Eeeeeeek somebody PINCH me!!!

My sister Ruth is married to Biodun!!!
Oh my gosh, I swear I have teared up A LOT every time I think of them getting married and I had to ring her LATE a night before the wedding to just gush!!! Like babe, is THIS REALLY happening???

It has happened guys!!!
I don’t think I have talked about Ruth as much as she deserves on my blog.
Frankly I was just going to do an epistle on IG but I decided the blog would be better.

Because I have A LOT to write and Instagram doesn’t even begin to cut it!!!

I took the toast at the wedding and I just kept it short

because I was already going to start crying (Plus Ruth) and I figured a blog post would be ten times better!!!

Pastor M did something similar for me here. Such an honor to repeat this for THE EX-Miss Warrens, now Mrs Ruth Akinsiku (yea we prefer Warrens but we have moved on from crying… lol)

When the Groom arrived the venue, I jumped to go hug him and then he said ‘…Eziaha I am so honoured to have you at my wedding’ and I just yimu’d in my mind lol.
I am the one honoured to have such BEAUTIFUL people in my life.

Lemme start from Biodun who Ruth calls ‘B’

He was our director in Shabach theatre back in UI and brother was HARD lol. He would work you till you just wonder why you joined drama unit sef.

See how we all look USED lol

He was super professional about his work and certainly didn’t joke with praying about every ministration too. He was a theatre arts student and he directed TONS of shows in UI then and he was/is just BRILLIANT at his job. I recall something Ruth told us once that just SHOT my respect for B off the roof. They were having this stage play that was getting very ‘spiritual’ if you get my drift. Devil was just showing his hand. Na so brother man drew back and just went into his place of prayer and started firing tongues. That’s how devil parked well and the show went on!!!

Eeeeek!!! Gimme a PRAYING MAN all day err’single’DAY!!!

And when dude is handsomely delicious???
Ruth share your secret with single ladies na… where did you find BAE haha

And speaking of finding, these people have dated FOR LIKE EVER.
The emcee said 16years lol but exaggeration helps the point. As far back as I have known them, (and that is 6years) they have been an item. I think they dated for 10YEARS or even more. I will come to the beautiful thing about their friendship and relationship right after I talk about Ruth.
Oh Ruth, NOBODY calls me like you call me. Heck, I don’t even call myself like you call me.

‘Ah Ezii…’

Do you know how many times you say ‘Ah Ezii’ to me…

Ah Ezii I know I know

Ah Ezii you know you know

Ah Ezii, it is well

Ah Ezii, hmm

Hahaha. Only you pronounces ‘Ezii’ that way. And it is the sincerity in the tone and then words that follow that gets to me…

Oh babe, you know we have prayed through things together.

(and if we were having this as a convo, you would have responded with ‘ah, Ezii)

You see how FAITHFUL this our God is?
I love that you are my prayer warrior sister!!! I say this story EVERYWHERE and I will repeat.

We had this retreat one time and I was going to take the opening prayer when the Holy spirit told me to let Ruth handle it. My girl kept us standing (or kneeling) for 3hours in some crazy intense prayer session complete with powerful scriptures!!! I could NOT have done it then.

Eeeeek!!! Ruth my hands are up!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 Can I bring them down???

Something else about my Ruth.

We both had the privilege of serving in leadership in church while in uni. She was HOD drama where I was a member. Ruth is a BEAUTIFUL leader. She is the kinda leader that would make other HODs just be tensioned especially if her unit members are in yours too. Mehn!!! She goooooood. Yup she will push you to get the job done but she will love you too, you would forgive her for pushing. I dunno if anybody else could have dragged me out of my room for all night rehearsals (I HATE ALL NIGHTERS. I prefer to be in my house even if awake) like Ruth did. You can’t even say NO because girlfriend was so sweet you couldn’t give her excuses, even if valid, without feeling guilty.

Ruth girl, it was a privilege to work with you, under your leadership mehn!!! A STRONG yet tender leader. She HELD her own!!!

But the interesting thing is, I too was HOD in another unit and she was incidentally, my unit member.

Mine was a new unit I was drafted to form and Ruth, she didn’t have to join, but joined to SUPPORT me as members were still a bit shaky. Babe would ENCOURAGE me TONS when I got tired and she was my oh-so-reliable member. With all my challenges, she NEVER undermined my leadership. To ruth, I was not just her friend, I WAS HER HOD and she submitted FULLY!!!
Ruth is my friend ooo but she knows where to drop friendship and be subordinate without hassles. You felt at ease with her as a member. If she was going to be late or absent, she would notify me and apologise. It didn’t matter if I had messed up in drama unit where she was HOD or not. Ruth stayed FAITHFUL!!! Yes we were VERY GOOD FRIENDS but Ruth doesn’t mess with being over familiar.
Lemme not lie, THIS is why I am crazy about Ruth!!! When someone sees you at your WEAKEST and never EVER uses it against you. If you are or have ever been in leadership, you would understand.

