Hello dolls… Miss me did you? Mehn, I have been paying for procrastinating on completing my project. So the past few days have been marathon for me. Thank heavens I am done to a large extent. Now I can blog… And to show how happy I am today, I will be giving us all a TRIPLE DELIGHT…Yay!!! Meanwhile my final exams start next week so forgive me in advance if I go AWOL hehehe. Meanwhile I found another blog I think y’all would love. www.kemmiiii.com . She is a medical student in Medilag and she blogs great. Hilarious girl, that Kemi. So three topics I have in mind, aside the title for this blogpost. I have a story on something I have an avid hatred for and then something on Ridin’ solo… Ok now let’s do WHEN I AM SORRY DOESN’T JUST CUT IT

In the past week, two different incidents happened to me. Between two of my girlfriends and myself. Err, I know you girls read this blog but tz ok… I’ll  leave names out of this. I will also share incidents from a few weeks back which helps my point. Il change names and a few stuff about the incident cos everyone of you are my blog faithfuls but err, you know nah…

So Sunday last, a friend who I will call ‘lola’ for now… she and her friend ‘didi’ came to me to complain about a friend I will call ‘Chi’. Now what this Chi was doing not right per se but I didn’t think either Lola or Didi had the right to talk to me about Chi or anyone else like Chi for that matter. I did not really say anything to them right there but later I rang Lola up who I am closer to and really told her off over. Apparently, the stuff I said, she interpreted in more ways than I intended and even though we are great friends and I thought I could even get away with murder… Phew, she was broken. And as she started talking, she started crying, and was explaining why she said what she said amidst tears and when she was done, she gsaid, ‘thank you very much ooo Eziaha, Thank you’ and then she cut the phone on me. Phew… I moved from stunned to broken. I was already in tears cos I didn’t realize she was gonna take it that bad. So I got out, got credit, rang her back. She didn’t pick for a few rings and then later she picked then I said, I AM SORRY… And bang, that was it. She apologized too, said she knew she was hardly in the best position to talk about what she told me that caused me to go off on a tangent, but she told me because she felt I could do something easily to correct that. I said it was fine and shazam!!! We made up. She rang me back a few minutes later and said, I hope this doesn’t affect our friendship? We are still friends right? Of course we are. A simple, sincere and timely ‘I am sorry’ solved it all.

Rewind to Saturday before Sunday; I was in Benin for my friend Vincent’s wedding. I left on Friday afternoon, most of my friends knew I was leaving because aside from blogging about it, I put up DPs and stuff. By Saturday morning at about 10am, I put up a picture of some of us that went for the wedding in our aso-ebi.

And 30secs later, another girlfriend pings me and asks, ‘Are you back?’ phew… How? By witchcraft or faith? I was just irritated by that question unusually. And then I kept on sending so many eyes rolling and stuff. Even after she said ‘sorry for asking’. I no gree ooo. I was just going on and on… Like hello!!! The wedding is today for 11. How would I be back already biko? More eyes rolling. I couldn’t be stopped. And then she was like ‘what’s with the attitude? I’m sorry for showing concern and all that…’ I knew she was upset. So I said once again ‘I AM SORRY darling, I was just being naughty, no vex’ Even though she didn’t respond though she read it, I hoped I had been forgiven and indeed I had been cos when I got back and saw her, she was aii with me.

Yeah I am sure you are probably wondering why I went about annoying people that weekend. Anyways, last I checked, I didn’t come perfect. I’m only human. Sometimes I make mistakes. Plus, the point is, in these instances, I am sorry worked… I got my friends back. In some other instances, IT DOESN’T… things go south from that moment on… Like the next two stories I  wanna share…

A while back, a few people, myself inclusive had spent our time, money and energy planning an event. I particularly put blood and water into it. I wanted it to go very well… But I am in subordinate position to others in the same group and one of my Ogas say NOPE… I do NOT endorse this for so and so reason. I am not releasing a kobo for it. Put a STOP to all your plans. And for good measure, stopped personally what he could. That event was not a first timer event. It was meant to be but I wanted to introduce changes that I thought would fly easily among the team WHOSAI!!! It didn’t…. All my bright ideas came to nothing. I said OK ooo. I knew time was of the essence if we were gonna make this work and time was NOT ON OUR SIDE. I said I will put a stop to all my plans and step down. Bring your bright and better idea and I will fly with it. For where!!! Time flew like it is wont to do. No idea, no plan…. Then after a while, bloke comes to me, and says I AM SORRY… I made a hasty decision by stopping you. Let us go ahead with your plan. I accepted the apology but things had yawa-d… I AM SORRY could not change shingbai!!! Long and short, let’s just say we are waiting on the Lord to make it work… hehehe. You see, apology accepted in full, but the situation could not be salvaged.

The next event still hurts me to think about it, but not as bad as it did then. I had this student trip to a place where we would need a tour guide. I got referred to quite a few people and then settled for someone I would call ‘Kene’. He seemed aii and he was a young dude. Infact a friendship was budding sef. And then wham, we reach destination and dude starts making all kindsa requests and demands from me, and threatening me that he would just leave us here and go back home and he will see how we would get back. Oh my!!! For me, I was broken on two counts… One, I took all that rubbish like a lamb and then two, I wondered what happened to my leading from God… I have such a great relationship with God and I wondered where I missed the prompting from the Holy Spirit and chose from the many options I had, someone who gave me so much stress. Even when we got back home, he still pulled way too many stunts. From delaying us to saying all sortsa crap and lies. Oh brother!!! I was INFURIATED… When I am angry, I go quiet. I don’t say much cos I easily cry when I start raking. I didn’t think he was worth my tears. Anyways, my dear friends, when we parted, approximately 22seconds later, he called me. I didn’t pick. He starts bombarding me with all sortsa messages on every platform imaginable. The gist of all the messages… the same… I AM SORRY… I didn’t mean to, bla bla bla. I deleted all the messages even before reading. I only saw the previews. He sent emissaries to plead. Whosai!!! I didn’t answer. I did not say a word or the story. I just ‘lock up’. Finally ooo, as the Christian that I am, I accepted the I AM SORRY but the harm had been d-o-n-DONE and I was d-o-n-DONE with him, either as a friend or business partner. He is just there… Several people have asked me for a tour guide after then and I did not recommend him at all… yes ooo Disclaimer… that is wisdom ooo…

The stories above have a simple lesson. While I agree that we are NOT all perfect. We are not angels, but we are not DEMONS either. Be careful with our words and actions. Be VERY careful. Just because the pencil comes with an eraser, we don’t go around doodling all sortsa rubbish. Because sometimes even when we erase, the marks remain… This lesson is for me as well as for you. I am NOT exempt…

Cheers to the friggin’ long weekend…


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