Hi guys!!! 

So much love on the previous post

Thank you!!!

I had an absolutely amazing week!!! So thankful for God, hubs and great great friends!!!

Anyhoos, this week I thought I would talk about the workouts I have done up until this point. 


My coach, Health n Healthy always says we should ‘eat/workout for your goals’

My goal? 79kg.
Current weight? 82kg

Phew!!! #Thankful

The journey has been real. Thank God. 

OK, at the beginning of this journey, the goal was to loose weight/fat so it meant more workout. 

One of my mentors had casually mentioned skipping and it’s amazing ‘sure banker’ results. I had a skipping rope already so I dusted it up and started skipping. 

My first day I did 500 and then 600 then 1000. 

The mind is so powerful and I knew that believing I could was half the work done already. 

BTW I whipped out all my old cloths for my WO. Didn’t care about fancy workout wears. My brother dashed me his canvas and I thank God for it cos the sole is doubly padded. Helped impact on skipping.
Continued with 1000 skips for a while then 1200 then 1500, 1600 then 2000 which was where I levelled out. 

I used to do morning and night so it was 4000 daily. Some days I would try and hit 3000 and/or 2500 at once. 


Then someone suggested I do like 10mins body toning workouts since I do insane figures of cardio so that my body tones up and is not ‘bolo bolo‘ lol.

Fiam, I flew to Youtube. Searched around and found Kaeira LaShea!!!

Love her!!! BAE!!!

Most of her vids were 10mins so I downloaded two. 

Afro body toning 

Cardio dance Abs. 


So after skipping, I would do one of her vids. 10min was INTENSE with babe. 

Then I would do planks- elbow, full and side planks for a cumulative 5mins. Then do some crunches too

Used to do this morning and night!!!

I wasn’t joking. Lol. 

Then one day I discovered Jillian Micheals!!!


It was LOVE at first sight!!! 

She was fun, exciting, excited and intense!!!

So I included her 30day shred level 1 into my routine and halved my skipping. 

I moved to level 2 after a couple of days. And stayed there oooooooo. 

Didn’t try level 3. I just loved my level 2. Lol. 


I stopped skipping after some time and did just Jillian and Kaeira. 

Then second week in November, I joined TWO online weightloss programs. They gave WOs to do but frankly, I mostly did my own routines not what they gave in the groups. Was enjoying mine so much but the community helped a lot. Plus I got meal plans and guides too.

I saved all the WOs though and from time to time I do it. 



Then after a while, I decided to try my Uncle Shaun T. 


Shaun T has always been too tough for me but to my surprise, Uncle was easy. 


Actually it didn’t get easy, I just got stronger. So I stayed with Shaun for a bit doing him morning and evening plus Kaeira. 


So basically from September to December, I kept switching up my routine. It was hard yup but I ‘enjoyed’ them.

Loh' me some Shaun!!!

I believe God was helping me and leading me to them. 

(Shaun and Jillian are both gay and married sef. Sigh. Those two should have married each other. #Matchmadeinfitnessheaven)

The hardest WO for me till tomorrow remains mountain climbers

Mountain climbers aaargh!!!

And of course, BURPEES!!!


There was plenty PAIN!!

Infact for almost 3months, my knee and ankle HURT bad!!! I actually feared it was a dislocation and it would stay with me for life and I won’t wear heels again and so on but I didn’t stop working out oooo. I said I would use my faith to deal with it but I won’t stop. 
My ankle still hurts tho but my knee is fine now.

I was ready to kill FAT and determined not to stop. So long as it didn’t kill me.


I frankly wasn’t thinking I would get results this fast. I had a target in my head of KingDaveed’s birthday.

March 10. 

So frankly, I was pleasantly surprised by earlier results.



Infact I was absolutely shocked!!!


E be like feem!!! I believe it pays to just keep going and forget the scales AT THE BEGINNING.


Results no dey hide. Better than setting unrealistic goals and then being disappointed. 

If anybody ever told me I would be 85kg sef I would have disbelieved. 

But Dec 31 caught me at 84.1kg, 5kg less than my BMI ideal. 

I knew it was then time to go slow. 

So this year, I stopped every other workout and started working on just Abs.

Had a flat tummy before I got pregnant so I want it back!!!

No this pic is deceitful lol. Tz not that flat

It is proving hard but devil is a bastard(have a friend who says this a lot lol).

Or maybe I am impatient. Haha. I am just two weeks into Jillian’s 6weeks6packs shred and I am already looking for abs. 



