I started a series last week sunday which focuses on a short word from the bible I would love to share at the start of each week.
Missed last week? Check it out here…
The Word for NOW: No more DELAY!!!
In the spirit of IMELA, this week’s Word reflects…
Btw, a very beautiful lady (who is married to a very handsome REAL man shared this verse at one of the IMELA prayer meetings. It stuck.

“…Worship God alone, not me! I am a servant just like you, and like your brothers and sisters who bear and hold the TESTIMONY/witness of Jesus (the substance/essence of the truth revealed by Jesus). For the TESTIMONY/ witness of Jesus is the spirit of all prophecy [the vital breath, the inspiration of all inspired preaching and interpretation of the divine will and purpose, including both mine and yours] ” Rev 19: 10 (E’s mix version)

I have always heard ‘the testimony of one is the possibility of others’
I would love to add that ‘the testimony of one is a prophecy for others’
My Pastor Mildred Okonkwo has a testimony.
The testimony still tears me up… Both the pain and the joy we now enjoy.
Diagnosed at 16 of a medical condition that puts you in that unenviable class tagged BARREN
For 18years, she lived with an issue of blood. From one doctor to another, pregnancy test after pregnancy test, no show
January 2013, the perfect start to the year that God’s word to the house of David’s Christian Centre is “2013, I will TESTIFY” my pastor got preggers!!!
That’s why we are saying IMELA
Today, June 16, 2013
Allow me to customize that Word
The testimony of one (Mildred) is a prophecy to ONE (Eziaha)
Don’t hate, put your own name there too.
See you at IMELA in a few hours. Whoooop…

*covering my face*
The video didn’t upload. God knows I went all out despite my hectic weekend. I’ll try again tomorrow. I must share that vid ooo. If you have expert advice, please holler.
If you can’t make it for legit reasons, then watch the Live streaming on www.davidschristiancentre.org
If you can, then COME

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