Today I was gonna blog about the Xmas party I attended at my Nieces school… Twas so beautiful I wanted to picture blog y’all through it. I have had the Gay matter pending for a while but I was looking for the right time to lend my Voice too. No time like now to…
So let’s vent shall we… Today is VENTING SATURDAY!!!
I have many many issues with the Nigerian Senate. Heck even Nigerian Politicians!!! I echo d thoughts and agitations of many Nigerians that they are over paid and underworked…
But u see, in this Gay Bill that was passed, I have still not understood why so much aspersion has been cast on them for outlawing Gayism in Nigeria. And I am sure that the attack goes way beyond the number of years… It is because the Senate passed a bill criminalizing it. Even if the sentence was 6months, people will still talk. People!!! Always looking for anyway to run down the Government in Nigeria. As if na them love 9ja pass…

I am not Gay of course. I think it is a GROSS sin… Like so many other sins… I don’t have anything against them… I would not go out of my way to ‘not associate’ with them where necessary. Tz ur life afterall… I would preach where necessary in the same way that I would preach to myself to lose a bad attitude or an Adulterer to stop… And of course leave it to God to effect the changes…

The truth is a lot of people have said this Bill impinges on their rights. And that the Senate is jobless for passing it. Blablabla.
In the past, I didn’t see or think that Gay people would be getting married in Nigeria. So maybe I would have also wondered y the Senate was wasting precious ‘sitting time’ on something absolutely impossible. But today, I see that possibility. That one day, Gays would stand up and demand to be married right here in Nigeria. Who would have thought that some day, the Gays would be brazen enough to carry placards to N/assembly for their Rights… Oh yes it happened!!! Sometime before the Bill was passed.

These things creep up on us. As much as it has been overflogged that this is Africa and we have our values, I wanna repeat it… This is Africa we have our Values. Many values we hold sacrosanct. Very!!! Values like morality. Yes it is being compromised some but do we have to let go totally.
And no Country, Super Power or not, has the right to make rules for us. In international Politics there is something called ‘sovereignty’. States that is Countries, are sovereign and this means that Super Powers like USA and GB should not interfere in their internal matters as long as it doesn’t affect world peace… Pls no one should tell me that banning Gay marriages in 9ja would threaten whatever remains of World Peace.
The Largest International Org in the World, the UN recognizes that… Let Soverign Nations be…

You do realise that we need rules to survive anywhere abi? And you do realize that the Laws would never be exhastive, or favor everyone especially cos of subjective views and all… Most laws in the world do not favor all… Like u tell a man not to marry more than one wife, and u can even charge him to court if he does and may even lose all and enter prison straight… Or say a woman is bound to marry just one man… Y? What if the dude aint satisfying her? Aren’t u stifling her sexual freedom? Or you tell Prostitutes who wanna trade their body to make ends meet not to… Adults for that matter ooo!!! You even criminalize it… Or you tell the NDeltans not to become terrorists for a good cause, in their opinion… Or Criminalize suicide. I mean I say I am tired of life and I wanna kill myself and then if I am caught, it becomes a crime… My own life ooo… That I no wan live again…

Any Rule u make, may be legit for so many but it would impinge on the rights of others. There are subjective definitions to almost everthing in life… Until u have a Power that supercedes it all and makes the objective rules that we all must follow, then Anarchy would rule… That’s what Politics is, tz a Social contract. You give ur own power to others (politicians in this wise) who you should trust to make objective rules for us… I know we have lost all the trust we have in our 9ja Politicians but imagine where there were no rules and no laws…

Recently, America in all her glory and wisdom through her Senate passed a bill legalizing BESTIALITY for her Soldiers. As in a man and an animal having sex… Penetrative sex… How come no one is making noise about it? Surely we didn’t all miss that memo… Imagine that…
Let me tell you how these things go they do not come in obvious fashion… It creeps up on you… Like d Devil

In the past, Rape must have been, but not in the brazen manner that it is today… Where they rape, video, and put on the internet for all to see…

In the past, we had men beat up their women… But you would agree with me now that domestic and marital violence have become a social problem judging by how much media presence it enjoys. Infact now we are getting to a point when we are developing some form of ‘viewer fatigue’ and we are no longer so moved when a man butchers a woman In the name of love… That’s cos it is becoming common place… God forbid…

I could go on and on… Lemme stop here…
Such violence, such vices believe me are Western… Even if we had it in us remotely, the west helped to precipitate it… And refine it…
So Prostitution is legal in some parts of the West… Very soon Prostitutes in Nigeria would agitate to legalize it… And they would have business cards… By the way the ILO has recognized prostitution as a legit way for a woman to fend for herself… ILO z Int’l Labor Org…

So Gay marriages have been legalized in some parts of America…I wonder why it hasn’t been in all parts of the US since they love freedom so much. We were getting close to public outcry to legalize it. Trust me… And then Gay marriages would become a norm in Nigeria… Gosh!!! I cringe at the thought. Yes we are losing some of our moral sanctity but do we have to throw all caution to the wind… All in the name of freedom… Freedom by the way, is not the way a lot of us define it… It is not an absence of rules. Freedom is responsibility. Freedom is for mature sensible people that just don’t wanna live a sloppy lawless life.
And just for effect, God created ADAM and EVE not Adam and STEVE, or Eve and Eva…

Very soon, in this our warped quest for freedom, and since we know how to import the downright evil with the good, we would be talking bestiality too… Sex with an animal…and then when it is criminalized, people that enjoy some form of media access would run their mouths…

I love the USA as a Country but these people are neo-imperialists… Neo-Colonialists. Where do they get off making Laws for the world and then not taking laws from anyone? Maybe tz cos of dia too much money… U do know that the US has denied some Nigerians visa based on the fact that they are polygamists or fruits of Polygamy and y’all know that Polygamy aint recognized there. So why would u deny us access to ur Country in this free world, not even for residence ooo, just visit. I know a couple of people. Very soon they would tell us we are over populating the world so we MUST have just one child, half child or no Child sef… Then they now dangle the Carrot of ‘foreign aids’ at us and then expect us to ask ‘how high?’ when they tell us to jump.

