First of all, today does not quite go down low as one of my highest days… Surprise yeah? I recall my last birthday thanksgiving posts I did. One of the persons I featured, I said she was always there for me at my low times.

DSC_0180  tops (yeah yeah it was Tope)

Promptly, someone asked/told her that ‘wow, so Eziaha has low moments? I wonder what can ever make her down cos she always seems so high and happy tous les jour (that’s french for all the time. Yup I do know more than a lil french). Well news flash is I have some of those days ooo. Just that I don’t wear it like I wear my burberry perfume and shades. No need!!! So what happened today? I am sure you will hiss much when you hear this… This picture should help


Kai!!! The red days are never welcome with me, esp day one is so NOT MY DAY. God in his infinite mercies lets me flow for just two days or tops 60hours and I almost always wanna crawl out of my skin.. ewwwwwww.

IMG-20121111-01017 JMA (JMAD my Starship)

Then the pain… gosh. I have prayed ooo. Let’s just say my faith hasn’t received the answer yet so I deal with so much pain. I look forward to pregnancy especially for the fact that for at least 20months, Aunt Flo won’t be visiting yippee. Don’t bother doing the math. Tz between me and my God, and nope I do not intend to carry my triplets for 20months ooo. Truth is Ms flo almost messed up my day. Had my first meal, drink inclusive at well past 7pm and I wasn’t even fasting. I was too weak. Kept wriggling in pain. Couldn’t even indulge in a few minutes of shut eye. I should take this prayer very seriously already ooo. Btw, MENOPAUSE is also being looked forward to by yours sincerely.

~«Cherie_3«~(2)  (My Pearl who is the proud momma of Emily now)Uche n dum (Dumdum and Uche… My TA Sisters)

Anyways in the middle of all that red drama, with my iPod on shuffle, a Paula White message shows up. She starts this particular message with a prayer in tears and whenever it comes up I always hit the next button. Of course I looooove Paula but I was never ready for the tears. Today though, I was too weak to protest so I let her play and promptly dragged myself up, got my journal, bible and pen and proceeded to listen. I was particularly interested cos of the title… THE POWER OF THE RIGHT CONNECTIONS.

20300_445245252188220_237811984_n (Rev Femi and Rev gbade Ogunlana)

pk sam                                            (Rev Sam and PK)

Screen_20120623_012550 (My fathers Rev Victor and Rev Femi)

peuf_20120515_57 (My three Pastors)

I am one for relationships o. I don’t even play with the wrong set of people coming close. My body has been trained to repel them. Recently my pastor has been preaching on Covenant relationships and that has totally made me more aware and evaluate the connections I have around me even more microscopically.

trio (three TA sisters)

DSC_0075 (Enny and Ayo at my last birthday party)

This year, I do have quite some projects to accomplish and so one prayer I keep praying is that God will send me the right set of persons to help me accomplish them. Like Paula said, EVERYTHING IS BASED ON RELATIONSHIPS. When God wants to take me to my next level, usually he sends a Jonathan (Of course this is me hoping you know the David-Jonathan story. David could not have fulfilled his mandate alone, so bros Jo to the rescue.)

Something God also does is that he removes some people from my life. some may be bad but some may also be good people whose friendships are seasonal. But trust us Nigerians human beings, we just keep wanting to hold on. Like Joel Osteen, another very fave Preacher of mine puts it, we have to have the ‘gift of goodbye’.


So don’t hold on after God has let go. That’s a recipe for disaster. So bros jo and David enjoyed a covenant relationship that Jo gave up his legal inheritance, the throne, for David to accomplish the call to which God had called him. Other strategic alliances of course in the bible are Ruth and Naomi (and Boaz), Elijah and Elisha, John the Baptist and Jesus. The truth is that we would always need people.

Cheech✽(2) (Cheech mama)

me n cheech (CHEECH AND I)

No matter how strong you are, you cant do it all alone. You would need some people to pray with you, people who have more ako n’uche (wisdom and understanding/knowledge) than you to advise you, and so on. All these one men aluta me I don’t get ooo. I love how God just raised Nehemiah for his people to rebuild their dilapidated city. I should do a story on Nehemiah. God gave me a strong revelation on that chapter and I will be happy to share. But the deal was that God planted compassion (and a trailer load of favor) in the heart of Nehemiah and then blessed him with great men to help do the work.

