Kai, I truly cannot wait to see and sit down with TY Bello and actually have her mentor me. Dear Jesus, make it happen this 2018. AMEN!!!
Hey everybody, happy Wednesday, lol.
So lets talk about STARING and JOURNALLING and how TY Bello and TD Jakes take enter the matter.
Btw just recalled something now that cut my heart haha. So I wanna buy a camera and I went to SisiYemmie to ask her how much her camera cost. She mentioned the price of one and said she had forgotten the other, so I didn’t bother, I just converted the one she told me the price, and I’m like OK, I can do that. Only for me to check the price of the other one and my heart cut into like 592 pieces. My Jesus!!! I probably need to stop eating altogether, and then place my family INLDUING ElJohn on a diet. That way I can buy it.
My Good Lord.
Let’s move on. (EXCEPT of course the Lord is leading you to buy me the Canon d30.)
Oh, it was TY Bello’s camera that made me remember my own camera sojourn. Anyways, I go buy am, in Jesus name. or I will just steal Sisi’s own…
Ok back to my post..
I mentioned TD Jakes latest book SOAR

and that interview with Steven Furtick
You should find time to watch it if you haven’t…
Anyways, one of the things Jakes mentioned was how he knows SERIOUS people by the way they STARE… Per example, in a meeting or training he is handling, he can tell the ones who are truly getting something from him by the STARE. In his own personal life too, he has learned to STARE at the stuff that God has told him to do. He doesn’t have time to look at what his neighbor is doing, or who is copying him, who is ahead of him and all that, instead he is FOCUSED STARING on what God has told him, and seeded him with, and from such INTENSE staring, he begins to work MAGIC with and from it.
Hold that thought while I make a quick switch…
Today, I binged on TY Bello on YouTube in the gym.

On the treadmill, I was in the mood for worship so I found the Spontanous worship with Sinach
Then moved to the one she did with Tolu Ijogun
and then found this Word she preached for Pastor Wale on GOING WITH YOUR GUT which I quickly saved in my WATCH LATER files.
It was a really good message… SIMPLE and DEEP, you would know EXACTLY what to do with it after watching it. She shared primarily from John 7 v 38
He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
And talked about how she ensures that the River stays flowing… She loves to pray pacing (Totally ME), how she paces and prays over the space where she would be shooting or her studio before every photo session (this made me so happy cos i do that with my Squaddies, TOTALLY GARRSIONED), wakes at 5am to pray, guards her heart from unforgiveness, drama, competition, etx. She talked about how she invests in knowledge and has no diamonds and the likes, instead she invests in becoming better. How she has just about 4 neck pieces (and cheap ones from Zara ooo) and lives really simple, but is first to get on a plane to go sit and learn from people who have gone ahead of her. She talked about her CONFESSIONS over he biz and how she serves Kings when all the clients she had wanted OSHOFREE only…
But let’s get to the JOURNALLING part
Part of what she said was how we must JOURNAL OUR ‘GUTS’, which is why she has, to date, about 50 journals. She actually requests for Leather bound journals as gifts as opposed to the more feminine things because it is SO IMPORTANT for her to journal her guts, that is what God is saying. So she has journals from YEARS BACK, and she even archives them in such a way that it is systematic. She can see patterns in what God keeps saying to her. So basically, as God speaks to her and she writes, she also continues to let the fountain within her flow with creativity and ideas so she can work what God is saying, so she spends time in prayers and then STARING LONG and HARD at her dreams, and continues to work on them, not looking at what anybody is saying, or doing with their lives.
She just keeps STARING, in Bishop Jakes words. Now she didn’t exactly use the term STARE but, being the synthesizer that I am, I know that was what she meant.
It hit home.
It can be SO EASY to get DISTRACTED in this world of Social Media and I will admit that I am the first to get distracted. I have a huge tendency to get lost in someone else’s life, what they are doing, who is copying me, who I should copy, who is getting ahead of me, who has more followers and all.
I knew I wasn’t staring HARD ENOUGH into my journals and what God was saying to me, and then I start to feel bad that my life is not as good as XYZ’s life and so on. Which was why I believe the Lord led me to SHUT DOWN MY IG account (and I hope I can share more on that soon and all the progress I have made from that one little move of obedience to God).
I have sincerely had MORE TIME to STARE at my JOURNALS… What God has been saying to me, without looking to the left or the right. No distractions, No clogs to my spirit man, I just STARE, imagining how GOOD it can be and then continue to work it out…
I literally DO NOT LOOK at what anybody else is doing. FOCUS creates BLINDNESS to distraction and then literally OPENS MY EYES AND EXPANDS MY OWN VISION…
Like Bishop said…
It’s all in the STARE baby, It is ALL IN THE STARE!!!
TY Bello is such an inspiration and I am grateful for her obedience to God with how she does her business, and that she also shared from her heart in that message.
She is one of my SUPER MODELS when it comes to being a Market Place Apostles.
God bless her and keep her river flowing…
I challenge you today, as a Mom, CEO, Entrepreneuer, etx, continue to WORK that River of living waters, journal, STARE and put in the work…
And if there are things that are clogging the river and the stare, BRUTALLY SHUT IT DOWN!!!
Can we talk about this chick’s dressing?
I am so making one of these Danshikis for myself, and maybe a couple more if I like them.
But as a fitness Coach, it may not really fly as my body is part of my market lol
Gotten a few applications for our VACANCY at CoachE’Squad Ltd and more are welcome
I was gonna work out tonight but I need to sacrifice that time to spend in worship and prayer. I’m STUCK on Tolu’s spontaneous worship with TY Bello,

and also Sinach’s,

I was literally holding myself in from losing it on the treadmill as I listened today. The tongues were flowing as these ones spontaneously worshipped. God, SET US ALL ON FIRE mehn!!! Let a REVIVAL flow in YOUR MILLENIALS
Thank you so much for this momma. For always sharing and giving lessons from your life, mistakes and recommendations.
I am a better person of your decision to share.
I am so archiving this post.
AWWWW my boooo
Love you!!!
Thanks for sharing these messages you listen to! I feel like I can always come here to get messages haha.
Lol enjoy