I am constantly looking for examples. Good God-examples.
When I find anything exemplary, I am quick to share with as many people as I can… When I fine exemplary model lives, ah, I celebrate them then turn into their personal unpaid cheerleaders.
Hello Rev Femi&Teju Oduwole and Pastor Kingsley&Mildred Okonkwo.
When I encounter exemplary service providers or Customer care people, I am super excited and I’m quick to recommend. When I come across a book, article, message, or blog that can bless others, I don’t stop recommending.
Any thing good I see that is representing God (shining their God-light) , I am usually tripped. Especially when they go public with it…
You see, don’t get it twisted. God needs examples. The world is getting darker and darker and sometimes, I see somethings or hear somethings and I just start crying. Because sometimes, people that go through some of these things need not but that’s all they know. The girl who decides to finally give her body and virginity to that stupid boy just because of Valentine pressure and some stupid gift probably has not heard enough that Virginity is COOL!!! How a girl can believe that she has a problem because she is a Virgin? She hasn’t seen many examples hence her naivete has gotten the best of her…
How can a guy believe that he has to do yahoo-yahoo and other such stuff to make money? How can a young guy believe Christians are sooooo boring and somewhat ‘de-repping’ than the rest and so finds it hard to publicly associate with church or anything Christianity. Even when he manages to go to church, he hides his bible and even denies it to his friends. Maybe we aren’t showing off the absolutely fabulous blessing church and Christianity are. Maybe we are so into ourselves, shining only for our fellow Christians, and not repping Him wella in the world that truly needs Him.
Now I aint talking of you acting one way in church and another way at work. No. I am talking of true Christians who are shy, or don’t wanna be seen as showing off, or labelled ‘Holier than thou’. (See my post here on when I was called Holier than thou https://eziaha.com/2013/09/10/3267/ )
Darling, God needs examples oooo. The devil is working overtime. Infilterating every sector. And frankly, I think we Christians are just too lax and comfy. Afterall, we are sure of our own heaven so what’s my own…
That’s really not very Christian ooo. And that’s actually wicked. God’s banking on us all to be good examples and show Him off.
I especially love examples in seeming ‘very dark areas’. Like music. The devil has twisted music taya. So when I hear a Sinach or Frank Edwards, I am emailing the song to as many people as I can. Like the movies. Do you see how movied these days make pre-marital sex look normal? Cool sef. And how the good girls and guys are made to look like the ones something is wrong with? Oh how I loveeeet when I see movies like Courageous that teach the TRUTH!!! Or FireProof!!! If you haven’t seen those two movies, please see them already.
One of the many lines from Courageous i loved when the cops were hanging out and one says ‘…divorce comes with the territory now…’ And the other says ‘…i disagree with you man. Divorce happens cos you make it an option…’ Awesome movie.
I saw a movie this week. It really was a great movie but within it were some vices made to look normal. Like going to a club with strippers and pole dancers. Eish!!!
I wish we had Christian clubs and hangouts where we can just relax and even dance away. All night if we want.
Walahi, Psquare’s Chop my money hasn’t stopped ringing in my head since that movie. And I don’t care for it.
That’s another reason why as much as I love AY, you won’t find me dead or alive at his Comedy concerts AY LIVE!!! When I see snippets, I am thrilled. But to go? Mba. Cos I won’t know when they will crack one lewd stupid joke. Or all those background songs or musicians that come to perform. Biko me and music. I gotta guard my ear gate ooo. If not, the songs won’t stop interfering with my quiet time and I start singing ‘See gobe…’ Loool (I detailed this in this post here https://eziaha.com/2013/09/18/e-guard-your-heart/ )
Hubby loves comedy a lot especially Night of a thousand laughs but I don’t let him go cos of that atmosphere there. So we have to make do with Osuofia movies loool.
But when Comedy goes to church!!! Aha… You can be sure you will find me there.
