Happy Sunday people. I am hoping you went to church and you enjoyed His presence. I did ooo. Very well too, thank you for asking. This week i begin my blog challenge, with of course regular blogging not being affected. God help me.

Thank you for sending in ideas and topics. I am really LOL’ing here. You guys rock jare. This week, I wanna start a series of maybe about 3/4 posts. I am sure you will enjoy em…


Everyone knows I am a picture lover. I think pictures are therapeutic walai. I thought so so many years ago  and today I still think so and so therefore they MUST be. I will start a series where I will be sharing some really cool pictures with you guys. Basically gotten from people’s DPs on blackberry messenger. Some of them come from way back. I am a bit of a collector and a saver. I am sometimes amazed as to stuff I have stored as pictures sef. LOL…

I have the coolest peeps on my BBM trust me. I guard my BBM with passion ooo. NOT all my friends who have BBs are on my BBM biko. Cos some people just broadcast rubbish or ping you like every nano second and I can NOT stand such so I would rather not have you on BBM. Some people, they are just monitoring spirits asking all kindsa unnecessary questions for every DP and status you put. So major SHOUT OUT TO YOU if at this material time, I have you on BBM. Consider yourself really really blessed hehehe. And I am obviously blessed to have you too. You guys provided the pictures. And if you are on my BB and you do not see anything I picked from your DP by the time this series is up, then sweetheart, you really need to Get over your pretty lil’ vain self and put up some pictures that do not have your face on them… LOL… Just kiddin’ ooooooooo. Please enjoy the first in the series… and feel free to steal some of them… hehehe. I promise not to deal with you as in this picture…


Being that I am a shoe lover especially when you have really nice high-heeled shoes on really nice legs, especially on pencil on the knee or slightly above the knee skirts… phew… Ok then let us begin with pictures that have to do with shoes and legs…


I spoke in tongues the moment I saw this picture. I did not even realize it. Walking in authority, complete in LOUBOUTINS… Me lovey

 Angel o' _3(7)

Yea yea, You are spirit darling. Spirit controlled largely. NOT flesh…

boy chase

Please feel free to holler at all those sisters you know who chase BOYS and men and Aristos hehehe. These shoes are too lovely.


6 INCHES. Just like I lurv  ’em


This picture for me just depicts beautiful PEACE… Nothing missin’ Nothing broken. And the legs are just LOVELY…  Choi…


that’s the kinda faith i am working on successfully… Whoop!!! My current DP for now and DP in my heart permanently.

Shola Soc;;)_3(3)

NO KIDDN’ This is JUST ME!!! I am a BEAUTIFUL strong woman… And I know a few too. Holler!!!

Ok shoes and feet done. if you have more, please send to me on BBM.

Movin’ on…

Now, as a recent graduate, I have quite some that have to do with studies, exams and stuff. As a student, I have had most of this up at one time or the other.

Nwigwe chidinma

Phew… He really did a LOT of time ooo. My pens were really blessed. BLESSED!!!

Patricia- Portia(2)

How I felt almost every day especially SUNDAYS… Phew.


Not really acada but i love this jor…


That was how i made it ooo. I even had a poster on my room that said STUDENT PRAYING…


NO!!! HECK NO!!! Some of us will MAKE our own money by ourselves and of course by GRACE and not HUSTLING, and we will CHOP OUR OWN MONEY… *high five ladies*

Mis;;) WARRENS(4)

Felt good to use this picture finally. thank God it is all graciously over…

Blessing psy

HAHAHA!!! Most of us are NEVER really ready even when they postpone it. Vintage UItes…


I do miss church especially. And all the fabulous people I met. Saying goodbye is really hard. this life is in phases. MAKE THE MOST OF EACH cos no PHASE LASTS FOREVER… Or maybe most phases do not…

I also miss my lecturers. I had a really cordial relationship with most of them if not all. i also miss the acada work, because I really LOVE my course. It is so in line with my vision. So it is a complete MISS. *sad face*

A.Y. ²º¹²(1)

Another one of final exam… Take your pick…

(_) Zinny kay(_)(1)

Walahi!!! Wish I had more days like this. i did NOT have them often. I juggled too much and in the end it all worked for GOOD… But on such days, it was PURE BLISS chilling with drinks and Desperate Housewives. HEAVEN on earth!

.͡▹​ST Colours!

Gosh, all those nights studying overnight. This is just me. Especially the music and energy drink. the amount of caffeine i downed eh… kai…


Yeah yeah! I was a SOCIOLOGY major!!! Holler!!!


Almost all my classmates had this up on the day we wrote our last paper. Felt really really GOOD.


lol… I wish. I really WISH! But this is NOT true. Except of course in the animal kingdom.


Glasses, pink (red sometimes) lipstick, well defined brows, hardly any eye shadow and headphones and I am GOOD TO GO!!!

This picture is 100 percent EZIAHA!

That’s it for acada.

Let’s see some work stuff being that I am about to start work.

Ms Jules=__3

Seriously I AM… If only I could go to the bank and cash money for beauty… *Le sigh*


Yeah yeah… Lounging days are just ahead baby… Work hard, Play hard!!!

•☀°♡◦∙°¨•  Roĺ'ķ•¨°∙◦♡°☀•

Hear hear ooo!!! I really LOL’ed when I saw this. Dear Salary, seriously, do NOT be mean jor. Be a permanent FRIEND jor… And keep multiplying as you stay.

Movin’ on…

Mums are precious, don’t you just agree… And sisters too. And brothers…


Shola Soc;;)_3(1)

my mum is a real STRONG woman. I am, a mini-momma. And so are my sisters. Strong high flying achieving women. Love my momma MUCH… #Bless


And that legend is me just incase my elder sisters start thinking I am refering to ’em *side eye*. Eziaha is momma’s one true legend.

word mum

I am soooo telling you. A real woman is a praying woman. Momma is a real woman. REAL in bold block letters…

 Angel o' _3(5)

LOL.. God knows how much i steal from my sisters being the last child and seeing that they are all really really FABULOUS ladies. And they are really really older. And rich. hehehe.  But when you ‘steal’ from fam, it is NOT stealing… #thatisall *group hug*

♥Fabu-lowlar♥(organzahair;hair that says you)(1)

And i love my two brothers too.    *Kisskiss*

Movin’ on… the final for this post…

I am a tall girl… and I am proud about it. And of course, I WAS PLANNED. Please don’t hate. At 5ft 11 you have to be planned… Shout out to all the Jada’s in the house…

*wink* Enjoy


No be me talk say short people are UNPLANNED ooo… #Pictures don’t lie afterall.

(_)Miss P(_)(6)

HOLLER to the Tyra Banks’ in the house… Freakin’ AMAZIN’ LOT.

Can’t stop laughing. More to come this week. Plus the blog challenge.


Have a blessed week ahead… I insist…



6 Responses

  1. I Love your blog and you remind me of myself so much. God bless you. Stolen some of the pictures for my BB by the way. Thank you.

  2. I’m soooo loving this post. How beautiful are the feet of them that spread the gospel in louboutins…talk about the Christ life in the fab lane. Way to paint pictures with words. I hope u don’t mind that I stole the cute pink peeptoes pic…it was just too cute to pass**winks. Looking forward to ur blog challenge.

  3. Lovely cute pics! Love those louboutins! Stole some and left some cos I av others. The last pic is da best cos Tall girls re rili amazing! Yea we are! *winks* Eziaha, am sure u got the last pic from me? *winks* Oui OR mba?

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