We have read what DDK said and What Pst Dotun Arifalo said from #PropheticMotherhood

And we end the #PropheticMotherhood with what the very beautiful Nneka Kyari said.


First, let me give a background of Nneka!!!

She actually lives in Bonny island so even before the program, when I told Aku’m who was coming, he said he knows her and that she’s launching her book in Bonny that weekend or so.

Nneka Kyari authored ‘Breaking through the haze…how I overcame infertility.’


Two things made me sorta underrate the import of her session personally… and it feels good to know I was NOT alone lol


First thing, I don’t have that problem but I thought I will just listen on behalf of, and then buy the book for someone. I frankly didn’t think she would touch me like that but I had an open spirit for anything.

Secondly, when you hear someone authored a book like this, I dunno about you but first thing I’m thinking is she must have been believing God for a looooooooooong time, maybe 8 to 15years with plenty stories and a HUGE testimony.

When I heard she waited four years, I’m like ‘…oooooooooooooo k……..‘. Then she dropped a line that just sounded like a bomb in my spirit

But before then, lemme back up a bit so we really catch the gist.

So Nneka is well aware she has an infertility problem.


Oh btw, she talks about FRUITFULNESS being beyond just children and she had a beautiful Rhema she shared from Genesis 1:28 and because BE FRUITFUL is such a theme in my life, I caught it.

Ok so the devil has brought a battle right to her dormot.


Having battled with it a while, home and abroad, she gets tired and decides to do something about it and so enter


Not everytime, multi-task. Juggle. Etc. Recall what Priscilla Shirer said about BALANCE here

Nneka knew that split-focus in this matter would not give her the results she so desired. And so as led by God, SHE RESIGNED HER JOB to give this battle the right attention.


And this quote she gave right here hit all the right notes in my spirit.

‘…most goals in life do NOT have to take FOREVER. if I didn’t focus and give this battle the RIGHT attention, I may have still been waiting till today…’

Bet you’ve never heard a sermon like that. That Rhema hit home in that room.

That’s like turning something on its head.

‘…No, no, I’m not here to tell you how I waited 15years. I’m here to tell you how I would have waited maybe 15years but I fought and cut my journey to 4years and this is how you can cut yours short too…’

I’m all for Holy Spirit inspired shortcuts with wisdom. No glory in sufferhead. When a battle comes to your dormot, Focus!!! Deal with it. Win. And then move on once and for all.

Oh but Nneka didnt quite understand what God meant when He told her to focus, because now jobless, she filled herself with SOOOOOOOOOO MANY church activities!!!

Enter Christine Caine who by the way is a CHURCH GIRL through and through.

Numerous Christian ACTIVITY does not compensate for an AUTHENTIC RELATIONSHIP with God…CC

Kyari said ‘…being active in church does not auto equal a stronger relationship with God…’

Head of Sunday school, Committee member of dis n dat, Secretary, women’s miseries ministeries, etc. Then she also started her own business.

Still no focus. Just too much activity. Then God gave herLuke 10:38 Only ONE thing is necessary…

Give attention to your relationship with God. He is looking for INTIMACY and it is in that place of intimacy that she would get the required strategies to battle infertility.

Then she got serious and cut down sooooo many unnecessary activities. There’s only so much one can do per time if one is going to enjoy intimacy with God.

Then God started to download. I love how she shared it systematically with us in such a short time.

Number one: GUARD YOUR HEART. She needed a PURE heart. It is only on the platform of a pure heart that God does the miraculous. Holiness is very key in receiving the password of your life. She used the story of Jesus who even when He was persecuted, He forgave and kept His heart clean and then He could do the IMPOSSIBLE… Rise from the dead.

From a pure heart, you can hear God speak to you.


You know, I am working on something HUGE and as I prayed and basically sought God concerning directions, I felt Him say I/we should start with a HOLINESS study and I’m like HUH? But clearly, He let me know that He needs us to be HOLY first before He can start to show Himself. Which was where the Post Open Heart Surgery came from. I felt like Nneka read that post lol

Then from that foundation, God began to give her more directions on what to do and LEARN the DISCIPLINE OF DOING which was her NUMBER TWO.

Don’t wish for a result, DO!!! You can’t even pray and confess without DOING.

She had to be disciplined enough to DO

She had to start feeding her body with the RIGHT DIET. She made her meals herself. Plenty veggies and she had to make sure she cooked them well enough to preserve the nutrients.

