It must have been about 3weeks ago, just as I worshipped around the midnight hour. You see, one gift I don’t have is singing, and so I always need a ‘little’ help when I worship alone. Thank God for worship ministers mehn. I am not one of those who can just get up and burst into a song on my own lol. Well except on those rare occasions when the Spirit REALLY moves lol. Otherwise, I wake and go to my playlist, start to play and then worship along.

OK so 2/3weeks ago, I woke and worshipped with my 2017 playlist, which has songs from just four ministers/groups… HillSong, Kari Jobe, Nathaniel Bassey, and Sinach. Oh well and a bonus track from Amanda Cook and Bethel – YOU MAKE ME BRAVE. Because the songs are quite a lot, somewhere towards the end, I get tired in the physical, so I start to wind down. NO OTHER NAME is towards the end, but just as it started that night, I suddenly felt like a strange dimension of the Spirit hit my prayer room. Now, Hillsong would easily bring tears to any eyes but that morning was different. My strength was restored, and my Spirit so alert.

Suddenly, the NAME OF JESUS kinda just stood out. I KNEW God was trying to say something so I just went with the flow, and surrendered in worship. In my spirit, I knew I had to pay even closer attention to the NAME OF JESUS.

The next week, I walk into church and see the fliers on our seats. I pick up the one for When Women Worship and what do I see as the theme?


Oh my gosh!!! I couldn’t believe it. It even got stranger while we were driving to Island church that same Sunday and Pastor M was sharing the story of how the theme of the conference came with Kemi and I (actually only with Kemi but I chuk myself inside the gist because I know a God-moment when I am bang in the middle)

I couldn’t believe it. The same HillSong!!! The same NAME!!!


The best part about When Women Worship is how close it is to my birthday, June 29. Always just prepares me for my leveling up.

Coming into 31 has just been something else. Life was easier in the 20’s NO KIDDIN!!! I recall talking to my Booski, Dumebi and telling her that frankly, I feel like I need a BREAK. Not physical break, like get away to Ibiza lol, but more like a FAITH BREAK. Lol. I feel like everything God tells me to do, I have to engage my faith 101%. Nothing easy. Tz from a faith stretch to a faith stretch, before you are done exhaling. No doubt the rewards are amazing, and on the other side of my obedience and faith is a beautiful thing but the process is just a fight of faith…. Thank God for the POWER and POTENCY in this ONE NAME… These days when I declare IN JESUS NAME, You better believe that I MEAN IT. It is not just another religious way to end or start a prayer. It is me INVOKING ALL THE POWERS AVAILABLE TO HELP ME FIGHT AND WIN WHATEVER I AM IN FAITH FOR.

I dunno about yawl but the things coming against me, I can’t attack and win any other way… not my smartness, wisdom, strength, finances, connections, friendships, etc., but just like David in 1 Sam 17v45…

David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied…

I know that WWW 2017 is another avenue for GOD to further strengthen me for 31 and I am so excited and so thankful. Excited about my future and then thankful for a Pastor that is so sensitive to God. DCC is so blessed to have Pastor M walahi.

Imagine if she just conjured a theme up for this event? OK, don’t let me imagine!!!

My darling Sister and fellow Warrior, allow me to specially invite you to this year’s When Women Worship (WWW).

Date: Friday, June 16 and Sunday June 18, 2017

Friday location is Island church, Elegushi bus stop (just in front of Meadow Hall School), and is for 6.30pm, while Sunday is DCC Mainland, Fatgbems Bus stop, Amuwo Odofin, Lagos for 4pm.

Move heaven backwards to attend if you remotely can.

Personally, for DCC programs, the Guest Ministers don’t trip me anymore. I am like JESUS WILL BE THERE ABI? The end!!! Taink you. Lol. But this one, I LOVE the Guest ministers…



Ayo Vincent (Don’t know her YET but I guess I am about to NEVER forget her), and my darling darling Tolu Ijogun (nee Odukoya).

Can I highlight Tolu for the obvious reason of she is my late Pastor’s daughter, Bimbo Odukoya,

and I used to attend Fountain of Life before DCC, and still do from time to time for Thursday showers, and special programs. Showers is full of a lot of worship, so typically, eyes closed, and just abandoned in worship from various ministers and then wham, something happens and my eyes OPEN fast!!! It ALWAYS happens, I am NEVER ready for Tolu’s voice. The moment she gets on the M-I-C, you have to open your eyes just to SEE WHO IT IS. And she is one of those, like Sinach, who intermittently burst into short bursts of tongues as they worship. Even if you have given up on your faith lol, Tolu’s voice will help you find your way back to JESUS. And because she is quite petite, her voice seems even larger.

Fingers crossed that she sings one of her all-time favs.. Francesca Battistelli’s HOLY SPIRIT and also most likely Tasha Cobb’s There is Power in the name of JESUS.

I certainly look forward to seeing you there, and if you see me say HI. I will be at both centres because I don’t have another work biko, so far WWW is concerned. But you can’t sit with me though. I HAVE LEARNED that in such gatherings, you don’t sit with friends.

Come with a heart bursting with expectations and then invite everyone let’s

PAINT THE TOWN RED as we lift up the NAME OF JESUS!!!

Oya scoot over to Pastor M’s blog for more info on the program here

Let me leave you with a line each from one of my fave speeches in the Bible, and from one of my fave songs

Acts 4 v 10 to 12

By the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the One you killed on a cross, the One God raised from the dead, by means of his name this man stands before you healthy and whole. Jesus is ‘the stone you masons threw out, which is now the cornerstone.’ Salvation comes no other way; NO OTHER NAME HAS BEEN OR WILL BE GIVEN TO US BY WHICH WE CAN BE SAVED, ONLY THIS ONE.”



Seated on high, the undefeated One, Mountains bow down as we lift Him up

There is no other name, There is no other name


The earth will shake, And tremble before Him

Chains will break, As heaven and earth sing

Holy is the name, Holy is the name of



See you soon… FOUR more sleeps until 16th!!!!



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