Before I start FABs, a short disclaimer!!! No demon stopped me from blogging. Infact I had typed this article since like forever!!! I apologise it is just coming up. WE have been in MTN jail! WE as in people in University of Ibadan environs!!! I hear a pole fell or something for more than a week now!!!

And MTN is ALL I use to browse both phone and laptop. So everytime I tried to upload, no show. Anyways tz 4am this fabulous friday and I am up and about to try again. Trusting that this time, it would upload….

So blog, shall we?

I won’t even bore y’all with the fact that I have lost 4teeth now and currently have 3 amalgam fillings at this very young age of mine. Like I always say, I am paying for sins of the past though most of my friends insist that I am paying for past, PRESENT and even future sins. Hiss much… Anyways, one of my fillings came off and after managing it for a few weeks, the excruciating pain pushed me to UCH dental clinic last Tuesday. Precisely a week today. Usually, the protocol in UCH would mean me coming back for extraction in 2weeks minimum… Plus you even have to get there as early as 7am to get your file sort, clerked and all. They usually have a lot of patients and relatively fewer equipment. Anyways I knew a Consultant who fast tracked the whole process and I could extract same day. Usually I am a cry baby. With how much of a regular customer I am to the Dental Clinic, one may be tempted to think that I have gotten used to it. AT ALL…

I already told my Doctor that I would sooooo cry so he should be ready. He thought I was kidding. Anyways he injected me first to ease the pain before examination and my oh my!!! I started crying even before he even injected. As soon as I saw the needles, I started crying. He sha said all the ‘sorrys’ and ‘you’re a big girl now’… Story!!! And you know how the injections go now… They inject u in about 6 different parts of the gum around the affected area and it is super painful. Anyways, that worked like magic and the pain subsided and so he could start the examination. I did all the necessary X-rays and just as I was about to be taken to Dental surgery, I realized I didn’t have enough money again… Anyways to be sure I would be compulsorily attended to at Surgery, the Doctor decided to inject me again, this time an anaesthetic… And the effect is just annoying. You feel like your lips and whole mouth has tripled in size so you keep looking at a mirror only to realize it is same. Mtschewwwwwwww. Anyways I got to an ATM got the money and then flew back to surgery. Waited and waited for about 30mins and I didn’t find my Doctor. And all the injections were of course wearing out and the pain was coming out with vengeance sef. Finally a Doctor said I should check him in the Resident’s Lounge. Brethren, I got there and saw Dude eating and gisting happily away while I was in increasing pain. He sha apologized and said he had forgotten and all. Imagine. Anyways another Doctor had to do the extraction. But the Doctor was still busy with another patient and so sent a Student Doctor to attend to me in the meantime. It was a dude I knew so he was trying to make small talk, and I kept saying I am in so much pain ooo, wincing and all and he was like haba ‘Eziaha are you sure of the pain or you just have a low threshold for pain?’ See me ooo, seriously? I sha ignored him and then I just started crying… He was thrown off balance… Na so dude just went to the Doctor and was like ‘please the Patient is in distress’. WOW DISTRESS!!! Anyways when the Doctor came and saw me crying, he sha tried to placate me but men at that point I was already seeing my dead grandfather calling out to me from the end of the tunnel. He sha had to inject me YET AGAIN… By then the tears had no limit… And you know how tears means plenty salivation and all. He kept trying to tell me to calm down and all so that the injection remains effective all through the extraction. I sha mellowed and then dude started the extraction process finally. And you know extraction is with Pliers. Wicked-looking pliers. Yes the same type that electricians use, just this time it is a Dental one. And contrary to all the BULL they say that you do not feel PAIN but PRESSURE. How now? Me I felt pain and kept crying and crying and crying. Men I was a serious case ooo. They kept coming into the cubicle to look at this PATIENT IN DISTRESS. And it was a molar meaning I had to leave my mouth wide open and usually in pulling a molar or pre-molar there is a high chance of tearing the edges of the mouth. In my case, I had my gums torn both at the edges and in the mouth. Anyways the tooth no gree ooo. It just didn’t extract. The Doctor said the tooth was highly mobile yet not moving… He tried and tried and applied force and pulled and yanked, NO SHOW. So he decided that he would have to fracture the tooth and pull it out piece by piece, so he broke it… OUCH!!!! Pulled out the first part and then the second part he had to use some sharp pointed stuff to dig first before pulling. And the x-ray showed that there was still a third part left within. OH MY!!! And NEPA had struck and why the gen didn’t come up immediately was beyond me. Anyways someone had to hold a penlight to him. That last part was errant. He poked and poked… Oh boy!!! U should have seen me. If the situation was not that critical i am sure some people would have been snapping me. I was bawling my eyes off… My dress was stained with blood… It was just terrible. Of course the Doctor did a fine job of managing the situation which is why I opted for UCH dental clinic. Their expertise is unrivalled. Well finally the last and smallest part came off and wow!!! Just like magic, the tears STOPPED!!! I don’t even get it. I just knew I stopped crying. Especially as I had to bite on gauze and all to control the bleeding. All through the period they were giving me post-surgery instructions, they kept yabbing and teasing me… All my FABULOUSITY of course had been stripped off me. I could not pose anymore. They even took my pictures and all…


And told me to return the next Tuesday for a follow-up check. That Tuesday is TODAY and I am soooo not going…. Yes I know what you are thinking. Anyways I will go as soon as I find the time. Plus I still have very PAINFUL sores on my lips and it is the most painful thing, GOSH!!! With any luck, it will heal before the weekend.
I obviously have to get DENTURES. That is artificial teeth. The kind old people use… boo hooooooo!!! Chewing is already a problem cos my Grinders are so incomplete. I have kept off sweets and chocs though and I intend to double up on my almost perfect dental hygiene. Hopefully I am done paying for sins of the past. I can’t afford to lose another though the Doctor pointed out another tooth I have to take care of soon. GOSH!!! This is so unfair…
So ladies and gentlemen, there you have it!!! Toothache is a terrible thing. I hear it has been compared to the pain of childbirth. Seriously! Can anyone with both experiences confirm this?
I will see you all soon… Let me put the rest of the day to more good use…
And thanks for all the kind words. God bless y’all ABSOLUTELY!!! Amen
Your Fabulous Black Sister…


11 Responses

  1. I havnt got any tooth extracted before and so,may not know exactly hw d pains r.Nice write up, Eziaha! I pray d wounds heal faster!!
    Note: the use of “sha” in the write up was much doh!

    1. I hope u never know sha. Tz just bad. My dear don’t mind my use of sha. After publishing and reading I noticed it. Tried to edit yet internet was acting up. I apologize. Will guard against it next time 🙂

  2. Sorry dear,that means no more chocs,biscuits,sweets and sad chewing gums,only chew orbit and other sugar free gums!‎​(•͡.̮ ~͡) ‎​(•͡.̮ ~͡) ” lovely blog,waiting for tomorrow’s blog,my darling fabulous black sister,I m totally lovestruck,not in a lesbian way though!lols

    1. cant even chew orbit and co ooo… they already hurt my teeth even before now… but chic if anyone ever told u i will stop choc and biscuit, would you believe that? I wouldnt believe it tho 🙂
      thanks darling… love u MUCH

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