As I thought about this today, I realised that she is that way with B.
I was in drama unit with both of them a LONG time before I realised Ruth and Biodun were courting. Bae NEVER mixed business with pleasure. Biodun was not ‘B’, he was DIRECTOR!!! No lovey dovey or mushiness. Nah. She drew that line and didn’t cross it. I think I saw them together somewhere a couple of times then I asked and then realised they were an item!!! I was in a unit with both of them and I did NOT know because they both comported themselves right.

Guys, just look at that? Is this not a GIFT??? That you know how to relate with everyone appropriately at all times.

Ruth baby, don’t lose or trivialise that gift.
I love what my Pastor said about them as he preached at the wedding. He said their parents trained them well cos he had known them for like five years through uni and beyond and he has not even one negative report from them…

That’s how beautiful they are.
Just one more thing.

Ruth is a FIRM believer in EZIAHA!!! Oh Ruth would support me in every way she can so long as it is in her power. She did that a lot while we were students, then as corpers, then when I was getting married (oh there were plenty tears especially the night before and then after the ceremony. When she hugged me and started crying, my spirit melted. That’s how we connect),
after I had my baby, and up until now. She reads my blog and feeds me back from it. If I get into anything, I can bank on her. Recall that meting I spoke of above, where she led us in prayers? We were to have like 7-10 ladies present and then story story… some cancelling on the day sef. But not my girl. She came, ALL THE WAY FROM AKUTE to Festac because I wanted to have a retreat with a few of my ladies. And though we were 3, she led us like we were 30 and prayed up a storm!!!

*Real tears*

Babe, your credit is good with me. Very good. Soooo good I think I even owe you. When you were thanking me for all I did for your bridal shower, I was just like ‘Oh puhleeze, I did NOTHING…’

I knew I could NOT miss Ruth’s wedding. I was going to travel but I begged hubs to please let me attend. I would have died to miss it. Infact, a day before, my tailor delivered my dress and it was an EPIC FAIL!!! Lol. Totally TIGHT at my chest region.


I was going to change my mind and wear another dress that woulda shown my new size 12 but attending Ruth’s wedding like an ‘outsider’ didn’t sit well with me. So I made my tailor find a way to make it wearable

We made it into an emergency low back

and then I endured what could not change and wore it like that. And came with my booboo because she requested I bring him.
For my girl!!! For Sisterhood. For friendship!!! For RUTH!!!

I LOVE YOU GIRL. More than my words can ever say. I am soooo thankful for the privilege of your friendship. I am happy for you and B. oh what a home you two will make.

A home founded on CHRIST.
A praying wife

A STRONG purpose-driven husband…

Like I begged at your wedding, please adopt me!!!

Thank you… haha

I look forward to play dates with our kids. I look forward to mommys’ days out, movie dates and couples’ dinners.
I look forward to many many MANY more years of friendship with both of you. And whatever you do, wherever you go, just know girl, I will not only be rooting for you, I would do what I can to support you too.

Eat clean FOR WHAT??? Not at this wedding. I even ate small chops, rice, beef and moimoi at the wedding. I planned to really celebrate with them. Lol bennie saw me eating small chops and sent me this message hahahahaha
Mr and Mrs. R&B Akinsiku… I love you both.
Happy married life. God bless your home.

Oh and just to further let you know how BEAUTIFUL these two are, they saved ALL the HONEY for the MOON despite the length of time they dated.
Talk about putting their love and obedience for Jesus over and above their feelings. I have no doubt you two will forever be thankful you waited for your wedding night. Or week as the case sometimes is… LIPSSEALED!!!

Ruth you bet I am CALLING YOU lol. For details and err’thang!!!

Ok kidding. Oh well, not really jor.

#SexualPurityOnAPedestal #SOPROUDAYOUBOTH #abstinence
Especially Biodun. Ok not really, I am equally proud of Ruth too jor.

I also pray you both stay such amazing friends as you have always been even though you are now man and wife… AMEN!!!
Oh and the ceremony was beautiful. The couple and their theatre friends ROCKED mehn

My darlin Vera. MOH

An amazing reunion with my Ibadan people who turned up. Especially my Pastors.

So do Jire and i really look alike?

Btw that couple there are my PEOPLE!!! Next year mehn!!! I am on the bridal TRAIN for my look alike lol.

Only blip at the wedding was there was this guy I was eyeing and hoping to introduce him to one of my single friends after talking some to him BUT one yamayama girl just hogged him all through so I had to tread carefully in conversation.

Eeeek e pain me ooo…

Lol Ruth, ‘YOUR Ezii’ will see you in camera on this matter.

Turban gele... There is a story here too haha

Ok I will stop.

Oh this, KingDaveed lost one of his shoes at your wedding. It was HIS CHRISTMAS shoe. I just got it for him. You and Biodun are replacing it.

With two shoes. Thank you. Will send his size.

That’s why boo thang hardly wears shoes. He ALWAYS finds a way to remove it and lose it. I just wore him because it completed the look
but I think I am giving up till further notice jor. Maybe when he starts walking.

Btw, everyone had a good Christmas?

I had a great day mehn. Momsie came over quite early to drop off her girl to stay with me this holiday and help me as she and popsie were travelling. Yaaaaay Jennifer!!!

