First of all, I should thank everyone for reading and commenting and sharing and stuff right off the blog.

Thanks, a whole lot. I think I got a writing fever so I should be writing more often in this season. I think I am also writing a lot because I am just slightly scared of my life and how God is just dealing with me, so I figure I might as well have an outlet here on this blog.

It’s crazy.

Its SCARY!!!

Thank yawl for coming along for the ride.

So, something happened this morning that just made me more in love and awe of God.

Sometime in March this year, one of my Squaddies CAME FOR MY LIFE.

She called it feedback shared because she cared, but it was MURDER.


Good I can laugh about it now, but let me tell yawl, I BAWLED MY EYES out that day.

I rang Aijay, I bawled.

Hubby came in and I gisted him, I bawled.

That midnight I was talking to a friend Bunmi of Shredder Gang again and I BAWLED.

The next morning in my prayer place I bawled again but God also gave me a WORD and it was so SPOT ON.

That morning was the day finale of Daystar Leadership Academy DLA, and I rang my Rev just before we began and I was bawling again. Gosh it cut me DEEP!!!

But I truly gave it to the Lord especially as we prayed at DLA and picked my lessons.

Somehow, I got TOUGHER, but not MEANER.

Thanks Bishop Jakes!!!

I didn’t wish anybody bad and I didn’t even gist people to find sympathy and all.

I just walked and worked out my deep healing with the Lord.

Then today, fresh from the Gym bam!!! I was hit with another one

and this time, I hear I was being discussed in a group and my coaching method and tools hung on the line for washing and drying lol.

My heart beat a tad faster as I was told by a friend, who shared in good faith really AND WITHOUT NAMES (very important ooo), but I immediately felt the Holy Spirit take over and calm me.

Then He started to speak.

He told me to take everything that was said and analyze one by one TRUTHFULLY… I did.

Actually, just one thing rang slightly true, and guess what?

God had told me about it this week and I had started taking steps already to fix it.

Like I was SO PROUD of myself that He could tell me before hand and tell me HOW to fix it, so that when I heard it from critics, I wouldn’t be slammed by it.

I even mentioned to my friend who told me this and the exact step I had taken and she was like YOU SEE, GOD HAD ALREADY PREPARED YOU FOR THIS. In fact, my friend said she was to ring me yesterday and tell me BUT She was busy hence her call today, but that was a divine delay, cos as at yesterday, I was still unsure of what to do. It was this morning I finalized the step God told me and then the phone call came.

Now, the Holy Spirit didn’t even let me feel bad that that criticism was true and being pedaled and exaggerated publicly. In fact, He told me it was all part of the plan, and then highlighted a certain Pastor Steven meeting I had listened in to when shared how he balances on the many things he does and how sometimes, a certain aspect may seem like it is abandoned but that is fine when you are trying to put a little more momentum into another project in a particular season and so on.

It was so apt and I was so FREE in that moment.

Then the Lord told me to not even think 2 seconds about the rest. It wasn’t true. I knew it and HE MOST IMPORTANTLY KNEW too.

Then He dropped the BOMBSHELL!!!

He told me HOW he expected HIS CHILDREN to handle criticism.

I think that sometimes we can handle criticism emotionally and just chalk it all down to HATERS especially when so vicious. But I believe there is even a higher way.

He said he wants me to be able to BRING IT ALL BEFORE HIM, lay it all down and see if SINCERELY I can say that all that was said was a LIE.

Now, this is NO SHOW. This is God right in the JUDGMENT and REWARDS seat and is like

Babe, they said you are dishonest. Are you dishonest?

You know you can’t even lie before God.

So, if truly you HAVE been dishonest, you REPENT before Him and MEAN IT.

You actually STOP being dishonest. And because He is SO GOOD, He then provides a path of repentance for you to follow.

As in He tells you what to do!!!

If you have not been dishonest, even He is looking at you with a smile and saying

SO NO PROBS BABY!!! Keep moving. I gotcha!!!


I’m guilty, I repent and keep moving

I am NOT GUILTY, then I keep moving.

I think sometimes we are too scared of what people say and maybe THINK they can do to us (e.g. make us lose business, demote us, etx) and we forget the ONE who truly promotes and opens doors. So, we fight them, instead of taking the matter to the One who actually qualifies Himself as among many other things, a JUST AND RIGHTEOUS JUDGE AND REWARDER

God is an honest judge. He is angry with the wicked every day…. Ps 7 v 11 (Made me laugh, the EVERYDAY lol)

“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done… Rev 22: 12

Judgement does not come from the east or from the west, from the north or from the south; 7it is God who is the judge, condemning some and acquitting others… Psalm 75:6 and 7

That is why the Bible says we must work as unto the Lord. We look at Him as the One we are working FOR and not any man.




My Sister, we can’t react, complain, plan a revenge or comeback, retaliate, grumble, fight/clap back, gossip, hate, cry, etx when we are criticked by man. We TAKE IT TO THE LORD and then take it from there, whatever His judgment is….


And no, you are NOT even allowed to hate anyone, no matter how harsh they were. You rejoice at an opportunity to share and fellowship in a TINY part of what HE suffered for us, and even pray for your ‘HATERS’ and walk in love!!! That is how to be MORE LIKE JESUS so don’t waste that opportunity.


Enjoy your weekend and see you Sunday!!!

Make I run go market lol.



6 Responses

  1. Am a witness in the house. Can’t share in details. But I concur with taking everything to the Lord, had similar experience barely 24hours ago, and the Holy Spirit gave me a solution on how to deal. Coach E I don’t want to talk much sha…. But I can relate to what you are saying, but much more interestingly is that I got a solution and for that I am grateful to the Holy Spirit.

    1. Oh dear. Group hug to us as we walk and work out our faith journeys in obedience to God alone.

  2. Criticisms especially those that come from a misguided/uninformed place can hurt terribly.
    It takes a whole of grace to really let go and let God sort me out.
    Before, I always wanted to explain and all and that thing can be draining. It is well.
    I know better now.
    Thanks for sharing momma.
    I have archived lol

    1. Nah we don’t explain to humans. We take it FIRST to the LORD and let Him judge. The whatever He says to do, even if it includes explaining, then we do.

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