Happy Sunday yawl…

I am feeling my consistency mehn haha. Long may this continue, AMEN

I actually do love writing and I am INTENTIONALLY making room in my life to update this blog on a regular. Pray for me YAWL!!!

Ok, so let me share what went down YESTERDAY.

And how I ended up throwing up in the car last night.

So, the day started REALLY EARLY, after 1 hour of sleep. Ugh. You know Fridays are our ZOOM prayers and even though I was BONE TIRED before we began and had to literally have a cup of coffee, a cup of Twinings Blueberry and Apple flavored tea, and a bottle of water just to keep things moving so I don’t sleep off.

After the prayers though, (btw Comfort led it and we prayed alignment over our lives which was real) I was PUMPED.

So, pumped that I kept going until almost 4am. Not in prayers but in other stuff, part of which my friend Rosey had sent me a link to a GIRL TALK with Chris Caine and I almost burst from laughter watching it.

Gosh, Chris is so my person of hope. I love that God led me to her as an example for myself so when I think I am crazy or XYZ, I recall my HERO Chris. She so crayyyyyyyy Chilllleeeeee!!! She actually mentioned how she uses a MENOPAUSAL PATCH to control all the menopausal symptoms and increase estrogen levels, especially as for her, it started at 47 (gosh so early. I hope that is NOT the case for me haha), and she showed them the patch in her PANTIES lol. If I peered really in, I am sure I would have seen it. Of course, she also drops SO MUCH WISDOM on everything and I was just drawn in till 4am repeating the videos and laughing my butts off. Thanks, Rosey, for stealing my sleep haha.

You need to understand that my Friday was GANGSTA cos among other things, I did the family shopping and my hair and got in at past 8pm, so it wasn’t like I had slept all day.

Anyways, I set my alarm for 5am and managed to drag me up a few minutes after it went off. It was a FULL DAY and with the entire family so I didn’t have time to sleep back. Woke up, took a bath, woke my Help, got the kids water ready, she woke and bathed them, woke my hubby, prepped breakfast and packed cos I didn’t wanna feed them so early and by 10mins past 6, we were on the road to church,

You see, we have been in Daystar Academy, the training system of the church, and having done 100 to 300, we decided to complete it and do 400l which is REAL CHALLENGING esp as it is called Missions school and one to one evangelism for about 20 people is a pre-req to Graduation AMONG many other tough reqs.

But I love it. Gotta be about the Father’s biz. I can minister online and, in a group, so this challenge is welcome.

Went with the kids cos we had a wedding to attend and then decided on Saturday evening service instead so that we would do all the rounds and come in late and have an opportunity to rest on Sunday.

Got to church at 7am, Class was until about 8.30 am and we had to be there till about 11am cos hubby had an interview for entry into STAR GUARD. The Traffic control unit of Daystar. I cucu joined the teens program they were having, before which KingDaveed didn’t leave the music instruments in church lol.

We left church and went to my sister’s place on the island where I was gonna keep my kids while we left for the wedding.

Changed and did my makeup which was LIT btw yawl

Didn’t do any eye shadow beyond the winged liner hence the dramatic liner.

We left at about 1pm or so, church was over by the time we got there, so we went to the reception, which was at THE COLISEUM in Lekki.

We had a blast. The Bride is an ex-Squaddie of mine and she really has been so supportive of my business and this was the least I could do.

Funny I thought the wedding was end of the month only to be reminded on Wednesday that it was this Saturday.

I had planned to wear a black n white jumpsuit cos her wedding colors were B n W, but at this point, no time again.

Have I told yawl that this month, I am ison saving mode abeg, so no unnecessary spending, no project, no niceness, etx, but I had to go get a dress for Uchechi so I don’t wear that my black n white gown AGAIN haha.

(I actually considered it lol)

I hoped to go buy a Black Jumpsuit, only for Hubby to suggest this outfit which we made for ElJohn’s dedication which was the same color as the wedding colors. Kai!!!

You need to see my joy and relief.

The wedding was awesome, I had basmati rice and shrimp and veggies sauce, with some Chinese noodles, then a can of malt.