I am loosing fat and gaining muscles as I work on my abs which is absolutely amazing. 

That’s all I do these days. Everyday except Sundays which are rest days. I started doing the video twice a day but have downed to once. 

That’s cos I need to go slow. 

Anything lower than 79kg no go pure ooo. Haha. 


Soon I will have to down to 4times a week and probably eat more cos I have to maintain it. 

So thankful for results sha!!! 

I am so so so so thankful. I feel lighter, stronger, and healthier. 



I still don’t believe say na me people dey use do example on weight loss. 

I am so proud of me!!!

RIP FAT!!! #AllBlack

That’s why I wanna help some other persons get here too. 

I want you to be proud of yourself too by June!! Or earlier. 

But you have to be serious ooo. 

In my last post, I mentioned I wanted to help FIVE sisters who are ready to KICK SOME FAT!!!

This is SERIOUS stuff and I am bringing CHOLERIC E’ to this with just a dash of the sanguine

The requirements follow

1.  Please if you are an EXCLUSIVE breastfeeding mama, don’t apply. Ditto if you have a baby under 3months.

2. CS mom? Please don’t apply unless you have been cleared by your Doctor.

3. Health challenge esp a physical one e.g. problem with knee? Please don’t apply. Ditto if you are on drugs like anti-depressants or pills.

4. Are you one of those ‘I am 70kg trying to get to 65kg’? Please don’t bother.
5. I want to have flat tummy but I don’t want to lose my hips or bust? Please don’t apply. Get a professional trainer.

6. Size 16 and above? BMI on obese or overweight? 90kg and above? You are the kinda person I am looking for. APPLY!!!

7. Pregnancy and breastfeeding weight gain? Holler!!!

(refer to above requirements too o)

8. I am busy. I have one life. I work two jobs. I don’t have time to work out daily. I have two husbands. I have three kids. I am allergic to workout. Etc.


9. Can you afford a minimum of ‘EIGHT’ workout sessions EVERY WEEK? Holler!!!

10. Just to clarify previous point. Say you do Friday morning and night and Saturday morning and night, and then weekdays just one session daily, you have eight workout sessions!!! Sundays can be your rest day. I used to do 12 sessions weekly so…

11. YouTube has to be your friend on this journey. Ditto some websites and co I will be recommending. So if you don’t have data to spare, please don’t apply!!!

12. The group will be on BBM and maybe Whatsapp too. Please be sure to have BOTH if you are going to apply.

13. If you have issues being accountable DAILY, PLEASE DON’T APPLY!!! You will really need to be accountable AND truthful if we will work together since I ain’t in your house with you.

14. If you are coming with unrealistic expectations  (20kg in one month) please don’t apply.

15. If you are not ready to unlearn and relearn stuff especially as it has to do with your diet, please don’t apply. I have had to discipline myself when it comes to food and learn healthier eating options that are still exciting too. This journey is 80percent food ooo so if you live in the gym and eat wrong, OYO is ya case

16. Single? Married? Kids? No kids yet? Anyone can apply so long as you are female.

17. if you are lazy, please don’t apply. I am tough ooo forget all the niceness on my blog. When I mean business, I am a TOUGHIE!!!

18. If you believe that FAT runs in your family, please don’t apply.

Meeee. Before

19. If you are really interested, please get a bathroom scale, measuring tape and comfy workout shoes. If you can get a skipping rope (if we decide you should go that route), yoga mat and dumb bells, that would be perfect!!!

And finally darlings, if you are looking for an exciting lady who is BORN TO ENCOURAGE even as you go on this amazing journey to a FITnFAB you, holler!!!

I promise you, even though I am tough, I am actually exciting and a really cool kid. I REALLY want to HELP you but you have to help me to help you. I have never felt better about myself and how I can take this discipline and energy to other facets of my life is a real JOY!!!

Let me help you sister!!!

The above conditions may look tough and all but loosing weight is SERIOUS business!!! I want to deal with ladies who REALLY wanna do this and have counted the cost. Like I said, I have spent some good time answering questions IN DETAILS from people who say they wanna lose weight and then it is either they ignore me totally or just say ‘na wa ooo, this thing is hard’ and disappear. Too annoying I tell ya!!! Loosing weight is HARD but so is being overweight. CHOOSE YOUR HARD!!!
I chose mine and goodness I am so proud of me!!!

Just take your time to read through, and then ask yourself if you are really ready for this.

No jokes!!!

