Day Finale…2013
I am grateful not only to have seen the end of the year, but to have really LIVED through this amazing year of our Lord 2013…
Our Word for this year 2013 was I WILL TESTIFY. Incredible word. Many testimonies…
I enjoyed this year ooo… Choi!!! Too many testimonies…
Do we start from NYSC… Which turned out to be a most amazing year.

Like God just led me to the kinda place He knew would be best for me… My workplace Dowen College Lagos. I mean, I wanted to teach and yet have the opportunity to meet people too.
I love the way DCL is run… Not just like a school but a Corporate Organization. Working in the Front desk, dealing directly with parents and guardians and then the many Vendors and Clients who wanna do business with the school. I know I have great people skills and while it was fun and enriching repping my School, I also learnt more on the job. I met very pleasant persons and of course a few rude ones (lol). Teaching my students both acada stuff and othe incredible life lessons was fulfilling indeed. Children/Teens are really amazing. We should truly handle them with care and be sure we are writing only the good things on their life’s slate as we impart knowledge to them. Then the excursions we had to go on… Funtimes yo!!! I had to even start turning them down. Then my colleagues? Oh wow!!! I mean, some of them just took to liking me and just making sure this Corper enjoys her stay in Dowen. Then my bosses!!! Aha!!! I was literally the principal’s baby. I rode with her daily to and fro. When I didn’t, she would tell me how she missed me. I found incredible favor with the Chairman of the Board. Infact, my bosses. I loved how they turned out for my wedding and how they supported with both things can buy and not buy. I love how my princi went ‘behind my back’ to secure a fantastic deal for me the week before my wedding. I mean, with all the loving, you wouldn’t know I was a Corper. Most of all, I am loving the one month wedding leave I enjoyed for the whole of december. Whoop!!! I hear my fellow Corpers are beefing me looool. *tongue out* I am sure they will beat me when I resume work… Loooooooooooooooool.
I have really enjoyed my service year at DCL. Will miss them mega after I pass out in February. More like end of January…
Aha my one and only darling daddy dearest Rev. Rev Femi Oduwole. My Pastor of life for life!!! Words can never be enough to express all the love and gratitude I have for Him. Eish!!!

Large hearted Rev. Has many children and finds a way to manage us all. Tho I must admit I am a super special daughter (Yup!!! Y’all other daughters, eat your hearts out :p looool). Like a real Father,he looks out for me. I love how he has been there for me all through my relationship and especially when we started having issues with tradition. Priceless counsel he always gave. Phonecalls to check up on me. Wow!!! With how busy he is (Rev spends more than half the year on itinerant ministrations round the world) ,one would even readily forgive him if he missed out on stuff. But not Rev despite his sanguine nature. And y’all know Sanguines are hardly organised yet Rev is very organised.
I have learnt a whole lot from him especially because we are both sanguines. His leadership ability is incredible. His love for his people mirrors God’s love. He has great people skills, remembers names and appreciates people a lot (That must be where I picked up my attitude of gratitude from) His heart is super large. Very accommodating. With Rev, I don’t need to ‘coat’ anything… I just say it, drama and all, and you can be sure not an ounce of ‘how could u? I am disappointed in you etc…’ he would say would leave you feeling condemned IF he has to use those words. I am so grateful to have him as a Father indeed. And this year especially, I am super thankful that Rev was the one who gave his daughter to his son away in marriage. All the way from Ibadan… Came for me. Whoop!!!

Nobody else could have done this. Thankful… So thankful. 2014… I am definitely still sitting at his feet, learning more both from what he says and especially from what he does. So much to say about Rev but make I stop here… Love Rev scatter.

And his amazing ‘babe’ Rev TJ… Amazing couple.
How can I be thankful enough for my Lagos church DCC. That’s David’s Christian Centre. My faith in the Word grew in leaps and bounds. Our very beloved PK, dropping the Word like its smokin’. This year I saw a more personal side of the Okonkwo’s and felt really loved. Sometimes, I feel like PK is my conscience… I hear his voice a lot especially if my head wants to start ‘touching’. And PK has a stern voice so when I hear it, I adjust immediately. PK dey preach walahi… He has a way with the Word like no other and I am so grateful that he keeps sowing seeds of fire for the Word in me. I have a billion messages from him from way back to today. Lie no good, PK has helped my Word life ooo.

Then PK and Faith are inseparable. If PK preaches faith, you sef will want to live a life of faith. He makes faith very practical. And the results? You gotta be a big time hater/beefer to not acknowledge it. I love PK ooo. Kai!!!
And I feel really blessed to know that I am also a special daughter too out of the thousands he has… Whoop!!!
PM… Pastor Mildred Okonkwo. My darling PM with her sunshine smile and beautiful heart. IMELA indeed remains a testimony. Ditto Davida. Ntoi-ing the devil one speechless testimony after another. Then the JUG blog… Ah!!! Totally 5star. Like Enny said, tz gold on WordPress. Mama mia, you gotta blog more in 2014 yeah? 🙂
I am just blessed to have my Pastors as my Pastors. They are my testimonies, my gifts and my prophecies. Thankfully, I am not going anywhere…
This Blog was also a major testimony in 2013. I met so many amazing people via this platform. I can’t even believe some of the things you guys share with me. God really works wonders. I am trusting God for more in 2014. We will have many more testimonies to share. God bless all my FAB readers.
And to the oh-so-amazing blogs and bloggers I met this year… Ah!!! Inthe of www.inthemidstofher.com then NH and NW of www.naijahusband.com. These two blogs were all shades of amazing. Ditto the bloggers. Frances Okoro and 1plus, great discoveries. Great ladies. Tunde Leye’s and Ajoyo’s blog provided incredible fictions. Infact, I can’t name all the blogs but blogsville rocked this year for me.
Sapphire Sapphire. Eniola my twinnie, bestie and my lover girl. And of course terrorist.