Which is why I am super excited about this Year’s Comedy goes to Church season 2 hosted by our very own MC Accapella in DCC.
I was at season 1 and I almost died laughing. It was incredible fun. I literally was in stitches. Unbelievable fun in a godly atmosphere. I didn’t want it to end. With music interjections from gospel artistes. It was healthy fun. Jokes from the bible. Trust Acapella na. Even PK who is already funny sef joined in cracking jokes. The hall was packed full and PK now says he needs to start charging for services and make money too just like Accapella must have made that night. Looooool. Ah I laughed taya.
I recall sitting beside Blessing and taking notes cos I wanted to blog about it but I didn’t get around to and I lost the paper though I managed to do a mini review here https://eziaha.com/2013/03/08/that-nudge/ . But there is a dvd and maybe when u go for season 2, u should buy it too.
( Bonus: I am on the red carpet and several people who I didn’t even know somehow saw it recognized me from Twitter and my blog and said I talk well and I rocked on the red (or funny carpet like Accapella calls it). So buy… Hehehe )
I also met some of my blog readers who came
Last year, big comedy stars were present. My BEST in Naija AY was there. Julius Agwu, Elenu and may more. Then the upcoming ones were just too hilarious. Musicians Midnight crew and others were present too. Ah!!! Acapella tried abeg.

Everyone he publicised were there. Especially the big stars. Season 2 can only be bigger.
When? Sunday, Feb 23 2014
Time: 4pm
Where? Victory Dome. David’s Christian Centre. Amuwo Odofin (Fatgbems bus stop) Lagos.
How much? Regular 2k. VIP 5k. Table for eight 70k (though I suspect PK has bought all the tables for the many guests he is dragging there looool. Just kidding. I’m sure u can still get a table if you ring asap…
So where to get tickets? And other details?
Please call 08022476330 08067017127
This year we have comedians like Seyi Law, Yaw! Elenu, Akpororo, etc. Of course, MC Acapella will be there live.
Musicians like pita, MK, the sultry Palmira etc.
Follow @iamacapella and tweet at him any questions you may have.
Trust me hun, this is one event you don’t wanna miss…
You will hear more this week…
Have a totally FAB week my darlings. And remember, God needs examples. Be one.
Lotta lotta love
Going Forward…Still Testifying
(peek my natural hair did you? I can’t believe how fast it has grown. Love it and care for it like a baby. Will share my natural hair tips with y’all FAB naturalistas soon and get tips from y’all too he he he )
Speaking of good God examples, I celebrate one God-Girl who is a major inspiration to me in DCC with the exemplary service she gives to her Pastors and by extension God.
Onyinye ‘Charming’ is Pastor M’s PA. Very polite. Very friendly. Always with a smile. Very beautiful within and without. Treated everyone who wanted to see Pastor M well even when you couldn’t see her for one reason or the other. When I was still trying to find my footing in DCC, the way she would greet/hug me and talk to me about my blog certainly made me feel special and welcome. God bless you my darling Charming.
Onyi is a real sweetheart. Oh how I miss her and her sweet hugs. She is a real gift like her name says. Go FORWARD my darling. FAST-Forward. I love you darling. Very very much.
And yup Onyi is a new mommy too. Her baby is just a month now and so she is still in the US. DCC esp Pastor M sure misses her.
Happy birthday Sugar…
Speaking of Pastors PA, I truly can’t stand all those ‘madam kofo-like’ ones. Hiss. They just block road for nothing. Stopping you from seeing Pastor for no reason. Late last year, a friend was gisting me of som’in I did with one like two years ago. I didn’t even know I did it. I was going to see one of my pastors and some PA chic tried to stop me. She is a real rude babe with a tosh load of senseless attitude. Operative word: Senseless!!! She actually took her protocol job as a means to feel important. The moment she rudely tried to stop me, I just shoved her away gently but firmly and moved ahead to the waiting hug of my Pastor. She was stunned loool. And I didn’t even do it to ‘show her’ or anything, it was reflex and I didn’t even gloat or boast or even repeat it to anyone. When my friend was gisting us last year of that incident when we had cause to be at a similar gathering together again, I had even forgotten but I knew it was som’in I was capable of doing. Biko Pastors’ PAs ehn, be polite and friendly even though you have to be a police. That’s why Onyi is a real gem with me… She reminds me of American or British Policemen who are polite to even accused persons while this girl here reminds me of Naija policemen on the road in the hot sun looool who are so rude to even innocent citizens.