Answer that question sincerely and then we go from there. The class would run for AT LEAST 4weeks and 3 months at most. Frankly though, in 4-6weeks, you should really be good to go on your own, for life!!!

But of course, I can take anyone out at any time if you are not serious.

We are not here to play ooo. That FitFabFam group I started earlier, the ladies didn’t see it coming walahi. I just woke up one day, after over a week of being the ONLY consistent lady there, and closed the group. Same way you can wake up one day and you realise you are no longer in the group.


Some of yawl are like me. You can go this journey on your own. Please don’t apply!!! But for those sisters who need encouragement, I am happy to help and serve. Only be willing.

I will share the email next Saturday. That’s because I don’t want you to be in a hurry to apply. 

Someone will help me do the selection (I have someone in mind sha but if the spirit leads you to help me, holler at me please) so it doesn’t seem like I am being partial. Cos quite some people I know have sorta ‘pre-applied’ so… #noojoro

Side Note to Ijeoma: Honey, if you are still interested, please let me know in the comment section. Will block a spot for you.

When I share the email of my ‘helper’ lol, just send her a mail with your weight in kg, height, BMI (google please), current dress size and just a lil weight-related info about yourself. No long story, except you like long story lol.

I am excited about this journey ladies. I have all sorts of cool stuff lined up for us all, including punishments and rewards. 

Plus I stay prayed up about this so I know God is going to help us and crown our efforts with quick success, Amen!!!

This is going to be SO. MUCH. FUN!!!

Will see yawl again next week. Except God leads me in a different direction, I should be sharing what my meals have been like on this journey. Cos your meals are EVERYTHING!!!

Stay Saved, Fit and oh-so-FABULOUS!!!



Ezi(from Anambra I think) and the other lady I owe a JM Bible(not you Bachata please. Your’s is on the way), your Bibles are here. Yaaay. Please email me using the mail you sent FIRST. Abeg. Don’t just send a fresh mail. I need to be sure.

55 Responses

  1. Lmao @ I have two husbands!
    This is serious business.
    I love how focused you were towards what you wanted concerning your weight. Well done.

  2. lemme respect myself n not apply but ermmmm meal plans nko? seriously speaking u ve come a very long way and d most exciting part of ur journey is ur willingness to help others along d way. I have no doubt, Abba is very proud of you.

  3. Nne your posts have inspired me to map out a weight loss journey for this year. I can’t apply now cos of the beginning of the year fast I’m on. However I’ve picked up plenty tips from this and previous posts and I’ve been doing some light workouts already- skipping and ab stuff. If there’s a second batch, I’d definitely apply.

    1. I love how you say second batch.
      I haven’t even thought of it.
      And we start in Feb hun so if your fast is over by then, you may apply
      Well done girl

  4. Ezi ur truly an inspiration.most tyms wen i try embarking on ds fit journey i fall bk to my old ways too soon,am usually not able to keep up for more than 3days n the fact that u were able to do ds on ur own is amazing,ur progress is mindblowing/unbelievable.Which brings me to the clause 90 n above…Ezi really?am eligible except for that clause.i weigh 80.2kg n my BMI reads overweight.pls do something cz i already have grand visions of joining ds group n achieving my goals with ur support,Help a bloated sister.
    Congrats sis on ur achievement,am really awed…

    1. Oh my!!! Grand vision hahahaha
      May consider taking that clause off.
      People be harassing me on and offline. #nochill
      Babe u need motivation. First self, then next from encouragers like me.
      Let’s see what next week holds!!!

  5. Lmao… E’ made me really laugh o. I think i qualify o cos I’m 97kg, size 18, 1.68m tall and definitely obese even though I don’t look Obese. I have a skipping rope already and I do about 300(i need to step up my game), I do burpees, mountain climbers, planks and sit ups. But i need encouragement big time o! I’ll be delighted if I’m picked Ezi. I can’t stop marveling at how much weight you’ve lost!!! Thanks in advance E’. Kisses to KingDaveed

    1. You are my madam ooo Tif’
      Burpees, mountain climbers, planks???
      Nne I hail!!!
      Please apply. Would love for you to be picked sef.
      You def qualify at 97kg

  6. Ezi ur truly an inspiration.most tyms wen i try embarking on ds fit journey i fall bk to my old ways too soon,am usually not able to keep up for more than 3days n the fact that u were able to do ds on ur own is amazing,ur progress is mindblowing/unbelievable.Which brings me to the clause 90 n above…Ezi really?am eligible except for that clause oh.i weigh 80.2kg n my BMI reads overweight.pls do something cz i already have grand visions of joining ds group n achieving my goals with ur support,am appealing to u to help a bloated sister.
    Congrats sis on ur achievement,am really awed…

  7. Biggest motivator in my time and age. Am so happy for those that will be picked because i know they will come out with great result if they stay consistent. Would love to apply but… Make i respect my old age and maintain my lane.
    The level of your discipline is so deep.

