Finally… Lol
Been a long time coming but frankly, I think I’m starting at the right time with the right story.
Was gonna kick the series off with a story on finding out I was preggers but let’s save that for later…
Ok this ‘PreggE’ series’ will be as open as possible. Not just cos I want to show off or whatever, NO. Tz cos I want to be a top faith proponent via my blog of how beautiful this journey can be if we turn off worldly opinion and turn on the WORD. Tz my prayer that we learn as much as possible, especially those who are yet to start this journey.
So, I’ll be sharing stories and stories and more stories. Feel free to ask questions. I’ll answer as much as I can. And if you have your own faith stories, I’ll be happy to feature it here if I like and you don’t mind. You can also share in the comments.
I’ll also encourage you to read this story Dr. N shared on her blog. I LOVED it. http://drnsmusings.wordpress.com/2014/08/24/supernatural-childbirth/
Soooooooooooooo let’s jump right in.
Now, I always wanted to have my Booking in appointment, (my first antenatal) at 10weeks. So when I arrived The ‘Buj to resume work finally in July, I started looking for a hospital. Of course, I had expectations of how I wanted the entire 40weeks of pregnancy to be and I wanted a hospital that would not gimme wahala. I also had my confessions. I had heard stories of wicked nurses and midwives lol esp in government hospitals so I already had a Confession that covered that (David was a super loved leader so it came from one of his stories 1Sam 18:5) and for sure, I would not register with any hospital that my spirit didn’t agree with the personnel (Doctors, midwives, nurses, etc). Of course a Christian doctor was preferred and one I’ll have access to freely esp over the phone for quick questions.
I also wanted a private hospital not government. My mom wanted government sha especially cos of experience and stuff but hey, my choice. Plus hubs was ok with my decision. And thankfully, National hospitals were cucu on strike so they were struck out.
Then I wanted a hospital where I would see a pregnant woman or mom who I could talk to and she’ll be very excited about her doctor. That for me was a major sign.
I didn’t really consider cost cos I just thought whatever, we could shoulder it by God’s grace.
And finally, male or female doctor was fine but an older male OnG was preferred.
Ok then I hit the streets.
Went to CA** first. A family member introduced me.
Hmmm. First off, the Front desk kept me standing while she spent a long time on the phone. When she was finally done with her call, she said for the antenatal, I’ll have to pay per consultation and then I’ll also pay separately for tests, scans, drugs, etc. The whole arrangement looked clumsy and even she seemed uninformed. All she knew was the cost. So I asked to see a Gyne to get more info about the package so I’ll know the possible cost implication cumulatively and she said I couldn’t until I paid. Moreover, no OnG was on ground to see me. Then I saw a new mom who had just had a CS. Asked her about the experience of antenatal and she had a lukewarm answer tho she was excited about her baby girl, but the hospital didn’t get much love. My SIL had her baby there too and she said CA*** was ok. Anyways, I put CA*** somewhere and hit the streets again.
I found CD*** online. I loved it. Pictures, personnel, etc all online and the website was alive and very loaded. The antenatal package was in dollars but hey, we could afford it. The effizy and packaging was on point. I sent an email and they responded quickly with the Head OnG’s number to call for an appointment. I called my brother for days on end. No response. I sent a text or two. No response. Ah, bad sign abeg. Plus it was far so I didn’t wanna risk going there from work and then I can’t see the doctor. Plus shouldn’t a doctor’s number if unavailable link to another’s who can help? I even dropped a voicemail. No show. I kept calling though and after a few weeks, I gave up on CD*** I didn’t want an incommunicado hospital especially as this was the HEAD OnG I was calling. Ah!!!
Someone mentioned CPN*** but before I could try it, someone who uses it said although they were good, they were discriminatory. If you looked like you were balling in cheddar (senator,minister,politician sha,etc), they treat you well. But the common man got lil to no love. Pfft!!! Abuja and their fake lives. I didn’t even bother with such a hospital. I dumped CPN*** fast
Now CZ was a good one and though I thought the package was pricey, I was leaning towards it. The front desk also said I couldn’t see a doctor till I registered even though I told her all I needed was more info as she couldn’t give me. She no gree. Went a second time and met a mom who had her kids there. She said she didn’t have the doc’s number cos they don’t share it and I knew she wasn’t lying. And she also gave a less than enthusiastic response on her love for the hospital. It was surprising that an OnG doctor would not share his number with his pregnant patients. Ah!!! Bad sign ooo. Frankly after that second visit, I decided against CZ*** although a sister in my church uses it***
Now time was going and stuff so although I was not fully convinced, I was going to go for CA*** I met a family friend who worked there so she had gotten me more info and then used her influence to get me a doctor to speak to. She said the package would come to like 75k at least. One friday from work, in my 13th week, I decided to go there and register. Everything conspired to make me not get to that hospital that day. Lemme not go into details but Ah, I was pissed ooo. I mean, which first time mom-to-be doesn’t see a doctor all through first trimester??? I never even did a pregnancy test in the hospital ooo. Only PT strip ONCE. I wasn’t sick or anything so what if I wasn’t even pregnant lol? In the middle of all that I heard God tell me to chill. It will all work for my good. I chilled. Literally.
