Heyyyyy yawl…

In my last post, I told you that I had another gist

This is not even the another gist but this is something the Lord told me was part of my 2018 tasks but I hadn’t quite gotten clarity and direction but I had been praying and had shared what I knew with my team too.

I just needed to know what to do first and most importantly, WHEN to step out!!!

In the meantime, I tarried, undergirding the whole thing in prayers…

On Sunday in church , one exact day after my FIRE MEETING with Pastor Enoh Jerry (more on that later) the heaven’s flood gate opened in church and the Lord began to speak…and I was writing…


So, my darlings, allow me to present to you my latest baby…


Sleepovers with JESUS!!!

So here is how we will roll…

Once a month, most likely the third or 4th Friday into Saturday, a group of us, say 10 to 15, get to camp out in a house and for 8 to 10 solid hours, starting at 10pm thereabout, we party all night with our JESUS

Let me tell you guys, I am stinkin’ flippin’ OVER THE MOON ABOUT IT!!!

The sleepover will feature 7 major events

  1. Prayers. General prayers that is. This is PRIORITY for our party. It is equivalent to alcohol in a club, only infinitely better
  2. Worship. Like we gon’ be LAID OUT yawl before our JESUS (Thank you Lord for YouTube!!!)
  3. Jesus Girl Talk… Whatever gist we need to trash out in our lives, we do, but the JESUS way, which is why the girl talk is qualified
  4. Personal Quiet time. Yes, a lot of stuff will be group but you also get your alone time to fellowship even deeper with your Lover
  5. Bible Study. I am thinking all those video Bible study curriculums that these our amazing Preachers have like Heather, Priscilla Shirer, etx. Sha we will watch and then discus
  6. Motherhood video. Not everyone in the party may be mummy but we all will be, so we will be watching a short video on motherhood. I am favoring Lisa Bevere cos she ROCKS!!!
  7. Relationship video, one single and one married. So, no one is left out whether single or married

And finally, we get to watch a PROPEL WOMEN VIDEO!!!

Propel videos are LIFE CHANGING!!! Kai!!!

I am so serious here that we have our first date in November and another in December and I have pretty much lined up the program

November 23 into 24

December 28 into 29

Both Fridays and Saturdays

Ok I am sure you have questions. I tried to answer here. If you have more, drop a comment, I will respond…

  1. Where will it hold?

I thought my home at first but not only will we disturb, it won’t take us all, and we will have to be quiet. NO WAY lol. So, we will have to rent out a short-let apartment for a day where we can have space to truly PARTY

  1. Will it be free?

No. sorry. We will be paying for the location, but that is all. We will split the fees or if God leads anyone to pay for all, then it would be free. However, if say where we get is N30,000 per night, that comes to N3000 or less for each chick and I am sure someone may wanna pay more or sponsor another so even if you don’t have cash, still plan to ask for your invite. Who knows. But that is only if others can cover for you ooo. Then again, someone can even offer us her home or something so it then gets to be free. Yay!!!

  1. What if I feel sleepy?

So, the deal is, even if we plan to start at 10, the apartment should be open from afternoon so the plan would be that you can plan your Friday in such a way that you come in earlier and go to sleep for a couple hours first. Plus, have you seen anyone sleep off in a club? Or all-night party? Plus, maybe we should even also come with coffee

  1. Will there be food?

I think we should all bring something to eat and share with other sisters. Like a love feast of sorts. Chicks know how to do this food thang, so I am sure we will rock it

  1. Will it be the same set of ladies monthly?

Nope. Every month we run on a first come basis, but even then, I wouldn’t always want the same Chicks. My dream is that the ladies who even attend then get to host their own Jesus parties everywhere. So abeg new Chicks every time. So, catch fire and go burn in your own sphere of influence

  1. Who can apply?

Any one Sis. Single, married, working, stay at home mom, etx. But please NO KIDS ooo. Just you and you alone. No friends sef

  1. What time do we close?

Anytime from 6am, which is about dawn. We start at 10pm

For now, I am not sure of location, but my team and I are searching and then please as you apply, if you know any short-let apartments maybe on the island, or Ikeja, has to be central abeg, please let me know so we check it out

I hope I haven’t left out any information here!!! Drop a comment if I did so I will reply. Don’t ask me in a email. Someone else MAY have the same question…

I especially love the timing of this as this will really set the tone and us on fire for 2019 for ALL OF US!!!

Isn’t God like THE BEST!!!

Speaking of FIRE, Pastor Enoh Jerry is FIRE!!! I caught raw fire last Saturday at the Pastor’s wives and women in ministry conference which she hosted…

My mama was there too and it was like a NEW MAN walahi. Didn’t feel like the same Pastor M.

Infact, I don’t usually go to speakers or guests for pictures unlike before, but I had to go to her, and then use it as my screen saver, to remind me that the ONLY WAY TO LIVE IS ON FIRE!!!

Thank you JESUS

Yawl recall that I mentioned in my visa denial post, that God told me He would bring all the events I wanted to attend in Yankee to me right here in Nigeria?

I had been singing to hubby that PWWIM was my Propel Activate but I didn’t know just how OVER ACCURATE I was.


And I also said that I had a 7th event that I wasn’t sure of?

Well, now I am sure and it is JOYCE MEYER’S LOVE LIFE conference


You can watch it LIVE from your home for a donation of just 40USD pere


That’s the link

I have already sorted mine, and then put the Nigerian timings into my diary. I am not even going to blink so I miss nothing.

All my people will be there including my bessfren Sarah Jakes, Lisa Harper, Priscilla Shirer, Chris Caine (She is always there), and of course Mama Joyce

And look who is leading worship??? My very own Church…


Shut it down yawl!!! I am literally in heaven.

Happy that about half the events fall at midnight hours so internet is fast and no interruptions from humans lol.

Just shared incase anyone wanted to be in Florida while in Nigeria for 3 whole days.

Ok, before I get excited and forget, to be a part of our sleepovers with Jesus for November or even December, email me eziaha@eziaha.com

Abeg don’t forget location suggestions if you have any. Or if your house is big enough for 15 max

Also, we need light and a TV screen. And space. And no disturbance. Haha

Just a bit about you, what you do, single or married, kids, location, your WhatsApp number very important, and anything else

I will email you back with any further info…

I am so excited to push this out mehn

Been incubating for so long…

I am praying for you Sis. That you discern the voice of God so clearly in a world full of noise, and that you have the courage to OBEY!!!

Let me leave you with this amazing clip from my Bessfren Sarah Jake’s




Thank you for all the love on my last post on my hubby’s birthday surprise

Thank you!!!

And then, please join us in praying for our DOMESTIC QUEENS event in December

And publicize too. God has really blown our minds, I tell you!!! Over 80 women already signed up, over 30 sponsors and counting, and ONE GOD set to TRANSFORM LIVES so we can FINISH 2018 STRONG TO START 2019 STRONGER!!!

2 Responses

  1. I must confess that I refresh your blog page at least twice daily to see if something new has been posted. God bless you mama for all you do. The way you see the positive in everything is just amazing.

    Keep it up.

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