    1. Boooooooooo!!!
      Abandoner!!! Hahaha #kidding
      Please you are motivated enough.
      So proud of you girl!!!
      Excited for the ladies too. Gosh

  8. Eziaha am still interested, please. The truth is that I am over weight with BMW of 27.81 kg/m2 (Overweight). Am totally ready for the work. Please leave do not leave me out.

  9. A well good job! This is whao!!! I’m an exclusive mum but I need the food. Intake…..would join u soon.thanks

  10. I would apply.I am overweight and meet the rest of the criteria. I exercised regularly some years ago but stopped when i had so many changes in my life. The only thing I hitherto lacked is discipline/accountability. Do help a sistur out.

  11. Fantastic job love. Super proud of you. Finally started on my journey to size 12 again. Started on Monday and 3.5kg down. It’s a lot of work but it’s worth it to be healthy, fit n fab. So please sign up ladies n push through. See Eziaha na. Do we really need preaching or encouragement?

    I on the other hand will take on nursing, I have 3 kids, c-section, learning to walk, exclusively breastfeeding,cant even touch my toes mums when I’m ready ….so watch out

    Once again darling. I’m sooooo proud of u n challenged. And I love the fact that you are helping others to get there.

    Million kisses

    1. Oh mama I can’t wait for you to start.
      Pitying the women in advance sha cos you are more ‘wicked’ than me.

      Thank you so much mama.
      And mehn I am twaleing you right here!!!
      I am a learner where you dey

  12. Well done Eziaha! You try wehhhhhhhhh!!

    I do Shaun T’s routines (T25 to be exact) and I don’t understand how his workouts can be easy for anyone. The man makes me squat, lunge and burpee for Jesus!…don’t even want to talk about his compound movements (like where he tells ME to combine lunges and burpees). Geez!

    You should watch this for humor’s sake (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64faCLIkdrQ)

    And that picture! Oh Lord!! Captures him perfectly. In my sleep, I hear Shaun T telling me to ‘keep my core tight’.

    I still love him though.

    Congrats Sis…and the best on losing the remaining 3kg…although it doesn’t look like you should be going any further.

    1. Omaaaaaaaaa hahahaha
      Shaun T is my oga.
      If you are doing T25, you are my madam!!!
      I can’t!!! Even watching it is making my heart rate go up.
      When I say ‘easy’ I mean I didn’t need to stop every 2mins but every 5mins haha
      NNE that’s progress to me.
      And the last 3kg is just for fun. Haha. My momsie has been begging me to stop. I think I will need help on maintaining sha. Cos I don’t see myself stopping my workout or eating more.
      But I guess I have to ooooooo

  13. Hi E,
    Biko I NEED to apply. M currently size 18, weigh 106. For my health n job I need to loose weight.
    I am tired of methods that don’t work, changing church, wearing only peplum tops etc.
    I really really need this. There is so much I can’t share here. But if you have your 5 ladies already, no problem just make me number 6.

    1. Awwww I would LOVE to work with you esp cos you weigh what I did when I began.
      Plus I like you hehe
      Please apply on Saturday oooo. Details will be in that post on Saturday

      1. Thanks E,
        Was gonna say thanks dear but as u b my boss.
        Biko Saturday haff reach n pass na,
        Wia is d application site.

  14. I would really love to apply Eziaha but I am a CS mom, my son is seven months and two weeks. Please please can you work with me? I fit in with your other criteria and I am ready to work. I already do sit-ups, squats and skipping in the mornings.

  15. I just burst out laughing when I read ” if you are 70kg and want to be 65kg don’t apply” lol.
    Lemme just respect myself. I am btwn 67/70 kg and would love to be Btwn 62/64kg. Not that I don’t reach it sometimes but it fluctuates because I am not exercising or dieting.
    The irony is that for my height 65kg sef isn’t ideal. I should be lower. However, if I go less than 65kg people start telling me I look ill. the last time it happened, me sef got worried and started eating like crazy to gain weight.
    See something oh.

    This thing that you started small small, like play, I see it becoming something bigger than your comprehension.

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