How I keep my distraction levels LOW… #LeadE’series
Hey yawl, Ok so one thing and theme that is HUGE in my life is LEADERSHIP and as a Leader, time, people and energy management is SUPER IMPORTANT if not, you just find yourself majoring in the minors and letting distractions have a field day with your life. Now I must define what I term […]
Fab lane musings…
Ok first, major shout out to my cousin who called me all the way from Abuja to harass me for not blogging again… lol. And I am like dude since I said ‘Brb… Life be happening’ darling, I have blogged three times… he said he was heartbroken from checking and checking and seeing nothing and […]
E’ in da MIX… Not making SENSE, Making FAITH
Donald Lawrence is EASILY one of my BESTESTESTEST Gospel Artists outside Nigeria. Right up there with Lecrae, and Donnie MY LOVE McClurkin… His songs are ALIVE… I don’t know what else to use to describe his songs but that Word… ALIVE!!! Or LIVING!!! His is the Cd you HAVE to buy or download if you […]
E' in da' MIX… #Arugbo Ojo
Hello Sweeries, Been a while I brought you lyrics of my fave FAB songs yeah? Forgive me jare… It was after I heard a particular song on Sunday as I chilled at Coldstone creamery that had ‘…haba habatically…’ in it that I decided that I had to do this… Seriously, haba, habatically… 😮 And guess […]