Then the Sunday that followed, I was walking outta the estate looking for a cab to go to church when this car stops beside me and asks to offer me a ride. It was a woman. Wow. Interestingly we were both going in the same way. She was very chatty and she was talking about Ebola and how we should not be scared but use our faith and stuff. I liked her. And her church. Then I noticed she was heavy. Since she was very friendly, I decided to ask about her pregnancy and her doctor. Ah, her response was incredible
‘…Are you pregnant? You don’t look pregnant ooo. Ah, lemme take you to my doctor. He’s very good and nice too. And not expensive at all. You can even stagger your payment if you want. When you are ready I’ll take you etc etc…” She mentioned the price but I didn’t believe I heard her well so I zero’d it.
Ah!!! Good sign. I didn’t even tell her about other hospitals I had checked out. Plus the hospital was very close to the estate. So we exchanged numbers. The week was really busy so it wasn’t until weekend I got a chance to holler at the doctor. His number kept diverting the call so I sent a text. In under an hour, he called me. I missed his call and then he replied the text giving me an appointment. Another good sign.
The next morning, I went to the hospital. Going by the price the girl mentioned if it was true, I thought the hospital would be a small one. Surprisingly, It was a big multi-disciplinary one and very neat. It didn’t smell like a hospital too hehehe. Another good sign.
The lady at the front desk was about to give me information but I told her I didn’t need it, I wanted to see the doctor simple and he was expecting me. So she called him and he asked me to come in.
I felt immediate peace as soon as I entered his office. The last thing this man mentioned was the amount. He was just telling me about what to expect per visit, asking and answering my questions, even encouraging me to ask, will be 10years an OnG consultant next year, First degree ABU Zaria, 2nd degree UK, and Doctorate ongoing in UAE (correspondence). Visiting Prof in an American University. Family man. Faith man (I was listening to stuff he was saying very closely). The man ticked all my boxes. He had a good sense of humor too. Then he took me on a tour of the hospital- wards, delivery room, CS room, laboratory, showed me the various equipments which were all digital and new sef, etc. He also told me what and what he didn’t have yet but was expecting. All this without my asking ooo. He was Ah-May-Zing!!! There was this hospital that had told me I’ll have an average of three scans inclusive in the antenatalpackage and any extra scan, I’ll have to pay. This doc said he’ll see me every two weeks and everytime he’ll do a USS (ultra sound scan). Antenatal days are Thursday but he said of course if need be, he does on other days. I asked him what happens when he travels and he said there are two more consultants who take his place till he returns. Moreover his phone is never out of reach. If he is busy or out of town, he re-routes all calls to other doctors on ground. I mean, my spirit was excited. He gisted me of his patients and how when he even steps out to malls and stuff, they would come up to him with their kids and even offer to pay, etc. You could tell he was a friendly one with a good rapport among his pregnant patients especially.
So finally, I asked for the price and I just expected something higher than my friend said. My people, the guy said 35k. My jaw dropped. Like with all I had seen, this was 35k!!!??? All the hospitals I had gone to were 75k to above 100k ooo (minus registration)and were offering less and wouldn’t even let me see a doctor without registration.
I say make I no rejoice until I come on thursday for my booking appointment (first antenatal). I was also just a bit concerned. All I had been doing for myself had been from pregnancy websites and apps esp BabyCentre and Whattoexpect. How to sleep, what to eat, drugs to take, all from apps. Haba!!! I was well past first trimester and I didn’t know what my urine, blood, etc would be like having never checked. Worse still, what if I wasn’t even pregnant lol?
Come Thursday, I turned up ooo at 7am fingers crossed. He had told me to not eat or drink from 10pm the night before.
