-We have light 24/7in our home- NEPA, gen, inverter. We always have light
– We always have water in our home. Absolutely zero water issues. Our pumping machine works perfectly all the time.
-There is a PERMANENT IMPENETRABLE hedge of protection around my home. We are hedged in, protected on every side (Job 1:10)
– My home is protected against marauders, evil people and co. The blood of Jesus stands as barrier and every evil thing passes us by (Ex 12:13)
– Every single plan of the enemy is destroyed against my home.
– My home is immune to any sickness or disease of any sort. No sickness shall come near our dwelling (Psalms 91:10)
– We are protected against extreme weather- heat and cold cannot smite us in the home no matter the temperature out there. There is a Spiritual thermostat in my house. (Psalms 121:6)
– We are protected against household pests- rats, cockroaches and mosquitoes and many more. They are cursed and absolutely absent in my home. They do not find away or comfort in my house (Mal 3:11)
– This estate is protected by angels 24/7. No attack, no marauders, no security/safety issues. God Himself watches over this ‘City’ (Malachi 3:11)
Find the rest when you download baby… I cover as much as possible…
Oh and I have a FREE 5Day DETOX plan too available there.
I share recipes too on how to prep each meal. Check it out on the App. Plus my Devotionals, one free, others paid for, and my Transformation story (30kg down in 4months ) and many more. Just go straight and download the App and enjoy all the yummy goodies there