I don’t know if that’s the best heading to give this. Cos I do know many things for sure. But the year is still new and I feel it so strong in my spirit to share this with everyone. On my blog. I mean I have always known this and if you are an avid follower of my blog you will realize that I have said this before in passing that I CANNOT STAND NEGATIVE PEOPLE.
I mean even with an effort, I just can’t ooo. Something in my body just rebels totally against it. I strongly believe that this year, if it is going to be all that, then consciously we would have to avoid the negative people. Towards the end of last year and January this year, I realized that I have TWO family members who are downright negative… I always lived with my sister but on grad, I kinda moved in with my parents cos I needed to help out with one or two fam stuff. Being that close to ‘both of em’ I just was daily irritated gosh!!! And I am the tiniest in my house. Looked like being negative was a lifestyle already established and so it flowed naturally for someone to say things like ‘Hmm we will sleep in this traffic today and you would miss your flight’ Or ‘hmm, the way this man is fixing these wires, I SWEAR this house will burn down one day’ and all such things. I am giving basic examples here but truth is I CANNOT STAND people being negative with both the seemingly mundane and the fundamental. I just tend to look on the brighter side of life. The sunny side. I mean that can’t hurt now, can it?


So gradually I was being labeled RUDE but trust my momma dearest, she was always on my side jare.



The truth is I was really affected by the fact that these people were droppin’ negatives like tz hot… Your life would go in the direction of your thoughts and words honey… Recall Mark 11;23.24… you shall have WHAT YOU SAY…So the more you say ;this headache will kill me’ the more the headache will KILL YOU. Please words have power, if you must speak, please SPEAK POSITIVELY jare…

Last week in church, my pastor preached on ‘High expectations’. Seriously, dreaming big is free. Have a desire, pray, believe and receive and wham YOU SHALL HAVE WHAT YOU SAY!!! Don’t try to figure out how God will do it. He is the WAY MAKER afterall… Your own job is to have the desire and ask Him for it. The more you think about HOW? The more the devil shows you how there is NO WAY. Leave it for God, He alone can and HE WILL. So I already had high expectations for the year ooo. Crazy high ones sef. If you see my 2013 confession list, you will be angry walahi. Yes, it is my NYSC year but I am NOT even thinking like a Corper. The dreams I have eh…

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I already knew this year was one year of speed and not just one wasted year of service. But After PK preached and said we should even UP our expectations, I UP’ed mine even more. I’m sure Satan twisted. Like this girl, you MUST be high on some. But what’s my business with the loser? Abeg, I am after all with Team Jesus.

I do have a testimony. I really can’t share it fully here for obvious reasons plus it is still in the works too. But I will try to give out what I can. So the next Monday tho, I stepped out. There is a very precise place I wanna serve. The person taking me there said THEY DO NOT TAKE CORPERS OOO, EXCEPT YOU KNOW SOMEONE!!! Taaaaa, wharris this dude saying? I got to the place and at the gate, people told me they DO NOT TAKE CORPERS or even anyone until after service where I can apply for internship. As they were talking eh, I was not even listening, I had already spoken to God and had gotten a word (actually several) and so I was (am) resting on the word. Well long story short, as I stood at the gate, guess who came out? The BOSS that was impossible to see. I can’t even explain how that happened. We talked. I came back the next day, we spoke again some and he took my number and said he would work something out for me. JUST LIKE THAT. I didn’t even mention that I made a first class.


I knew the FIRST CLASS wasn’t my source. I just knew God jare. I went there I didn’t know ANYBODY!!! I left there the second day and I knew the BOSS. Since then we have been in touch.


By my human mind, I feel like this is delaying. I really wanted to start work there this February even before service which starts in April. Batch A starts March technically, but that is the month I will be in Camp. But God is like ‘babes, please my own time and your own is different ooo. Don’t come and use your own to spoil my own. See the signs I have given you already so just calm down’ Ok those were NOT his exact words but hey you get my point abi?

Albert Oduwole
When my Rev Albert came to minister at DCC’s gaining momentum on January 2, one of the stones he said we will need for 2013 was REMEMBER…

 EziahaO_)Omoteniola;;)

Recall all that God has done for you in the past and please trust him. His anchor verse for that was Mathew 16 where the disciples were like ‘Oh Jesus is vexed that we didn’t bring any bread’ and Jesus is like ‘Seriously guys???!!!!! Bread???? As in Bread? B-R-E-A-D!!! Have you forgotten how many people I fed with 5loaves and 2fishes? And how many baskets you guys gathered as leftovers? And you think when I talk about leaven, you think I mean bread? Of course I can manufacture BREADSSSSSSSSSSSSS from nothing so please respect yourselves’ (I told you guys I am considering movie making hehehe.)


