“Oh, baby! You’re so so sexy!”
“The match was awesome, I swear down!”
“What’s wrong with showing my assets if I’ve got it?”
“Christianity is a thing of the heart isn’t it?”
“My personal relationship with God is my business”
“No sex before marriage is old school!”
“What?! You’re still a virgin? What a prude! Don’t say it outside o!”
“If you like don’t sort him! Be there praying. If you don’t know, heaven helps those who help themselves!”
“That’s how business is run here. Everyone does it so stop acting holier than thou!”

Does any of these scenarios sound familiar?

Truth is they all aren’t just familiar- they’re borderline cliché.


In a world where the lines between the Christly and the Secular and being constantly and deliberately blurred, it’s so hard for many young people to differentiate between good and evil. Most of the things that were sacred are now mundane. “Sexy” and “Hot” has since  replaced have since replaced “handsome” and “pretty/beautiful”. “I swear down” is the in-phrase, yet the Word expressly warns again against any form of swearing. The things that are to be lauded and upheld like modesty, decency and chastity are ridiculed by all of pop culture’s agents- music, art, and all forms of media.


So how does a young Christian (sorry I don’t count in this equation- I’m not a young Christian either by human age OR spiritual age) KNOW the way to act and live in today’s world? What is acceptable and what’s to be fled from? Is smoking really a sin? What’s wrong with having a little fun in the club? If sex is such a bad thing why did God give me such strong urges that are (almost) impossible to control?


The only answer(s) I have to the million and one questions that plague today’s Christian Youth is the same answer I had for them when I was a Year 1 student of the NAU.

1. God cannot be more stupid than You.

If He says (don’t) do something, it’s for a reason. I’d rather not find out the reason and live without knowing why He said so, than find out the reason to my (eternal) regret.

2. The Word has every answer to every single one of life’s questions- IF you are sensible enough to look hard enough. God doesn’t change. The world does. God’s values and standards don’t change. The world celebrates one thing today, then decries the same act next week. The world celebrates what’s cool today. Why not be eternally cool with the person that created the man, looked back at him and said to Himself, “Now THAT is even way cooler than the world itself!”?

3. Dare. To Lead. To Be Different. To Be celebrated by The (Only) ONE(s) that really matter. God. Then You. In that order. The opinion of everyone else should depend on God’s opinion of them and how they relate to your own life and purpose for living. When people ask me, “is it okay to smoke?” and such “contentious” questions, my answer is simple. If you have the Holy Ghost and He says to you personally that it’s fine for you to smoke, then by all means go right ahead! If He says it’s not, then don’t! And you’ll always know if you’re deceiving yourself by giving your own mental consent and claiming it’s the spirit. YOUR own spirit will always bear witness for Him, even against you. Remember, the Bible says you’re IN THE MIDST of a crooked and perverse generation- NOT A PART of a crooked and perverse generation. You’re IN the world, not OF the world. Live like it. Not every thing that’s trending in the secular world is for your adoption or consumption- and that goes for acts, thoughts, words, slangs, dress codes, fads, and ideas. Be wise.

But in order to to live this life the right way, you must, MUST study the scripture for yourself, with God as your teacher. Oh yes, he’ll appoint you lecturers and life coaches, but you can’t pass any of the exams either the lecturers or life will give you if you haven’t studied. Life IS a set of exams. Your Bible is your one stop textbook- every other book is a supplement. READ to pass. READ to understand. And READ to apply. And since the exams won’t stop coming, don’t stop reading.

*bell for end of class goes off*

This Post, as much as I would LOVE to take credit for it, was written by Chuka Xavier Obi.

Chuka Obi is a Born again Christian, a Son, a Brother, an Artist, a Writer, a Composer, a Manager at DDB, A proud 30 year old Virgin, and an Ex-Boyfriend…

Ok seriously that is EXACTLY how Chu wrote this for me, the Profile that is. And NOPE ladies, women are still NOT allowed to propose or chase a man hehehe… Yea I know, I am sorry for making you have to deal with all these HOT pictures. *wipes brow*

Might i also add that Chuka is my very good friend who i am always happy to be associated with at all times… (make that famz). He is also someone I consider my big brother… Such a darling…



The Lord Of The Pings®

By the way, this kain dangerous play is what I DO NOT UNDERSTAND Chuka biko nu. Didn’t Momma warn you NOT to play with LIONS and TIGERS… Btw just incase you are wondering, it is real REAL and NOT photo shop… And he has bites to show for it… Kai

I hope you guys enjoyed this post and pictures sha. I intend to have more guest writers feature on my blog. Cool Christian Guest authors. So if you think you can write, please holler at me eziaharx@yahoo.com. Share your knowledge jare. Personally, I really did enjoy this post.

Stay winnin’




The blog challenge that was to start this week will start next week. If I start today, I would have to break sometime in the cause of the week and I would really love to start and proceed on auto-cruise. Plus I am still gathering ‘materials’.

the BLOG CHALLENGE is gonna be real amazing ooo. Trust me. I am also charmed that quite a number of you have asked me today when I would start the blog challenge.

So farabale ok… Muah


6 Responses

  1. now i really enjoyed reading this.profound.but im a little scared of the animals oo.lol looks like they are exactly near me.thumbs up Eziaha WOG IM Prouda u

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