“…Instead of your former shame, dishonor and reproach, you shall have a twofold recompense, DOUBLE HONOR in the same land. Because you got a double dose of trouble and more than your share of contempt, your inheritance in THE SAME LAND would be doubled and your joy would go on forever…” Isaiah 61; 7 (E’s mix version)

I got this Word a few years back. I was a Pharmacy school student then, despising the course but studying it anyways because… well… Family.  As expected, it made ZERO sense, especially as IN THE SAME PLACE was highlighted in neon green in my spirit man. But I recognize God when He speaks to me of me.


A year after I got the Word, I failed out of Pharmacy school and WHAM!!! World War 1-3 in the Ajaero family. The Word was a spoil of the war, lost and forgotten. But this post is not about all that. It is to celebrate a victory in the Word.

So shall my WORD be tht goeth forth out of my mouth. It shall not return to me void (useless, without producing effect, empty handed). It shall accomplish, it shall prosper in that which I sent him  And no word that proceeds out of my mouth in righteousness and return void. Isaiah 55;11

God always make sense. ALWAYS. We may not get it then but ultimately, the Word would produce for us.

Fast forward, three years post Pharmacy school and now a graduate of a course that was made for me, that I absolutely LOVE- SOCIOLOGY and now serving, Someone rang me from Pharmacy school. I was being invited to come and speak to the students on       THE FOUR T’s; The Truth.The Test.The Trial.The Triumph.


So Eziaha Ajaero, that got the BOOT would address Pharmacy school and they would listen. In the same place. The same girl. The ONLY true God.

I didn’t wanna go especially because my days get busier and busier but God just dropped that Word in my spirit man and I knew I had to. I spoke to ‘Aku m’ and he said I should go.

I gave my Word to honor the invite. As you read this, I would have given the talk or maybe I am giving it already…

If for nothing, to show off THE GOD IN ME… And His WORD THAT WORKSs.

One thing God told me as I cried and cried when my Prof told me my result was that He didn’t give me a first class degree to get a job with. He didn’t need it to land me any job. He gave it to me to be LIGHT. To show him off. To share my story everywhere and inspire people. My life, post-Uni is just beginning and I must tell you, so far, it has been FABULOUS. And of course, He is not done YET.

You are the light of the world…

I didn’t do this to show off. I did this to encourage someone.

God is LIMIT-LESS. He can use ANYTHING. Failure inclusive.

God can use ANYONE. ‘Failures’ inclusive.

He watches over His Word to perform it. And now, the Lord hath performed the Word that he spake and fulfilled the promise he made. He has done what He said He will do I kings 8; 20a (E’s mix version)




24 Responses

  1. You go girl!

    Matthew 5: 14-16… Verse 16 says ‘in the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your FATHER in heaven’.

    This verse comes alive in this your paragraph ‘One thing God told me as I cried and cried when my Prof told me my result was that He didn’t give me a first class degree to get a job with. He didn’t need it to land me any job. He gave it to me to be LIGHT. To show him off. To share my story everywhere and inspire people. My life, post-Uni is just beginning and I must tell you, so far, it has been FABULOUS. And of course, He is not done YET’.

    So Fabulous E’ glorify God in heaven and represent Him well well o.

    Happy Birthday dearie, may your days ahead be filled with so much LIGHT from GOD our heavenly Father. May you truly be blessed with excellent health, love, peace, joy, happiness and the grace to continue to shine forth to God’s glory, amen and amen.

    Do have a fabtastic, fabulous, fruitful birthday and many more happy years in Jesus Christ name, amen.

    Big birthday hug and blessings


    1. You are just too sweet. Do I envy the hubby or what. Thanks darling. And when was/is ur child’s birthday ooo. Abi na the two sef…


  3. It’s obvious that God is not mess!
    He isn’t silly or stupid…
    He planned it well and our lives are never out of His control!
    Eziaha, you have always been an “inspire” jare!
    I wanted to see you then to contact a particular grace o!
    ….I never change my mind.

    On sis!

  4. I can totally relate almost exactly to this post..I am so happy we have some as fabulous as you to look up to..may God continue to use you to inspire many IJN..you are the best love..xxx

  5. I cannot get tired of reading ur testimony arggggh we serve an amazon God,I celebrate u dearie n I tell pple I meet about ur great testimony and hw awesome God is.am soo proud of u,u inspire me

  6. Just wat I needed! Been asking God for a word concerning my academics, and this. Just luv dis my Father… I celebrate u sis. Congratulations n tanx for dis. Bigger, greater n a more glorious you.

  7. God Bless U, Eziaha. Ure indeed a light, ure a Blessing nd u inspire me in a way dt I can’t describe. Comin across ur blog is God’s doing. Your Best is yet 2 come

  8. I can totally relate with this. Im so touched. I failed out of medical school…i hadnt even started preclinicals then. I moved to Microbiology and the story didnt change. I had the worst of grades till final year. I cried and mourned but because of God’s word i didnt quit. I started afresh again, wrote another Jamb…i asked God which course to read and He said Guidance and Counselling. I got admission and begun what was arguably the best 4 years of my life. It was so enjoyable! I finished last year as second best in my class (with more discipline i would have made a first class). And did i add that God made me do the course in the same school. I spent over 10 years there! I feel like crying now as i think of how God mended my broken life. Thanks for sharing your story.

  9. Eziaha
    you’re such an inspiration. Your story, and you. It’s good you’re sharing your story.
    God is good, he truly is good& faithful, and your determination and strength are truly out of this world.
    keep being you. You’re amazing just the way you are!!!

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