But the point is when your faith gets weak, just REMEMBER all he has done in the past for you and please UP THE FAITH.
That is why I know it is very important to share your testimony… Aside from the fact that it helps us return the glory to God (He actually demands that we share his good deeds among his people) and it helps establish the testimony, the best part about testifying for me is that it helps the faith of others. THE TESTIMONY OF ONE IS THE POSSIBILITY OF ANOTHER. If He did it for one, He can also do it for me. So when you feel down, you can remember that God that did it for so so and so will do it for you too.
In church today, I was talking to a sweetheart Shirley.


We were talking about plans for life and all. I shared my dreams with her. I told her I do not like to share this with everyone cos some people have such small minds and can discourage one. Someone really close to me who I told actually laughed at me. Someone else didn’t even sound happy for me. Really close folks ooo. But Shirley said to me, ‘No babes you have to share it. Say it to people. As they laugh, you will be further encouraged to pursue them…’ Interestingly, as I shared it with her, my faith felt lifted even more. I also talked some to Valerie today and trust my mainest chic, she was all so IT IS YOURS ALREADY JARE. Bless you darling. I also recall talking to JMAD and she said she knew someone who served in one of their affiliates and so it is very possible. JMAD by the way, I have a word of caution for you sweetie… I am very demanding ooo so this one we are getting close, I hope you can stand my wahala LOL… Don’t worry sha, I give as much as I demand so tz all good… But really babes, you really are a STARSHIP… Kisskiss


Thankfully too I am getting married to someone who just knows how to push me to greater heights with positive words. Walahi, I am really blessed… Muah my Love…
So what is the one thing I know for sure? That this year, you would do well to surround yourself with first the Word and then positive people.




trust me, no need having negative people as close friends biko nu… Yes you will meet them but be sure that they are NOT the only ones feeding you with their own words. Always counter whatever negative word they sow as seed in your life with positive faith filled words. Being quiet scores a zero… PLEASE SPEAK THE WORD. Please overdose on positivity. Hope. Faith. You will need them if you indeed have high expectations and know that you will testify…

DCC 2013
I hope this encourages you my dear Blog fam.
Have a POSITIVE WEEK… filled with endless possibilities…


PS; how do people even become this negative? Someone says it is age and experience. I call it BBS (the first B being Big). How can you use your crazy experience to counter HIS WORD… Let ALL men be liars and only THE WORD BE TRUE (My paraphrase)… Experience ko… Nonsensical nonsense.

PPS; My friend has forgiven me. Even though i still feel like I haven’t earned this forgiveness. She was really gracious and all and said she realized that I had good intentions tho my actions didn’t turn out as well as the intentions were. Dunno if she even read my apology, but babes if you see this. I AM SO SORRY STILL and thank you for being this gracious. Bless you…

PPPS; JMAD my friend has a blog now ooo. Finally she has started. *rolling my eyes* After all my bullying. She has been one of my biggest fans and so she is my blog baby and my blog’s baby hehehe. If she has been a good learner, which I think she has, then her blog should rock more than mine so hurry and read her blog here www.jmadreflects.wordpress.com. And babes please don’t even go AWOL on us just yet ooo. Agnd NO being busy at work is NO excuse. ry it and I’ma be all over you like a blood hound. Don’t test me ooo. You know I am just your neighbour… Congrats baby and welcome to blogsvilla… Muah (this one is a lil kiss hehehe)

PPPPS; Can’t wait for this program mehn…

DCC LDM feb 10 2013

Phew. I am so excited. Details on the flyers and so if you are in Abuja, you know where to be 4.30pm this Sunday Feb 10… And heavens forbid you come alone… Please bring ANYTHINg MOVINg… Trust me, you would be super glad you came. Agnd bes of all, you get to see the FAB BLACK SISTER Eziaha in all her 6feet of fabulousity (Well almost 6ft jor. What difference does one miserable inch make? hehehe). I will also autograph your palms and stuff hehehehehehe. And come with money ooo. To buy books and messages and stuff. THANK ME NOW… See ya there

5days to goooooooooooooo… Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooottttttttttttttttttttttttttt.


4 Responses

  1. Eziaha you always end up making me laugh like some big clown. Dnt even knw where to start. I’m glad your on my case. Been positive , that’s just in our DNA. Lookin forward to more laughter filled days and our star is definitely shining (u knw wat I mean) Hugs n Kisses

  2. Nne U̶̲̥̅̊ are so right,2013 is so fabulous Fø̲̣̣я̅ us,5yrs achievement in 1year,nd U̶̲̥̅̊ knw I love U̶̲̥̅̊я blog,so keep it rollnn darlynn.#megalove#

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