All my years of chasing you and professing my love just started paying off this year. Yes na, you dunno I chased you abi. You did plenty shakara for me. Now you can’t get enough of me… I wish I could do shakara for you sef but I love you too much and can’t help myself. I see a lot of people in my future but you stand out. It is a beautiful future I am seeing and we are creating. Thank you darling, for a most amazing year. For your companionship especially, listening ear and prayers. Sometimes, I feel like we are married. These days, bolaji has a way of asking me daily ‘Have you spoken to Eniola? ‘ Or ‘when last did you speak to Eniola?’ Looooool. I am like ‘what’s that? Is she medicine I have to take? Hiss…’ I dunno how it would have been without you sha. Can you picture us being married without being in each other’s lives? Who will we be sharing all those ‘hot gists’ with? Who will be voltroning our ‘brother’s’ cause? Who will be threatening me everyday with words like ‘…woman you will return our brideprice ooo. You know we paid a lot for you so you better respect yourself..?’
Oh, lemme report Eniola. She always threatened me that she will harass me with calls on my wedding night. And she very did. When I didn’t pick, see the text she sent…

Only Sapphire could have done this…
Love you baby… 2014 and beyond will be even more impactful. That much I know.
Oh and it feels really good to know that all four of us got married this year. Whoop!!!

Eniola Ogunmekan to Ayomikun Ilevbare to Dumebi Ehigiator and finally E’ Olojo…
The feeling is just incredible… 3 of my close friends got hitched and all but Enny are inter-tribal marriages. We can trade stories and all. And you can imagine that our kids would also be close in age and all… So cool.
This is getting long so lemme end already…

Aku m, my very own David. A man after my heart and God’s heart. Such an honor to be married to one like you. 2014 is our year… Devil go take!!!
My darling FAB community, thank you. Thank you. Thank y’all…
Enjoy cross over services hun…
And more than anything, please get your own rhema Word from God with which to run this year… I love mine.
2014… Still testifying!!!
Hugs and love

14 Responses

  1. Hehehehehehehehe…u tried squishing all your testimonies in one blog…an almost impossible task abi? Heeeeeeheeeeheeeeheheee. Lovely way to end the year. Thanksgiving. Our God is Good. I cant say it enough…but Im sure God can see my heart and know just how Thankful I am…how thankful we all are. His mercies will carry us in and through 2014. See you there darling….my love for you will never never die

    1. And my health is even perfect so you can imagine how tiring this must have been. But I had to do this abeg. Devil wouldn’t stop this. Amen. His mercies will.
      Looking forward to a more enriching testimony filled friendship with you come 2014!!! Love you b. For life

  2. You had a FAB year and I know that 2014 will make your 2013 look like a big joke.
    Coming across your blog was one of the highlights of my year. God bless you dear. More grace.

    See ya next year 😀

  3. Awwwww. blushing(if I can with my african cheeks),awwwing,ahhing,ooohhing, all at once.
    Cheers to an awesome 2014! Twas ama-mazing to meet you,still maintain that you are one of my blogosphere testimonies.
    And thanks for the word from God for the year,got mine before I even stepped into church.
    Thanks again for all E,I look forward to a blessed 2014 for me,you,all yours and everyone connected to us,amen.
    Ps-did my gratitude to u on my post today + the pic mix blurred Dumebi’s mega watts smile in that pic…

  4. ┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥A̶̲̥̅♏ happy for ♈υ̲̣̥ E’. Thank ♈υ̲̣̥ for replying. I look forward to your email. Better still any other means of contacting ♈υ̲̣̥. Maybe your BB pin or something. I want this new year to be a different year to a new start. Get ready on tips on how to mentor ♏ε̲̣̣̣̥ because I share the same temperament ₩ɪ̣̝̇†̥ ♈υ̲̣̥. Lolz. I wedded 29/11/2011. If I had known ♈υ̲̣̥ early, I would have shifted my wedding date soO:):D=)) that we could share the same anniversary. God bless U̶̲̥̅̊ and your man richly.

  5. Sorry madam. Happy new year. I wish ♈υ̲̣̥ have your twin girls this year. Pls join ♏ε̲̣̣̣̥ in prayer as I pray for my twins too (boy and girl). ┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥A̶̲̥̅♏ waiting for ♈υ̲̣̥ to blog about ♈̷̴̩☺ΰя pregnancy experiences. I can’t wait to see how will rock that bump. ┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥A̶̲̥̅♏ glad ♈υ̲̣̥ ar still testifying.

  6. Eziaha Olojo, did I marry my father? Is my husband’s name Lofindipe? I will report u to both my brother that spent so much money on ur brideprice and ur brother that u followed to come and pay mine.
    And pls y’all shouldn’t mind this lover girl of mine, I am not a terrorist o. In fact I am so sweet, honey craves to be me.
    But for real twinnie, thanks for chasing me down all these years, words can’t express how amazing you are, how much our familyhood (cos ours has passed friendship) means to me and esp how much I love u *speaks in tongues to say “I love u*. Plus I know my brother always has my back so if you try to do shakara for me, we shall be demanding our nigerian budget brideprice back. Lol!
    There ain’t no stopping our victory this year baby, Christ has said it and we are living it.

    1. *hands you cold water*
      *adjusts name quickly*
      Nobody is infallible jor. I lived with lofindipe for a really long time so…
      Honey craves to be you…
      It has a name baby… It is called ‘show-off’
      Love you baby

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