Hey dolls…
Like I told someone today, tz a good day to give thanks. Start of a new month… God has been faithful. I know all your prayer requests haven’t quite been all answered but give Him thanks despite… Some miracles can happen SUDDENLY…
Keep the faith…
2days to go and exams would be history. At least for a while. A long while… Had a paper today and walahi it was edible… God as usual showed up… The God of my fathers brought me success cheaply and quickly… Gosh! I enjoy great and increasing Grace…
I decided not to let november 1 go by without blogging. To wish y’all a fabulous month…
Lemme just whet appetites small jor… On stuff I’m compiling to blog about…
-Fabulous bloggers to read jare. I’m compiling a list. Oh my! I’ve gotten some and I’m visiting too. Before I recommend. People dey blog ooo… Infact there is this one that… Infact lemme not pre empt myself… You will have to wait for that one…
– Ouch!!! Sometimes life hurts… I think my birthday opened my eyes to how much people think Eziaha never has down moments… I do… I’ll share how I deal with those Ouch! moments…
-that office staff surprise trip to dubai… D.U.B.A.I … And trust me , I intend to make y’all feel very bad with this post… :p
– I have been studying the life of david in the books of samuel… I’ll love to share some lessons I have picked up and some amazing characters that David had… Great stuff. This bible rocks… Walahi… You just have not reading it well and with the right versions that’s why you think the bible is boring… You will see…
– my exciting life as a DeeJay, an actress and a Greeter… And I combine all garcefully and fabulously… Find out where and how in a blogpost…

Plenty more jor… I’m tired of typing… I’m blogging from my phone… Tz my first time and pictures are HARD to add on using wordpress for blackberry… I dunno how pastor M does it always blogging using her phone…

Like I said, today is a good day to give thanks… Tz even daily debt we owe him…
Give him thanks where you are. Don’t become an ingrate. Consciously call to memory… And give thanks.
Meanwhile to all the VERY fabulous people who I have met and started friendship with via my blog, I’m very grateful for all your kind words and I’m humbled by them… Even moreso that you chose to even confide in me… Blogging rocks… I’m grateful for this platform God has offered me.
It just feels very right doing this… Spot on right… You know like I’m fulfilling purpose… My!!! Nothing even comes close…
I’ll end with this fabulous verse of scripture my eyes were opened to tuesday….
Jer 10 vs 23… The Message translation

“I know, God, that mere mortals can’t run their own lives, That men and women don’t have what it takes to take charge of life…”

How do people wanna even start to begin to think about running this life on their own… I don’t even get it… We DO NOT AND CAN NEVER have what it takes to control your own life… Heck!!! You didn’t create yourself so you can’t sustain yourself biko… Keep your opinions to yourself. Tz worth natin… Stay hooked to the author of your life. Let him run things. Tz way easier that way…

Have a fabulous November…

the Fab Sis tweets as @eziahaA…

4 Responses

  1. Nice stuff. Yeah, you are right. Praise is one thing God cannot do for Himself. He desires we give it to him..and He deserves it a million times over. Esp for someone like me. I’ll live to contiually thank Him.
    Great stuff..looking forward to more. Keep it up.

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