Creating a Job Description for Your Domestic Staff

NB; This post was originally authored by me and published on, a lifestyle online blog. In dividing tasks into days of the week, I make sure to space them out evenly, so she is not overburdened on any day. I also move beyond delegating tasks after a while to delegating authority. For instance, I […]
They Will Need Your Permission First

NB: This Blog post was authored by me and published on, a lifestyle online blog. It happened to me again recently, and as I told my husband, he was like, “Are you sure you are not just imagining things?” I smiled and didn’t bother trying to explain further. Ko le ye won. He wouldn’t understand. […]
Foolishly sleepwalking through a meeting with Jesus.

I woke up at 1am to spend time with the Lord and let me tell you guys, He dragged my WHOLE LIFE!!! I actually came to sort of pray-plain that is complain and pray about an issue and just as I started journaling, He started to speak and by the time He was done, I […]
Who sets your STANDARDS????

So, the Lord laid it on my heart to ring a certain friend and ask her a couple of questions. These days, I’m tryna be a faithful member of the MIND YOUR BIZ ministry, of which Sarah Jakes Roberts is our CEO and Founder, so I really pressed in to be sure the Lord wanted […]