Screen_20120629_232926 (D’amazing Father Patrick )

rev Victor (the grace FULL Rev Victor Adeyemi)

Mehn!!! In 52days, he had accomplished that which the Children of Israel could not achieve in the 90years they had lived in the land. WOW!!! Just because he had the right set of people next to him and working with him. Paula called it the power of NEXT. Imagine if Nehemiah had only people like Sanballat and Tobiah, for shizzle that wall would still be all broken down by now. But these people ‘got his back’ like we say.

The POWER OF NEXT  worked for Nehemiah for good, but just as much as it can bring success and accomplishments, it can also bring failures and stagnancy too. Please pause at this point and take a sincere look at the people NEXT TO YOU… Do you need to make a change? Minor or complete overhaul? Please do if you have to. FRIENDSHIP IS NOT BY FORCE OOO. Ditto relationships.

IMG-20120701-00106 (@ Ayo’s birthday last year)

img00471-20110730-0914_001 (at my Pearl’s wedding)

9IMG_1333 (Ruth Warrens and I at camp meeting last year)

It was afterall in the year that Uzziah died that Isaiah ‘saw the lord.’ By next though, it doesn’t mean ‘proximity’ exclusively. There are some next to you and a great part of your life even though they are miles away from you in distance. Hello technology! Tz like a conduit and stuff flows from you into the other person and vice versa. The thought of having the wrong stuff flow into me is scary enough so I guard my relationships and my heart too. Now this is not to say that I should totally dissociate from a certain type of persons. Nope. This gospel/good news needs to be preached to all and who better to preach it than we who have already seen the light, and how are we gonna spread it if we do not associate with others. By all means do. Just define the boundaries around you. Like Paula says. ‘You can minister to all but Not fellowship with all’ Fellowship connotes a higher level of relating.

Now naturally there would always be different kinds of people around us but I need the spirit of discernment to discern persons to whom my handshake can proceed to a hug and then the ultimate E’ styled hug.

DUMEBI AND I (Dumdum and I)

class (Tope and I in Pogoson’s int’l politics class )

When the wrong persons get too close, and our spirits connect, then whatever negativity and junk can be transferred which is why we do not open up our souls to just any and everyone. Show me your soul connections and I can tell you what is going through you. Don’t walk with a fool. Don’t closely associate with ’em cos even the bible says the companion of fools will be destroyed. Now what do we do with the wrong set of persons or fools as Proverbs repeatedly calls em…?

LOCATE AND IDENTIFY THEM… Minister to them, but don’t hang out with them. I am amazed as to how easily one can catch negativity. Joyce Meyer says that you can catch impurity easier and faster than you can contact holiness. I believe.


So let us consciously work with persons who intimidate us, are wiser than us and even more spiritually mature than us so that we can strive to attain to their levels. Those are the kinda people with whom we can enter covenant relationships with and I use the term covenant in no loose terms at all. COVENANT is a serious term and it is very unlike contract. Contracts are legal and they are binding. Covenant is a connection of the spirit. While contracts are enforced by the law, Covenant is enforced by the Spirit of God. It really matters who we go into covenant with. It is like God joining the partners and so they and no one should put asunder. Which is why the bible says that we should not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. In a covenant, there is a spiritual connection on the inside and even though you guys may have your issues, they have to be workable because you are in covenant.

So who do we enter covenant with? Of course people with like spirits. Kindred spirits (and No baby I do not mean family and stuff).

Jane Yahweh. (Jane of Yahweh)

IMG_3028 (Chu chu my love)

Marriage is of course a covenant relationship and that one we don’t even joke with. But we can also cut covenant with some of our friends who we know are worthy of covenant. There are levels to every relationship and while people enjoy access and privileges to us at different levels, covenant is the highest and there should be a few people in your life that we should be in a covenant relationship with. Who like Jonathan can be committed to seeing you accomplish your visions and dreams, giving you support inspite of themselves, just because of the God mandate. People that you too are committed to no matter what they do which is why we have to pick our covenant relationships very wisely.

