Hey people

So, Dr N abandoned we her muses for like 3 years and returned with a short story in place of an apology which of course I am here for. Check it out here

Me, I abandoned this blog for like 3weeks and I am back with a request. Lol

Anyways, on my morning walk this morning, it hit me that I NEED HELP yawl.

My life is so full and getting fuller and so E’ needs help.

Hey, if the Lord is leading you to VOLUNTEER with me, biko obey.

This is not CoachE’ related, instead with my blog, PowWow with E’, my Mentoring Academy, The FAB Sistership (TFS), my social media and stuff. You need to live in Lagos though, even though 80percent of what you will help me do is proxy.

Plus, I like to have monthly meeting with my entire team for vision casting and re-casting and team bonding.

Of course, you can still lock down a job or business with this. Everyone on my team has either, but even if you are a student or corper, you are welcome. And hey, if you have passed through TFS before, hey even better, but if you haven’t, no issues, you are welcome

All I ask is you have a teachable spirit, be willing to learn and have the fear of God.

What do you stand to gain, seeing as this is UNPAID? You get incredible opportunities for GROWTH!!! And solid mentoring. I am amazed at the growth game of people who work closely with me.

Ok so shoot an email to eziaha@eziaha.com and let me know a bit about ya.

Plus, middle next month, we have a TRAINING so please plan to attend just in case you are selected.

Hey, have a great Democracy day and GOD BLESS NIGERIA…






Oya I have a new website for CoachE’Squad Ltd www.coachesquad.com and there I did an interview you will LOVE to read. Here is a link


Then I have TWO new programs. Our regular weight loss program

Then we just introduced a PREMIUM program for my 100kg and above sisters.


Details for the regular are in the flier below

Please if you can, help me spread word. I really appreciate. Thank you


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