Hello yawl,
For today’s post, I have some help with the Mommy tag. I will be answering these questions gotten from fellow Mommy bloggers.
My day today sha, at least my morning was just one kain…
I missed ElJohn’s immunization on Saturday cos of our FAMILY shoot so I went to another hospital as mine does ONLY every 2weeks, and this was his 10weeks immunization and he was already 11weeks plus then, hence my decision to use another hospital and not wait for another 2weeks.
I thought I would walk in and walk out oooo, only to end up spending 2 hours. Ah!!! In fact, my phone was almost dead but I didn’t bother with my powerbank. I got there, phone died and I was waiting and waiting JOB LESS.
I had to ask for a piece of paper to scribble down my thoughts that were coming so I would not forget and get to work when I got home. Btw, I hit the gym earlier today, but wasn’t in the mood and left after 15mins, then came home to dance to KL Workout.
Ok so finally got back home at past noon after 2 jabs on both thighs, and sorted my baby out per feeding and then my Help took over while I went to pray with my Shirer Armor of God Bible study.
This is my first time this week as Monday and Tuesday have been random. I am in awe of the GIFT on Priscilla’s life. How she is so ADEPT with the Word, and knows how to REALLY exegete the Word. I cant imagine all the research she did for it. I am just AMAZED and thankful she wrote it. All year next year, I am definitely working through more Bible Studies from her…
I love what the Armor of God study is working in my life walahi. Today was on THE BELT(GIRDLE) OF TRUTH and how the enemy’s number one tactics is DECEPTION and only a knowledge of HIS Truth can knock satan out.
She makes it so practical and I know exactly how to apply it in my own life.
And tell you what else is SO GOOD? Lunch.
Boiled Potato and catfish Peppersoup. Lol. No pix sorry. Yup I am typing this in the noon and will schedule to publish tonight. I have had the same lunch for 3 days straight. So easy to whip up and is fitfam too…
Ok back to my gist… So I finished praying and got to some work with the AC on since NEPA, on cue brought the light as soon as I finished praying. Not long after KingDaveed got in. School is closing earlier cos they are writing exams, and I don’t know how much fish I will actually eat as he LOVES fish haha.
My help is travelling for Christmas and my heart is cutting as to how I will cope with both of them during the day. Phew. I’m sure many moms feel me on this.
Right now, my help is prepping lunch and she has left me to my 2 kids, both awake…
On to the Mommy Tag
- Are you a Stay at Home Mum, or a Working Mum?
I am a STAY AT HOME Working Mom. An at-home CEO. I have TWO jobs FT. Lol. I have the great privilege of managing and building the Bolaji-Olojo household while running a growing worldclass Fitness Company, CoachE’Squad Ltd.
- Would you have it any other way?
Nope. Though I would love to have a REAL home office away from the house where I can lock the door and really work. I pray my next home gives me that privilege…
- Do you co-sleep?
Who doesn’t in Naija? Luckily my 2year old sleeps in his own bed so I have just my 2month old in bed with me. Recently when hubby travelled, I brought my son in to the bed cos I was lonely haha. BAD IDEA cos he woke middle of the night and decided it was time for Network News commentary with interviews too for good measure…
- What is your one must-have item for your baby?
Loads of bibs or Muslin Squares or Burp cloths. My son spits up a lot and I would hate to have to run out on or be managing cloth to clean him up. I also think a swing or bouncy chair for him to chill in and to free up my hands abeg. I have two.

One a gift from one of my besties Enny and the other a gift from my sister.
- How many kids do you plan on having?
TWO. I am done. I hope to adopt though but HE has to be older say 4, 5 but nothing sacrosanct yet. I am done with this baby stages haha. And it was today during my Bible study I had that confirmation and I wrote it down right in the Bible study manual incase I wanna change my mind lol.
- Date night? How many nights per month?
What is DATE NIGHT? Lol. Anyways we have been in a LONG DISTANCE MARRIAGE until 2 months agao which is when I had my baby so none yet EVEN though we have planned to but no show. We however PLAN to start with once a month when my baby is older…
- Your childs favourite show?
Baby? NONE. KingDaveed? Barney and Mickey Mouse Club house all from YouTube Kids
- Name one thing you bought before you had your baby and never ended up using?
Nothing really. Maybe Vaseline blue seal. I spend money wisely.
- Your child’s favourite food?
Baby – Breast milk lol.
KingDaveed – Yoghurt (those lowfat kind) and cereals including oats
- How many cars does your family have?
One… driven by only hubs when we were apart. Now we are together, guess who now OWNS it? Lol
- Weight gain before pregnancy, during and after and now?
Started at 75/76kg, ended at 88kg,

Lost most of the bump weight by 2 weeks post partum and added more by 4weeks, up to 88kg. Then lost it again at 10weeks post partum, now about 79kg and that was before my scale got broken and I couldn’t be bothered to replace
- Dream holiday with your kids?
- Dream holiday without your kids?
With hubby Dubai or SA (Thanks #BAAD2017 LOL). Without hubby, the United States
- How has your life changed since your baby has been born?
I am used to having a STRUCTURED life, with set routines, which guaranteed my maximal productivity. Now my life is out of control and chaotic but I am learning new ways to be fruitful in this season too
- Finish the sentence: ‘It makes my heart melt to see … ‘
My baby smile at me and he is quite the smiler…
My KingDaveed say ‘…My Mommy’ or ‘…My Daddy’ or ‘Daddy catch me…’ or ‘Mommy carry me’
- Where do you shop for your kids?
So I have this sister in the US. SO far, she makes me NOT SHOP cos she buys it all. When I have to though, PEP stores and the market…
- Favourite makeup and skincare products?
I use shea butter and coconut oil. For Makeup, I would LOVE the entire Zaron but right now I use anything. Luckily I don’t break out. Now that I wanna learn makeup though, will start to build my Zaron booty small small lol
- Huggies or Pampers?
Huggies, because of that sister of mine I spoke about in 16. She sent me 3 cartons (and a carton of wipes) but when done, I’m really not sure which brand I will buy if she doesn’t send more. Huggies, Pampers or Molflix. I don’t subscribe to breaking a bank for Diapers if it does the work and baby is not reacting. I hear Huggies carton in Naija no be play…
- Have you always wanted kids?
- Best part about being a mum?
Knowing that I get to partner with God in raising the NEXT GENERATION and I get to do it in a godly, intentional and exciting way, which is why I am grateful for my Teachers. Had to send DDK a THANK YOU text again today for PROPHETIC MOTHERHOOD. It gave me the right foundation and perspective as a mom, and imagine today I have TWO PRAYER Devotionals for Moms used by thousands all over the world in just TWO YEARS of being one…
That’s it guys
My baby is touchy from the jabs but he will be fine.
And tomorrow is my wedding anniversary. Don’t miss it cos there will be PICTURES from that FAMILY SHOOT…