Hello lovelies,

I am sure you guys have missed all my trouble and love. I have been all kindsa busy sometimes i think i am 30 years or even 40 sef… Ife ju m n’isi… Soooo much to do in so little time. I guess i must have procrastinated plenty. Now eh, chai…. *insert huge deep groans and sighs and a few tears for effect*

Anyways i am sure you guys are just totally saying hey ya… aww… and all such ishes… wondering what you can do to help. Wonder no more darling… I have just the best way you can help this fab sis out. You guys know i have NEVER asked you for money for reading my blog and learning so many cool stuff… I have been a sweetheart and your candidate for Little Miss Perfect Blogger… Ehen now i need your help eh… I have this scholarly work i am doing… Tz on the social media activities of GSM companies in Nigeria. Long story short… Are you a fan/ follower of any gsm company on facebook or twitter? Then you can help… Even if you are not a fan, you can help too.  I have an online survey here with questions which i need us all to fill for me. here is the link http://cambridge.qualtrics.com//SE/?SID=SV_ezzfAYqPVSdSRW5

It is sooooo simple to fill and so exciting and educating too. Trust me on this one…  walahi… then i also need you to help me spread word about the link please…. facebook it, tweet it, bbm it, broadcast it, email it, reddit it, youtube it… Sweetheart do what you can to help me please. and urgently too. This runs just till the end of the week…And i need as many respondents as possible. Infact my behind is on fire right now. So you gotta help help help me… harass all your friends till they fill it.

And yes if you have suggestions as to how else i can get word out biko i am all ears and eyes…

Thanks dears…

Meanwhile i hope everyone is fine ooo. Pardon my not asking earlier. I am working on fast forward.



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