She started exercising too.

See why you need our services at #SavedFitnFAB ?



I mean, she had to be DISCIPLINED ENOUGH, sacrifice a LOT and just DO!!!

Honey, guess who got her results in THREE MONTHS???

Yup, Nneka.

She got pregnant and she gave birth to TWINS!!!

Reminds me of Dr Ada’s testimony, the Ebola survivor. She was disciplined enough to do what she had to do in addition to her faith. Very very disciplined. And she also got her results.

Won’t you rather FOCUS, be disciplined enough to do what God has asked you to do, win the battle and then MOVE ON??? Do you want to stay at the same battle ground fighting the same battle FOREVER? All this split focus can NOT help anybody ooo, especially NOT you. Or me!!! It takes FOCUS to achieve RESULTS. Which is exactly what she said she told a friend who has a ‘special needs’ child.

Very demanding and stressful taking care of the child, especially the diet so she is not consistent and so the problem persists. She had to tell her that wouldn’t she rather focus on this problem, be disciplined enough to do whatever it entails, get the victory and finally move on???

This makes all the sense abeg. This is not even about infertility alone, it is a lesson for LIFE because there is always something to fight for/against.

I loved the wisdom in this which is why I tweeted that she basically liberated me from a battle I would not have to face which is WASTING TIME ON BATTLES we can easily focus on and win. I’m like pumped to take on battles with the FOCUS it deserves so that we can get it under our belt and MOVE DA HECK ON!!!

I was so super blessed by Nneka. Such a communicator. She shared her story in details so that we KNOW what to do, as God leads you ooo not to ape her. Because really, God will not call every woman to resign her job but there is a required FOCUS and DISCIPLINE required for your won battle.


And because she began on the foundation of fruitfulness, she gave us some other tips to being fruitful.

  1. Listen to the Holy Spirit. Especially as a woman, You need to be sure, ON POINT with what God wants you to do and there is NO LIMIT to His knowledge so stay connected. And how? Via the WORD, Prayers, and other spiritual disciplines. That way, I can bortha CUSTOMISED password for my challenges. That means you can NOT be too busy. The lifestyle of an average Christian is TOO BUSY!!! You MUST make TIME to study. You can NOT be accidental and casual. You MUST be INTENTIONAL. Block out that time for God alone and INTROSPECT. That’s the only way to cut down your waiting time and errors.
  2. PLAN to be FRUITFUL: Plan your activities. Plan your day. Plan for your results. Have a schedule/routine. Count the cost, etc
  3. Measure FRUITFULNESS and NOT BUSYNESS. If GOD says STOP and LISTEN, I MUST OBEY. Let the Holy Spirit teach you to strike a good balance. She says when she has to put a stop for some time on one or two things to FOCUS on her home front, she does it without apologies. THE BEST thing I can give to my kids is ATTENTION until they come into the BEST God has for them. You can NOT and should NOT be too b usy for your kids. We have to put a stop to the MADNESS in our generation and it starts from the HOME.
  4. Where there is an issue or challenge to deal with, JUST DO IT!!! Do NOT pretend that all is fine. Don’t masquerade with activities. People see only your outside but what is really going on on your insides. DEAL WITH IT.


Goodness!!! Don’t you just feel FRUITFUL reading all she had to say. The Book title doesn’t do it enough justice abeg. The matter is about infertility and then sooooo much more.

Let me just repeat this point which I thought was the BIGGEST!!!

‘…Most goals in life do NOT have to take FOREVER. If I didn’t focus and give this battle the RIGHT attention, I may have still been waiting till today…’

Nneka is ONE DEEEEEEEEEEP WOMAN. Plus she’s beautiful too. She is 10 YEARS in marriage this year and her twins are 5. A boy and a girl. Who knows maybe she would have still been waiting today if she didn’t strap herself in and FIGHT!!!

What battles have arrived at your dormot today? Do you want to stay fighting it FOR EVER? Me I certainly do NOT!!!

So, go sit before the LORD and download what He wants you to DO, then FOCUS on it, cut out unnecessary activities and be DISCIPLINED ENOUGH TO DO because RESULTS DO NOT COME BY ACCIDENT!!!

And that’s how we have come to the end of this beautiful series on Prophetic Motherhood.