She adores KingDaveed

And she got me fruits. Everyone is aware of my healthy eating and comply. Then I went to visit with a blog reader whose testimony I cannot wait to share here, met her for the first time and it was such a sweet fellowship with her. Then my favourite DCC couple Nnanna and Priceless came over till like 9pm!!! Yaaaaay!!! And they got me a jumpsuit as a Christmas gift. Gosh I LOVE you both sooooo much. Esp Nnanna (ntoi Priceless).
Brother man is soooo fine, my darling is doing a FINE job with him mehn

Phew, this post was unplanned. But it is perfect for the way I feel.

Please read and share my post for stay at home mamas and wifeys with stay at home mamas you know. It would bless them.

My final post would be my year in review post.

Sooo excited about it.

Muah everyone. Happy holidaying!!!


28 Responses

  1. Ok… So I thought I was the only one up this late until I saw an email alert – blog post from E’. #NightReadingOfLaif
    Ruth must be a special one; you don’t find many covenant friendships/relationships in our day & time; which makes the ones we have soooo precious.
    R&B, enjoy your very blessed marriage.

  2. Hehehehe…can’t wait to write something similar for some of my ‘brethren’.It’s a privilege to have covenant friends such as these and it is awesome to share in their joy on a special day like this! I wish them a union that will fulfill purpose and raise godly seeds. You looked good by the way…Compliments of the season!!!

  3. Absolutely Beautiful post……enjoyed the pictures too . Gosh I even teared up reading. Nothing beats having friends who add value to you. BTW the King is looking dapper, I bet you have been receiving applications….

  4. Thank you very much for making me cry an laugh in equal measure.
    I think I’m probably more excited for Ruth and Biodun than yourself.
    Hian! Camdown na, somebody cannot play with you again? Lol

    God will increase these ones greatness and their home will emnate a rich, unending flow of love, peace,goodness and wisdom-brewed wine.

    How can KingDaveed not like shoes biko? We shall look into getting him a year’s worth biko. Who’s teaching him how to do guy with palm slippers? Lol.

    Congratulations E’ ! (I don’t know why or where that came from)

    1. Hahahahaha you are just crazy!!! No dey play rough ooo
      Amen amen. Yes to a year’s supply. Maybe disposable shoes sef haha.
      Palm slippers is even out. U won’t leave d door with it still on.
      And congratulations are in order. Today in my prayer place, Ruth’s name moved from my single friends to married corner on my list. God is answering me seriously

  5. Ahhh Ezi, nne,you always make me feel so special,you are simply my sister, covenant friend and I admire your passion for God. I read this over and over again with B and we just ‘sighed’. You are so so beautiful even in writing as well as natural. God bless you. God bless King Daveed. God bless your home with endless joy.

    Ah! It’s so painful that King Daveed lost that fine shoe… eeyah but we owe him big time. #wink. Our big love to Mr Bolaji and have a beautiful new year celebration.

    Again Ezii… thank you so much for your prayers, love and support. We will never forget this.

  6. Merry Xmas my darl.u are an amazing friend.mesnwhile u really look like the pretty lady on glasses o.was going to ask if u where sisters.see booboo with waist coat looking handsome n dapper.kisses dear

    1. My dear I heard same too ooo. She pretty so I will take it. Yesooo my boo turned it all the way up!!! Thanks my Darling. Happy holidaying

    1. Dr N took the words out of my mouth.
      I’m officially jealous.
      Like I should rewind my age and join UI with you all. Lolz
      Beautiful wedding and beautiful couple.

      So Ezi does matchmaking….hmm

      Hope you had a great Christmas and enjoy the rest of the year.

      1. Hahaha
        I wanted to introduce them as friends. Yup I am fantastic with hooking up great friendships deliberately or otherwise.
        And hey if we get a proposal and engagement put of it, eeek!!!
        Thank you for the kind words mama.
        And that phone number request was a mistake jare. Pele

  7. Mama i love ur spirit. I love the way you write and talk about ppl n God. You are a very special someborri, hope 2 meet u in person one of these days. Merry x-mas n plz greet King David 4 me. Xoxo. (This one na my first comment ,have been a secret admirer all along)

    1. certainly looking forward to meeting you too darling. You have a lovely name. thanks for the love and for taking time out to finally comment. God bless you boo

  8. One thing I love about Ruth is her HUMILITY. Ruth boo, you totally deserve a blog post from me o, she’s the best friend/bride I have worked with, she didn’t ring my fone a gazzillion times like other client would Infact just before she walked down d isle, I had a brief convo with her and she said “bennie m sure u will be thinking I abandoned u, sum1 even asked me y m not even bothered about my decor and I told the person, Shebi it’s bennie? I completely trust her, she’s a professional and I know she will deliver” Kai my heart melted! God bless u boo. Biodun… God has already blessed you with a woman like Ruth, I remember d day u directed a movie scene in my room, m sure u already know you are going places? God bless u darlyn. God bless ur union. Muah!

  9. This was a fun post, I got led here from Frances blog and I am glad to see women loving God endlessly. I will keep coming. Nice place to be.

    Compliments of the season.

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