Denrele was one of the Emcees, and there were some Nollywood stars present. Angeles hair is amazing. I need that length. Met another Chick who wore an agbada and we took pix together.

Also met one of my SQUADDIES and friends Nkem

We left at 4pm, spent some time at my sister’s and by past 5, we were on our way to Saturday service.

Got to church at almost 6 which is when service starts. And we took some pix

Service was amazing and we were done at 7.15pm. Started the ride home and my sisters, that is where the journey began. From Ikeja, the traffic was CRAZY. We spent about 3 hours on the road, and my darlings, I was EXHAUSTED. My baby was asleep and KingDaveed fell asleep much later. But the tears were REAL before ElJohn slept. And when in that kinda traffic, especially to make sure over heating doesn’t happen, you turn AC off. The weather wasn’t hot but that traffic? Gosh people’s cars were breaking down and I felt for them. I guess what was up with me was MOTION SICKNESS and my entire tummy felt like it was twisted. I couldn’t find a comfy position, especially with 2 kids sleeping on you. It was CRAZY. I immediately prayed that god should help me get rid of what was causing wahala, cos I dint even tell hubby since I didn’t want him concerned for me. Navigating driving was HARD enough. Anyways soon after, my tummy felt like I was about to throw up, so I asked my help for a nylon in the bag, and wham, I expelled a huge part of what was upsetting my tummy. Felt some relief but only for a short while. Managed till we got home and I went straight to the toilet. Emptied more of what was in my tummy and hubby was so concerned. Struggled to find a comfy position on the bed, and soon after hubby left, the urge was HIGH again, and wham!!! Thankfully I made it to the toilet and projected into a bucket. Hubby said I almost filled up the bucket lol, and that if I threw up or stooled again, HOSPITAL STRAIGHT. It was this morning he mentioned PREGNANCY haha. I hope say I never carry belle sha.

Anyways, after that episode, I knew my belly was EMPTY, lay down to rest and the next time I woke was 3am.

Oh btw, the kids didn’t wake when we got in, so we didn’t bother waking them so no bath or dinner.

First thought on waking was

KINGDAVEED!!!! He may have bed wetted ooooooooo.

But I was SO WEAK plus my thighs hurt from a new workout i introduced to my routine, so I called hubby to check on him and take him to pee. Plus, I was VERY SURPRISED that ElJohn hadn’t woken up. That dude wakes every hour or 2 but at 3am, it meant he had been asleep for about 6 hours or more. Wow!!!

Anyways, thank God KingDaveed hadn’t peed so I went back to sleep. ElJohn would FINALLY WAKE AT 6AM and I was SHOCKED. Went to get him in his room and woke Rosemary to get his food. She fed him and brought him back to me and the dude no gree sleep again, gisting us only God knows what. Lol.

Anyways, we finally woke at 9am and we saw the movie ACRIMONY together which one of my blog readers had GRACIOUSLY sent to me as a Google Drive link. God bless you baby girl.

Saturday church is probably something a lot of people look down on, and frankly a few people have told me their mind on why it isn’t right, but I never get into an argument, because I too may have thought that too if I was an outsider.

The Bible asks us to MEET TOGETHER and it doesn’t tell us a day to do it. Daystar had made Sundays an EQUAL option, so I can worship, serve in my Unit and even enjoy Fellowship after fellowship. It is actually THE SAME message that is preached on Saturday as Sunday and everything is the same as Sunday. If Sunday works for you, fine. If Saturday, fine. Funny how a lot of churches do this in YANKEE and in another 2 years, I am sure it will become a thing in Nigeria

Pastor Sam is so visionary.

Ok, so I just finished service with my Elevation church as a part of the e-Fam and will go take a shower after this is published.

It will be a FULL week cos one of my Staff is on a 2week study leave so I get to do her work. Help me Jesus!!!

Wishing us all a super blessed week.

Love and Light


4 Responses

  1. That was a full weekend!! How you function even with little or no sleep, I am still in awe. When I struggle if I don’t have at least 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep at a stretch….lol. ACRIMONY. I seem to be the only one who hasn’t seen that movie. Ma’am, any possibility of sending it via email/google drive to me, please?

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