ok back to my books…





Registration for my promo Squad still on


Details here

2 Responses

  1. yaaaaaaaaaaaaa! more grace and anointing boo. Am So excited *bum bum dance*. let me go and brush up my skills?

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