Have you felt it before?

The nudge… When you are about to do something and WHAM!!! The nudge comes.

That is what just happened to me.I was all set to blog about som’in that happened to me last weekend, and just as i started to upload the pictures, the Holy Spirit nudged me… No baby, do NOT!!! As simple as the nudge was,i knew i could NOT resist it.So here am I, no topic yet I have to schedule this post for today…

So what will we talk about now ooo? I wanted to discus COMEDY GOES TO CHURCH and bring y’all the gist.

Dcc Comedian Acapella ff @mcaccapela. 08067010127 08022476330

But that would take some time to do a proper review seeing as I don’t have the paper here on which I jotted stuff.

So maybe I should just share a few pictures and gist from the show which BTW was a HUGE SUCCESS.. Shout out to MC ACAPELLA for a FAB SHOW. Like AY said (or was it Julius Agwu, YES both of them and even more were there, all ye doubting Thomases!!!), if your first show is this STAR STUDDED,I hope you can keep the tempo up.

Comedian Acapella ff @mcaccapela. 08067010127 08022476330(1)

The comedians were hilarious walahi. I almost fainted of laughter walahi especially from the upcoming comedians.

I love Julius Agwu but I didn’t even feel him.I guess he felt too comfy and stuff so he did his singing which i enjoyed and said a few jokes… avergae jokes but hey dude is a STAR already. AY was amazing!!! I really love the dude.Met him once on a flight to Abuja and he was really pleasant and even helped me out with something that dropped or so. Was too busy to take a picture with him but I won’t miss it next time

Midnight crew showed professionalism sha!!! the show went on till late and being the last to perform, they were performing to an almost empty/emptying hall, and that did NOT even deter them. They had a mighty good performance hehehe.

Let me share a few pictures of me and a few of my people at the show


Moi on the red carpet


With one of my best choristers mehn…She was also in feddy owerri, my veeeeeery senior LOL!!! She sat beside me and we had fun together. Did not even know she reads my blog till she asked me if I always jot at shows cos of my blog hehehehe. Holler Blessing dear, you are a STAR!!!


Me again!!! Yes you can’t get enough of me


Two fab sisters i met at cool fm praise jam and they are now friends. They came from all my noise on my blog and they had fun, of course we are removing that comedian who wanted to find una trouble at the beginning


ada n i

Another amazing Chorister Adaora… Love her much…she’s an anointed sister.

Tharris all darlings’

Please don’t ever ignore the nudge, you just never know



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