…..”Our lives should be an ad for the spectacular expressions God is capable of”
….”Lights aren’t turned on to be hidden under a bushel or smothered by the darkness of mediocrity. Shine resplendently!”
Hello Eziaha! You look absolutely gorgeous, positively glowing sef….and oh, congrats on your hair too.
P.s: we are still holding our breath for Nysc POP post. Thou shall not make us suffocate o
It will come
Btw thanks cos your comment reminded me of the screen shot of a bible verse I forgot to add
And thanks for the compliment. I was sorta showing off with the pix and fishing for compliments.
#DontJudgeMe. Losing weight already and my hair just rocks. Hehehe
😀 You are welcome.
r beco eading d book of Ezekiel and I doubt that any Christian who decides not be ‘an example’ will be left unscathed. in short personally I believe such a Christian may not more than ‘marginally get to heaven.’ Christ said if we love him, we’ll obey His commandments, so……..two years ago someone asked me how I socialized, and I replied that I went to church. and he looked at me wan kain. and he said ‘don’t u club, dance etc.” and I replied ‘I av friends in church so we av fun together, well I coordinate a teenagers club in church so technically I ‘club’, and I dance so much everytime especially in church.’ plus we’ve incorporated all the godly holy fun in church, so what is me looking for out there?
I know some churches av boring youth activities but you can be d Christian that changes that too to keep urself and others within safe limits.
Lol. at comparism/analogy btw naija pa and yankee pa. reading ‘how laziness saved my life’ by ofili okechuwkwu and I think every bizness owner shud read d book.-I remember nows he said something about customer service
Oh I have read that book.
Thing is, it doesn’t cost so much to be polite
Well said hun. And trust your strength has been restored now
now, is it a co-incidence that this is post was published today? nope.
I just came back from DCC on the island where PK cracked us up with direct true God truth and from where I just picked up my ticket for comedy goes to church I won from PM, you bet I will be there..
Congrats hun. Trust me you will so have fun.
infact, tis the only thing I am looking forward to on weekend relaxation. am kind of already sapped by Tuesday today…sunday pls do and reach oo
I promise you, you will come back refreshed
Its hightime we really started reflecting Christ big time & like E’ has said many are shy and don’t want to be called “holier art thou”. My Dear Fabulous Christains…. lets start flaunting this God of ours Big time.. do it in such a way that anyone that’s still shy will want to emulate. If you deny Him in public, He’l deny you too oooO.
As for PAs…. I was so jst laughing and watching the scene of E’ and that PA in my head. It would have so peppered her. #laughing. All ye PAs .. be good, you dont know where you’ll meet of these people tomorrow.
E’ … let me just tell you now that the day we’l see in person… I’l be taking at least 3 pairs of your shoes. #serious face… I mean it. Dont bother about size…. we are using same size #winks. Love You….
Making a mental note to lock up all my shoes for fear of Mary he he he
God bless u dear Eziaha,your post always come handy when I need it the most.As a christian who doesnt see divorce as an option,what would be the best advise to give to someone suffering from domestic violence and abuse,I mean she is constantly battered by her cheating husband whenever she catches him and his gf in public which leaves her bleeding from mouth and nose,
She has madeup her mind to divorce him and my opinion was for her to save her life and separate from him first before saving her marriage.Pls is that the best solution bcos she is gradually losing her sanity and sense of self worth.