I have enjoyed writing it AND reading it too. I purposely did NOT listen to the CD again to write. I just transcribed from what I wrote down and then what my Spirit highlighted. If I listened to the CD, this would have gone on FOREVER lol because every point resonated. I wanted to FORGET some things on purpose LOL. Ehen, now I can go listen to the CD again and again and again. It is actually over 3hours long because practically the ENTIRE program- WORD, PRAYERS, CHARGE, ETC was recorded. Gosh I LOVE DEBORAH INITIATIVE FOR WOMEN!!! (DIW). That atmosphere of prayer, fellowship, and word was REAL!!!

Now, a LOT of people really want me to share the prayer points and scriptures used to pray there. I actually was going to do that until God told me to do ONE BETTER… let’s do our very own 30DAY DEVOTIONAL for the FAB WARRIOR MOMS.

Like, can you absolutely BELIEVE that????


I was actually going to do it for myself taking from the ones shared at WARRIOR IN HEELS (Mehn, there was this one on ‘My kids are ESTABLISHED in RIGHTEOUSNESS Pastor M led that gets me leaping every time), Prophetic Motherhood and then my Personal study , because I wanted some STRUCTURE AND STRATEGY to my prayer as a PROPHETIC WARRIOR MOM but I don’t mind sharing with yawl.

Don’t thank me, thank Christine Caine. Lol.


And about this hug, let’s give the short version. DDK hugged me what I thought was a FINALLY WE MEET hug and then starts praying. Let’s just make it even shorter by saying that despite all my ‘inner resistance’ Aunty’s anointing gets me to the floor.


You would think Aunty would let me be ooo but after I get up, she continues the hug and prayers.


Receiving quotient Hahaha

Some things are taught. Some things are CAUGHT!!! I KNOW that I caught something. I got home and all the crazy ideas started dropping in my spirit and I kicked off immediately… Neighborhood Stay at home moms prayer meetings, the devotional, and just plenty FIRE!!!

The last couple of days (after the meeting) have been a FIGHT. Don’t let me go into details haha. I just keep remembering Debola’s line of

‘…the thing that is confronting you is serious business. You may NOT be paying attention to it BUT it is paying attention to you…’

But the devil stays losing. NO TIME!!! I don’t even believe I did these posts back to back.

Please don’t come back tomorrow though for the devotional. I am already working on it and will present it in a format where you can download and share. Yaaaaay!!!

Let’s get this work done people. Let’s checkmate the devil.

Just RUN after everything God has called you to do.


Don’t even waste time. Don’t second guess. Don’t let anyone talk you out of it. Just RUN!!! You have a part to play in this divine relay so STOP SLACKING or UNDERESTIMATING YOUR PART. I am so thankful mama pushed me to get out of my comfort zone and start #SavedFitnFAB. Just stepping out to do that has unleashed someone else.

Like Debola said, there is a line of EQUAL FREQUENCY in the Spirit connecting us to those with whom we MUST do destiny with.


May you find your Prophets, guys. May you find your Elizabeths.

And may you be a PROPHETIC ‘MOTHER’ indeed!!!







How are we warming up for Love Life?


The Biggest Chick Party of the year

Release your faith Chick if you feel GOD is leading you to



So I did this marriage interview here. I actually sound mature here looooool






16 Responses

  1. EZIAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Goodness, see what the Lord is doing…Daddy sure honors hardwork… you cant be lazy…. I TAP TAP TAP into this zeal …. i was actually talking to my sis about the #PMH and she was like she must get the CD… thanks for keeping us updated….

    I have to go back and read all 3 again as a study straight up…..

    Pst. DDK ….
    Pst. Dotun ….
    Pst. Nneka ….
    Pst. Eziaha ….

    Lemme end here for NOW….. back i will by Gods grace

    EZIAHA … devotional… whoop…

    This words just dropped now.. HONOR, DILIGENTLY, SEEK (Apply as you are led)…

    Enjoy you day….

    1. Hahahahahahhahaha
      I have NEVER thot of Pastor Eziaha. Gosh lemme even repeat and see how it rings.
      Lol I can’t stop laughing.
      Good Lord!!!

      I love that I can re-read it too.

      Hugsssssss darling. Your energy excites

      1. Huggs… need i mention …. your hug is amazing and beyond ordinary (warriorinheels)… i felt it ….

  2. Amazingggggg,

    You are such a gifted writer Eziaha…

    Thanks for sharing these series with us… you make the events come alive..at least for me, you do!

    CHUKWU gozie gi!


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