I didn’t come with cash cos he said the POS worked but that morning it didn’t work and he was quick to tell the staff to still attend to me and I could bring the money later. They did all the tests, I went home to eat and returned at 10 for the general class and one-on-one with the doctor and scan. The general class was short as the midwife was drained. She said they had been monitoring this patient for three days and that morning, they opted for emergency CS. But in her tired state, she still had some cheer in her as she did the class. And answered questions. They they took our vitals and ended the general session
Finally, it was time to see the doctor and get my results. People of God, that’s how the man gave me a clean bill of health ooo. I was overjoyed. And grateful too. Then the best of it all… My very first USS!!!!
I saw my baby and he was even moving at the time of scan. Somewhere in my head, if I saw twins, I would have been overjoyed too. I saw one though. It was surreal. I kept aww’ing and wow’ing. The doctor was patient in answering all my questions and a first time mom-to-be has plenty. And cos I had gotten quite some knowledge online, it was good to hear him corroborate them. He said it was too early to do a gender scan so we will have to wait till week 20 to get a more accurate result though me I’m speaking BOY. I mean, my first appointment was amazing and worth the wait.
Now I really don’t get why I can’t see a doctor BEFORE I register for antenatal. I don’t care what hospital policies are. I didn’t come in sick. I didn’t come in for treatment. This is somewhere I will be coming to for at least 7months so it makes sense that someone talks to me and tells me what to expect and what I’m paying for not just a Front desk who just gives you the amount and nothing else. Can’t answer any question all she says is ‘Register first’. That’s really really stupid. When I’m not a child. What if I register and I don’t like the hospital and/or doctor, my money go just enter voicemail? Absolute rubbish!!! Even if the doctor has to come to the front desk and explain it all to you, that’s better than just listening to a non-professional. Hiss!!! I’m grateful I didn’t settle for less.
Having a baby is such a beautiful thing. I certainly wanted to be going on this journey with the right set of people and with REAEB hospital, I sure am getting the BEST!!!
*** means not real names please. Can’t afford to name names na but the hospital I settled for, I used the real name abeg… Gotta promote ’em.
Peek my flats in that picture at the top? Choi!!! Have to go and buy more flats as that’s practically the only one I have. Presents anyone? *wink*
Your excitement at the latter part when you found the right clinic was contagious. Kept awwing and smiling. Wish you safe carriage and delivery 🙂
lol carriage indeed. Thanks my love and a big AMEN
God is such a wonderful strategist!!!
You are looking so pretty! Pregnancy is good on you!
Thanks boo and yes He sure is
Nne, congrats eh,
Wishing u a very safe delivery !
Amen Darling oshay
Hi E’
Thank God for giving you the best at last
Smooth sailing dear, safe and easy landing.
Your back will always be massaged by angels every night, in the supervising presence of our Sugar Daddy as ……. *cough*
Quite an inspiring blog you have, read it all through from day 1.
Ensure that you sing for the baby every night they hear.
Love U’
You did??? Wow
Thank you so much sweerie
I am really wow-ed
amen amen amen to all ur sweet prayers
dunno about singing tho
Maybe in my third trimester hehehe
Congratulations……me i want to follow you through the journey ooh,..I love babies and pregnant women too….I celebrate God for all he has done. Wonderful!!
Lol sweeerie, i love em too
Thanks hun and thank God too
35k? Them cheap O! Still answer plenty question! Kai!
Congrats dear! It will end in praise. Pardon d other hospitals, they are learners.
Hugs n kisses to baby.
And thanks for the shout out
very cheap oo nne
Thank you o jare…
learners indeed…
Hugs and love to baby boy
congrats, glad you found a peaceful hospital your excitement is contagious 🙂
Thanks my dear… 🙂
Aww thanks for sharing ur journey with us. Its good to see pregnancy in a different light and to know you are enjoying it. Thank God you found a hospital u like too
Thank God ooo. Very grateful for that.
Happy to share darling. Thanks for reading
So lovely, ur friend Berry told abt ur blog. Am so happy for u, pregnancy n childbirth is d most beautiful journey n victory. I will follow ur update n maybe share mine one of the days, cos I jus won my victory three months ago. I wish d smoothest sail in ds journey. The Lord Jesus be with u n see u thru as He did for me
Thank you my love
Awwww and thanks to berry too.
It is indeed such a beautiful journey.
Please share with me jare. Many victory stories help and matter
Congratulations plenty and AMEN
Wld come back 4a proper comment, had 2laff @ d 1st pix, hehehehehehehehe. U 4no wear low shoes na. *tongue out*
If i see you here again ehn…
Lemme catch you…
Nne did u say 35k? Abi u no hear correctly, chai esp in a place like abuja. Wow
ha ahn…
I gisted u na!!!