Her praise is of no use to God if she’s dead. for her mental health and physical health. Please separate from him
Thanks Jennifer darling.
As for your friend biko she should separate for the sake of her life ooo. Even if she wants to fight for her marriage in prayers, she can do so from a safe distance. Now upon separation she should seek counselling from her pastor if she has one that is really good ooooo. and this period is a great time to draw even closer to God. She would also need a good support system to help her through this period. Especially godly Christian wives. If she doesn’t have a pastor and she doesn’t mind, I can link her up to mine.
In the meantime, please don’t stop praying for and loving her
Tz well.
Btw is this the same Jennifer I met in Abuja?
God sure needs examples. People who will take the message to every nook and cranny.. The PA you talked about, well, is she not supposed to be a Christian? That’s to say if you must shine, biko shine, not just in church but everywhere. and if you are in church and can’t shine there, ah… I rest my case o.
You look good dear, I like the dress and the shoes particularly. Plus you can rock hairstyles sha. eheheheh, waiting for tips o
Thanks darling
Tips will come. Be patient :p
Gbam! Nice post. I choose to always be a good example so help us God,Amen. Me want that comedy goes to church season 1 cd,any special place its bn sold or is it everywhere?
I know tz sold in church
Dunno anywhere else hun
But we can deliver to you
Just call 08077714411 or ask a capella on twitter
Thanks for the blog love darling
YES please to more examples! My prayer is that God will make me a good example/Ambassador of Him and His Kingdom while here on earth..
You’re very right about Pastor’s PAs who are mean in carrying out their duties.. I always say -when you face Jesus on judgement day, I hope your excuse for being mean to people will be valid enough!
No doubt, it’s difficult managing the expectations of people with seeing or in some cases touching their beloved man/woman of God but the underlying foundation of our Christian faith is love.. Even in the most difficult of situations, you have to pray to God for more grace to show love! It’s a high calling indeed..
I celebrate Onyinye Charming as well.. God bless you beautiful woman xx
It is a high calling indeed
Thank God no one is forced into it.
Bless you for hollering at my Charming lady
I have seen fireproof but just watched courageous this morning.
Thanks for recommendation. it was a very good movie and my hubby must to watch when the time comes.
You are an example! A massive one. ur voice always in my head.
Hahaha at my voice always in your head
Thank you sweetie. Thank God.
NNE when I saw Courageous, I bought my fiancé (then) a copy ooo. Made him watch it more than once.
I actually recommend that every husband or husband to be watches it. Without distractions, with the subtitles on and with headphones, a notepad and a pen. Every scene dripped with wisdom and lessons.
I am glad you saw it.
Bless you sweets
My dear
This is the very reason I started blogging
The abnormal was beginning to look normal when it comes to marriage.
God really does need examples. In all fields.
We need to aggressively show Him off everywhere.
Loved this. Mentioned it on my latest post…
Mrs. D
Thanks dear
He does need more examples. More light
Sequel to dis post on being God’s examples/ role models, babe i stumbled on dis scripture Ezekiel 9…. was touched esp by v4… Wow! Just had to share with u…
Wow Zi, thanks for sharing Ezekiel 9 with us. I just read it and just as you said, verse 4 is a striking verse. All those who were distressed by the evil around them were spared from the killings. And God said that the killing should start from His temple ooo. So even in the church today, there are bad examples ooo. May God help us all to be the light and to devotedly SHARE the light with those around us whether Christian or not . I just remembered now something I learnt as a child in Catholic Catechism; daily examination of conscience. I am ashamed to admit that I have just taken some things for granted; sins of ommission… May God help us, give us the grace to assist others to make good and right choices and to make Heaven too for truly our God does not want anyone to be lost…
Grace and peace and love of Jesus Christ my dawleens+++
It is well.
Will check out the chapter
Never too late to Amend this since there is life
Thanks sweets
Will read