It was a Wednesday evening after service. I was doing my not-too-usual faffing (recall my post on CURFEWS and how I hardly can afford to wait for service to be over talkless of faffing) when someone grabbed me from behind

…Ehen she is the One, I have caught you today, I have been looking for you…’

I was a bit surprised though but that kinda behavior is what I would usually do so I smiled through it all. Apparently she had been looking for Eziaha the famous blogger to help her out with a project.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Mrs Ebele ‘Water Walker’Kenn-Ogeleka


She is the absolute inspiration for this post.

And this is E’ putting Ebele on the spot…


The truth is, by just being herself, God used her to teach me a lesson on WIFEY…

What am I on about? Mrs Ebele is the wife of an ABSOLUTELY AMAZING Music Minister, popularly known in-house as MK (Minister Ken).

Island 4

MK is having a musical concert really soon and Ebele has lost herself in publicity about it. I eman this is CLEARLY her husband’s vision and it has TOTALLY consumed her and her life so much so that all she breathes, and I do mean this literally, is SOUND OF HEAVEN.


You will be hearing more on Sound of heaven of course on this blog so please


SUNDAY  25; 08; 2013

But first, allow me to talk first about the ASSIGNMENT CALLED WIFE…

Gen 2;18-And Jehovah God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a HELP meet for him.

HELP… Oh my!!! That is such a real Word. a HELP MEET means a woman that is SUITABLE AND ADAPTABLE…  As wives, we have been called to bear more than the term Mrs. Or married woman. For the wife (and of course husby), marriage is an ASSIGNMENT. Help this man fulfill his vision. That goes without saying that since you have a choice on spouse, you better be choosing one who has a vision ooo. A vision that he has shared with you and you buy into. Because baby, you have WERK to do. Work on your knees

Praying Wife

and work on your feet.

5489044388_837aae1c0e_o (even if with  a laptop… hehehe)

Sometimes you would lose yourself in the process, but for good. One thing God tells me personally is ‘…Eziaha, as I am sending you into this institution called marriage, I am sending you in ON YOUR KNEES.’

No slacking. No slouching. The man and indeed men need help and we wives have been engraced with that ability to help.

I am surrounded by the most amazing women who are daily helping their husbands fulfill their vision and also fulfilling theirs too. And one thing I always hear from them is that it is way easier to be a helper when the man is truly a man of vision and purpose and not just another loafer walking the streets of Lagos.

Ebele, I am really inspired by you and your passion to making MK’s dream happen. Absolutely ma. I celebrate you…


(The smile of a man who has an amazing wifey who understands her work. Guys marry well ooo…)

And as usual, LADIES MARRY WELL ooo… Work dey this tin… It is way easier when you marry well…

Muah my dear FABers



If you are wondering, Ebele, where Kendra gets ALL her hyper energy from, please look at the mirror.

Kenn and Kendra

Thank you…


Because I am so super sweet, lemme give you a taste of a SOUND FROM HEAVEN

ARUGBO OJO does something to my spirit man EVERYTIME I hear it. You know how songs are better when you listen LIVE? Arugbo Ojo is amazing when you listen live AND when you listen un-live LOL

Here is a link to download the audio…


You are very welcome.

Now please excuse me while I go listen to and watch the video again…

and please SAVE THE DATE

Sunday 25;08;2013

More details soon



Another good thing to come out of meeting Ebele that night was that she introduced me to the lady who had done her absolutely amazing dreads. Downtown was gonna make me pay 20K fto get my locks mojo on but this chic who helped me do my dreads now did it for less than half.



And I have been rocking it since… Though always up in a doughnut…


But Ebele’s own is finer FOR NOW because it is older but nne, when mine is older and i dye it and start letting it down, you will see how I will rock it and make you feel so jealous… I PROMISE…


Any FAB’er wanna get the locks on, holla at me and I will hook you up…

10 Responses

  1. In addition of what you said about wives being helpers,I want to share this message I got from my Father.No woman can actually be wife enof(pardon my spellings)as God has said it to be without the Holi Spirit in her.U knw why? Because the Holy Spirit is our Helper(remember?),and if we MUST be like HIM,we MUST welcome HIM into our lives. By the way,do we(women)accept the fact that we are weaker vessels? If they call us weaker vessels why did God make us their helper instead of d reverse? Think about this too.

    1. …We wives have been engraced with that ability to help…
      That is my own way of saying we have the HS to help us help them
      So of course I expect my readers to know that I didn’t discount the Holy Spirit…
      Weaker vessels? Yup. Physically that is (my own interpretation. I’m keeping it)
      I certainly don’t mind men doing all d heavy liftings and stuff. #Toofragiletobother#
      But to help, e no need muscle. It needs the HS like already mentioned.
      Thanks Ruth for dropping your first comment.

    1. Aunty what??????
      E’ is just fine hun.
      And ok. Lost her number. Will ask her in church and mail u.
      She is in mile 2 estate tho

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