Oh i recall, u couldnt download the VN
yesoooo 35k pere
Ahn ahn. why won’t u sing? ok buy giant headphones and play dat baby some cool God inspiring music. they really do hear and respond. I know I don’t av babyies yet, but it’s true.
so it wasn’t a doctor that told u it was just one baby and not twins yet……this E sef. u must like ofofo cos (I guess every Christian shud love the Holy Spirit’s ofofo) u already confirm dat wt a pt strip
how r u?saw this post yesterday but was too tired to drop a comment. nice one. I wonder how many mothers take the seemingly little things this serious. it’s good to live life totally dependent on God, making awesome decisions instead of making mistakes here and there.
Well if singing to myself counts, sing we shall then before Bomu will bring out cane lol
u dont comfirm number of kids with a strip ooo if that is what u are saying.
I am very well boo. Thank you.
And yes on this journey, nothing is insignificant ooo.
The way i even run from people who tell me ‘ur feet is going to swell’ is incredible.
I no dey use anything play oooo
lol. I meant u had gotten ofofo from d holy spirit as to d number of babies u carried. as to d strips telling numbers, one of clearblue’s test strip tells d date u conceived and d babies sex. I won’t be surprised if oyinbo hasn’t added number of babies too.
me too wont be surprised too ooooooo
btw, that clearblue stuff aint accurate sha. I am soooo up to date with all these stuff.
the future sha… we don’t know ooo lol
Preggie E
This pregnancy fits you o walahi!
Its great to know you found NOT ONLY THE RIGHT CLINIC BUT THE RIGHT DOC WITH AN ATTITUDE OF FAITH.That is the spirit derar!
heheheh yesooo
thanks hunnay
So glad you found the right hospital. It is soooooooooooooooo Important.
Before I become preggers, i just went for yearly check ups and did not care which doctor I saw at the clinic but after my first meeting with the doctor when I became preggers and they gave me no directions.. I became worried i just asked God to take control and hubby and I prayed for God’s direction through out the whole pregnancy. Afte about a month and a half… I Went into the clinic because i did not get a call back after my test and luckily for me there was another doctor on call.. He was furious that I had gone over one month without a check up. So I told him no one told me I was suppose to.. I mean it was my first time of being pregnant so I knew nothing.. (IN Canada, after a test, if there are no issues, you susally don’t get a phone call.. the test is discussed at your next appointment) However i had no appointment set up. He then made the mistake to mention that he does not do things that way at his clinic. My mum 9She was visiting and came with me for the appointment) and I immediately started begging if he could take me as a patient.. lol.. He said he was full and was not accepting new patients.. we did not hear oo.. I told him please I needed the address of his office.. After much begging he realised we were serious ….NIce old man.. he gave me his number and said I should call the office and tell his receptionist he referred me because if i don’t I would be turned down. And that was how I got the best doctor in my CIty.. ON my first visit i met two old ladies in the elevator and there were like he has been thier doctor for over 27years. That was all i needed to hear and God sure did answer our prayer cos I wanted him to order my steps. 9months of Bliss and our baby boy arrived.
So happy for you E! This will is be a stressfree pregnancy for you. He who began a good work will perfect it. God bless
So proud of you for sharing too… I shall be more regular 🙂
I mean, this is BEAUTIFUL to read
Sooooooo beautiful
It is soooo important, at least to me, to have the VERY right hospital and personnel. So grateful for ordered steps
Thank you too for sharing darling. Good to know we have company.
And a big amen to all your beautiful prayers.
Bless you mama
Wow that’s good price! Its good you are in a place your are comfortable withe the antenatal services .
You have no idea hehehe
There’s something about allowing God order your steps and seeing the way you just does above and beyond for you. Sweetheart e reach to celebrate. Wishing you months of bliss as you continue your countdown. Supernatural pregnancy and childbirth is already your portion, we sha know. God bless hon
Thank you dear Artists
Finally! Have been waiting for this post ehn…nd…i loved it.I noticed d bump was obvious in purple dress hehehe..me luvey…kiss kiss
The bump looked more like fufu in my tummy hehehe
LOL at what if you aren’t even preggers. Hehehehe.
Devil sha
Overactive bastard
It always amazes me how God works-in His own thingy, there’s no stress…things just fall into place.
See how you be dey stress urself dey waka from hospital to hospital, when he had already orchestrated your meeting that lady and her giving you info.
I love to say there is no coincedence with God, He guides and directs our paths, ALL our paths.
Onto greater testimonies throughout your 40weeks.AMEN
Just dey waste time dey go from hospital to hospital meanwhile the Boss don arrange am tey tey
No coincidences baby and a huge amen hunnay