We may have our issues of course but in this covenant we look beyond our issues and work it out because of the covenant that we share. The message PK preached on covenant is too deep I can’t even attempt to put it into writing. But I have tried. Just read the David Jonathan story well again for an idea. Of course we too enjoy the benefits of a covenant with God and for me that’s such a big deal mehn… the biggest deal ever.

peuf_20120621_135 ( with my four angels)

Before I celebrate my covenant relationships, Paula talks of we also having the grace to receive our Jonathan. Not to be intimidated or jealous by him/her. David could have been jealous, suspicious and all that being that Jo was the legit heir and stuff but nope, he connected to him and hey that was his conduit to the throne and might I also add a major reason Saul could not kill him.

victor (three generations of greatness)

IMG-20120102-02368 (my Olaedo)

IMG-20120530-01616 (Uche lav)

I can say that I have been blessed with quite a number of great relationships and the pictures I have been using are examples. I have also been very blessed with covenant relationships.

bj meee

Of course I have harassed you guys with Bolaji enough so I will spare you for today but you already know he is my COVENANT for life.


I can also share four ladies with whom I have covenant relationships. They already know and if you are my blog faithful you too would know some of them. I am so committed to what we share for life. I am so thankful for the privilege of being blessed with persons like you girls. I know that some of you are pretty annoying but that’s what makes our love fun… For life ladies, I LOVE YOU…

val Doctor Valerie, my covenant bestie for life who gives a whole new meaning to the word loyalty…

ayo DSC_0166 Dr Ayomikun, a friend who sticks closer than a sister. Love you baby…

1344661157 peuf_20120627_145 Ogochukwu my BESTIE OF LIFE… My golden friend. Love you forever and a week

IMG-20120701-00081 Enny my love… My love at first sight sweetheart.

Sapphire _3(1)

DSC_0132 Love you baby… plentiest

And just in case you are asking, yes I did write this article wriggling in pain and feeling rather lethargic. When you love to do  something, no excuse can quite cut it not even DYSMENORRHEA… which is why I have a post coming up soon on FAILURE PATTERNS of which MAKING EXCUSES IS ONE…

Okies dolls… You get it. Surround yourself with the right connections…

Cheers and hearts




LEAP is starting this week that is thursday and I am so bummed that i am missing it, LEAP is like the first major program that Triumphant Assembly holds in the year and I have attended it for a few years now. Having graduated, I can’t attend it this year. I would have really loved to hear Rev Amosuka preach. I had interviewed him once and he was hilarious and I can imagine that he brings same to bear in his preaching.


I will get the CD when I visit… That is the next best thing na… So starting this thursday 21st to Tuesday 26th at TA headquarters Ijokodo Junction on your way to Eleyele. If you are in Ibadan, feel free to join us…


In looking for pictures for my post eh, i ‘ran into’ one of my favouritest preacher’s message REV VICTOR ADEYEMI.. a miracle against all odds. He preached it at TA like two years ago. Rev Victor is one preacher I could clone just to have him everywhere i go. If he was a lecturer, Oluwa knows I would have offered all his courses.. He has this undulating voice that is second to none for me. Do I sound like I am trippin’? Star struck? The heck i am… :p. And his skin is really smooth like a baby’s own… Silky. And when you are with him in a room, you can literarily cut the grace he emits with a knife and package it… phew…


Of course, i have promptly transferred it to my iPod biko… I also saw a few more of his messages. I had previously thought I had it on my tablet I left back in Lagos. I am really excited about finding ’em jare. Like a kid in a candy store… Or like a star struck Eziaha… WARREVA


Rev victor and Rev Albert iPad-ing  away… These men are just *can’t find the words*. I am grateful for my connection with ’em


Right now I am watching the Arsenal Bayern Munich match… I started rooting for Bayern and so far they are leading 2-0. Can’t stop laughing at Arsenal… hehehe. After lossing to Chelsea last year, dem don vex mehn… they must win today. Last year of course I was all for Chelsea and i can recall the tension as Drogba took the last penalty… Phew… Drogba is a living legend walahi…


Yes comedy goes to CHURCH is still this sunday. Details on my FAB UPCOMING EVENTS… Holla…

10 Responses

  1. My charmer. Incidentally listened to the two messages by Paula and Joyce recently. Like Joyce will say we can get contaminated with Impurity faster than Holiness (really thinking why it should be so). Truth is we unconsciously become like ppl we are close to. We start to say things they say a lot like callin someone tadpole lol. Just like iron sharpens iron that same sharp iron can cut one and leave so many scars. May we be sensitive enough to hear the Holy Spirit’s leading. Good one dear.

  2. I wrote yesterday -“sometimes you just gotta let some ties go with the tides” we’ve got to learn to let go when its time to let the new come in…
    You are so right about connections,we gotta be careful cuz who we let in becomes us. Thanks E

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