Gosh! This is eye opening. I never knew Nigeria had the second highest burden of stunted children in the world. Really, I can do better with my children’s health and I will do better. Convenience to the mud. I must take charge of my children’s diet today and going forward. – Jane Nmam-Boms One things […]
To save our children we wrote the ‘Wellness Champions’ book

Shalom Shalom sisters. How are you doing? I am sure by now you already know how I’ll be celebrating my 38th birthday. But just In case you don’t, we’ll be having the SAVE OUR CHILDREN GLOBAL WELLNESS REVIVAL which will also be the book Launch of the Wellness Champions book. There’s a GLOBAL JUNK PANDEMIC […]
Convenient Christianity? 5 ‘inconveniences’ to embrace.

This blog was first published in 2021 but the wisdom is still relevant for today. YourDictionary defines cliff-note as ‘a summary of a much longer work designed to allow a student to quickly learn the key points of the longer work’ “Don’t look for shortcuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas […]
5 practices that have helped me become a Joy merchant.

For me personally, it’s not only about the results that I get, it’s also about the joy that I feel in the process of getting the results. Shalom Jesus Girls! This is super exciting! I recently recorded a video at past 9pm, I had just finished a session with one of my sisters Bunmi Dayo-Ayeni […]
Authentically Me & Surprisingly Satisfied!!!

Are you content in the path where God has placed you? Are you looking away from what others have in their lives to live how God would have you live? You can be AUTHENTICALLY YOU yet fully satisfied. Find out more when you continue reading . This blog was first published in 2015. There was […]
How to get MORE DONE in less time

Hey Sisters, Bringing back this post in hopes that it inspires you to make even better use of this precious gift of TIME. This post was first published on this blog in March 2021. Last time on the blog, I spoke about planning your hours ahead and being proactively lazy. One of the Queens in my […]

NB; This post was first published February 2021. This post really comes from something I have been working out in my life especially in recent times, especially as I walk through what really is an INTENSE season, which frankly, I am not trying to make anyone understand, or seek human support above what is necessary. […]
20 years STRONG: 5 ways I have kept my FIRE burning for JESUS

NB. This post was first published on this blog in 2021 How have you managed to keep the fire burning?What do I do when I really don’t feel like it?Don’t you get tired?I seem to start and be on fire, then stop, and am too disappointed to go back. Any of the above familiar when […]
Want to READ, RETAIN and RECALL More? Here are my 5 top tips

Readers are Leaders. That quote will live forever in truth hehe.But many of us, even though we know the benefits of reading, we still find it hard to read. I looooooove to read and by God’s grace, I read quite a number of books monthly, and maybe a book or 2 a week. I want […]
Correct Those Kids Early

NB. This post was first published on this blog in 2019 The beautiful thing as a stay-at-home mom is that you have more time, so make sure you are investing the right amount into parenting, and not just in an endless stream of Telemundo or Netflix. “Scaling up.” This is one term you hear used […]