The Story of PowWow with E’ 3.0 and YNaija 100 most influential Christians in Nigeria…

Hey guys, I am SUPER EXCITED to share this story with yawl because I feel like SOMETIMES, we hear only the pretty stuff, and then when we hit toughies, we think WHY ME, or worse still, WHY ONLY ME!!! You see hun, we are ALL working out this salvation, and there are highs and lows […]
The FitnessCoach and The Biz Coach… PowWow with E’ and Steph Obi

NB: This post was written last week and was to go live on Friday. The Graphics guy delayed me. Love the flier now Enjoy… Hey yawl Smokin’ is the Word around here. You know, sometimes when someone is not blogging (or doing something they used to do regularly), it just may be intentional. God may just […]