Which is why in most Int’l Orgs, the USA always clash with France. Cos France can’t take their bull. I like how they banned the Burqas and Niqabs in public places. We don’t want, we don’t want!!! Take a long walk on a short road if you must… But Moslem women, don’t wear ur Burqa publicly in OUR country. We wanna see ur pretty faces.

And seriously, the USA and the West have a lot of issues sef… We tend to overlook it… I did a certain Medical course in my undergraduate days… Abnormal psychology… So many mental people on the streets but they have not yet stripped naked… Bestiality, necrophilia(sex with dead people), weird sexual preferences and leanings, abnormal behavior that we in Africa would cringe at (I hope).With a staggeringly high percentage in the West… That is why dy have an interesting slant to violence. Some high school kid just randomly shoots all his classmates one morning and stuff like that. And this Country of America is trying its best to take Prayers out of Schools. God have mercy… Very soon they would outlaw religious places in everywhere except Outskirts of town… And I mean the hinterlands. And we would copy.

As for their Aids, I hope we all realize that thier Aids come with so many strings attached… So many times u actually think we should do without it. Recently the President said he wants to stop collecting these Aids and borrowing too even if it will be at the expense of fuel subsidy removal… I kinda see reason with that.
The fuel subsidy removal is a good thing yes but we just don’t trust our politicians. Letting the economy determine market prices have never worked well in Nigeria. See SAP!!! But that’s gist for another day… The foreign Aids, I’m sure we can do without, if we look inward hard enough and let all these high salary collecting people with so many Fancy degrees and qualifications in Economics and work experiences, put their stuff to work!!! Eg Madam Okonjo my Aunty

I agree, we haven’t gotten it all right!!! The Senate placed a stiff punishment on it. They r prolly not d best to make it judging by dia own Morality. I am not an expert in legal matters but the Law and the many judgements have never fully added up for me… I never understand it all… So most times I just shut up… Cos sometimes these judgments just favor us or ours…

I feel the need to reiterate that people who wanna ‘do’ members of d same sex are free to… But please don’t make us live with it publicly here. It threatens whatever is left of our values in Africa and Nigeria too… Do what you must… Just don’t corrupt public morality with it. Funny I have incredible Love for Ellen, so I don’t have anything against them and their sexual preferences. Interestingly abnormal Psychology actually sees and defines homosexuality as abnormal behavior.

And while Sin is Sin like some intellectuals have said… If u r guilty of one, u r guilty of all, so don’t judge. I agree ooo… But let me ask u something… Do you ever tell lies? White or blue? U do realise that all liars have a place in hell right?… So do u ever rationalise by saying that since u tell lies, u might as well carry gun and steal since for that little lie you are going to hell anyways…? I bet u don’t… If anything u are striving to stop telling lies and not wanting to add more vices to it. Tz d same way… Yes we have moral issues in Nigeria especially Adultery and ish, but we don’t wanna add more and legalise em too…
Also, do u ever get angry when u hear stuff like a boyfriend butchered his girlfriend? Or 5guys gangraped a virgin? I bet you do… U even say things like they should be castrated, hung by their balls. Lethally injected, blablabla? If yes, then u r guilty of judging and somewhere in that self-righteous mind of urs, u have unwittingly placed one sin as weightier than another? Ur sin of lie is little, another’s sin of murder is GRAVE… Would u rather be falsely accused of being GAY or Coveting? I bet u chose the latter… Tehehe…
My dear, don’t kid yourself, some sins are weighty… For some sins, the Bible says, ‘I have given them over to the Devil… In Romans1: where it talked about sexual sins, the Bible says that such people have been given a depraved mind… Tz like I have washed my hands off these people… Kai! May God not wash His hands off us as a People… Like Sodom and Gomorra… Whose major sins was actually homosexuality. Read ur bible well… For some other sins, God actually says, go and talk it over with some people and stuff… Let me not go into details… And yes I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ… And I do understand that it has not been given to the ‘Natural man’ to understand ‘Spiritual things’ cos they are foolishness to him and are only spiritually discerned… Just as the Bible says in 1 corinthians 2v14… so I won’t sweat it explaining to some… 🙂

As for those finishing our Senate on this matter, please put a large sock in it… You are disturbing my Sleep…:-)

I close with this… Obama, USA, GB, Branson, etc, Shattap…
Our Country!!! Our Laws!!! OUR LAWS!!! The West should pull a seat… And popcorn while at it. And keep their foreign Aids (and HIV/AIDS tehehe…) Rubbish!!!

Have a lovely weekend…
And yes follow me on twitter

5 Responses

  1. Wow…… Nice write up and its so down to earth that I felt like I was sitting across gisting wif u. Yea OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAWS!!!! Nah follow follow dey kill all of them. Shameless people. Its only God that’ll help us all. Like I always say in yoruba “olorun a r’ejo da” meaning “GOd’ll see plenty cases to judge” don’t mind my direct interpretation

    1. Lols… It even annoys me to think of how brazen people get, esp the ones who use ds as a reason to run down the Church and Xtians as being judgemental… Annoying much… Thanks girl.

  2. I hate the sin but love the people. I am not in agreement with the act but am SO against hate crimes on homosexuals. We are love, we are light, we are salt. Let’s act it.

    1. I can’t even recall full dits on what I wrote but I know it had sometin to do with the west NOT forcing dia gay on us.
      Hate crimes? Nah. Tz so wrong.

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